FELD HELL CLUB home page
Up Next: WAAAEO Full Day of Hell (29 Mar, 2025)
Welcome to the Feld Hell Club website.
Our club is dedicated to Hellschreiber, or Hell, a unique, HF digital mode for sending and receiving text using facsimile technology in which the characters are not decoded, but "painted" graphically on a screen for the operator to interpret.
While this digital mode is hardly new technology, a constantly increasing group of amateur radio operators are bringing this mode back to life using computers and sound cards. Although slower than PSK or RTTY, this makes it perfect for a more relaxed QSO and you'll find the Hams using this mode much more interested in friendly conversation and not the macro driven QSOs of other modes. We welcome you to give it a try and spend some time rag-chewing with us.
Here on the Feld Hell Club website you can:
Request a replacement Membership Certificate (if you already have a Hell Club number and need a replacement or callsign update)
Learn about Hell on our FAQ page (and usual operating frequencies)
Get info on our Monthly Contests and Hell Nets (if operating)
Find out about the many awards that you, as a member, can earn
You can also access the real-time feeds on HamSpots, or the discussion groups on the Groups.io reflector, Facebook Feld Hell Club page, or the Facebook Feld Hell Community page.
(PLEASE NOTE: Becoming a member of the Feld Hell Club's Facebook Group requires that you have already applied for and have received your Feld Hell Club membership number as well as provide your callsign, your name as listed on your amateur license, and agree to abide by the group's rules in the questions presented to you when you apply for Feld Hell Club Facebook Group membership). The purpose of this is to keep the page a private page in order to prevent spammers from posting things to the group. If you don't have your Feld Hell Club membership number yet just click the link above that says: Become a member (just fill out this form!) to apply for one. Please do not apply for membership in the Facebook group until you have your club membership number. Sorry, but if you apply to join the Facebook Group without your Feld Hell Club membership number your application will be denied.