WWE Smackdown Report PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 7/3: Complete "virtual time" coverage of the live Great American Bash special, including 20-man Battle Royal; winner acts as GM for Smackdown next week
Jul 6, 2012 - 7:00:35 PM
WWE Smackdown review
July 3, 2012
Live from Corpus Christi, Texas
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)
- WWE Open.
- Backstage, Superstars were having a July 4 bash. Natalya was talking up Bret Hart to Yoshi Tatsu, and Tatsu complained about it to Hunico and Camacho. Lots of American flags and Summer themes. Hornswoggle was in the kiddie pool, being splash by Tamina, Rosa Mendes and Kaitlyn. Teddy Long walked in and welcomed everyone to the Great American Bash Super Smackdown Live. That’s a long name. Long said not to worry about messes, because he has someone to clean it up…pan to an angry-looking Eve Torres. With music continuing to play in the background, Long introduced the United States Champoin, Santino Marella. Marella wanted to start the festivities with a barbecue. Before that could start, Kane walked in and everyone cowered. Kane did his arm thing, and the grill lit up. Then he walked away. And everyone danced. It’s going to be that kind of night, I guess.
- Smackdown Open.
- Josh Mathews intro’d the show inside the arena. Booker T. then plugged the 20-man Battle Royal. The image was shown with all the competitors.
- Michael Cole took over to plug a special interview he’ll be conducting with A.J. tonight.
- Lilian Garcia introduced Ricardo Rodriguez for Alberto Del Rio’s ring introduction. During Del Rio’s entrance, they showed his attack on Sin Cara last night. Del Rio was dressed to compete, but did some mic work first. He said he wasn’t here to celebrate America, but instead, to talk about something more important: himself. He bragged about finally getting his one-on-one match with Sheamus and said he’ll send him back to Ireland crying like a little girl. He said Sheamus is just like everyone who likes him – a peasant and a hooligan, someone who takes advantage of hard-working people like himself. Del Rio went to ringside to taunt the fans, asking them to show him his papers. He went to another guy asking the same thing. It was a little kid in a John Cena shirt on his dad’s shoulder.
Del Rio picked out a plant who acted scared of him. He vowed to get rid of one of the fans before he gets rid of Sheamus. He told security to come out and get rid of the plant. The dude said this wasn’t Arizona, but Texas. That popped the crowd. Before ADR could go after him, Sheamus came out. He pushed Rodriguez aside and went after Del Rio, brawling with him on the ramp. Del Rio was tossed to the side of the ramp. He shook off another Rodriguez attack and continued the assault on Del Rio, sending him into the barricades. Rodriguez’s aid finally worked, as the distraction allowed Del Rio to kick Sheamus in the head. Over by Del Rio’s car, he opened the hood and rammed it into Sheamus, who was bent over the front of the car. He pounded Sheamus with it several times. The whole thing reeked of desperate cheap heat to try to get Del Rio over as a heel.
[Commercial Break]
- Parts of last segment’s brawl were shown. It didn’t help either that the hood looked tremendously flimsy as it came down across the back and neck of Sheamus. A dazed and bleeding (from the forehead) Sheamus was helped to the back by medics.
- The announcers reacted on-camera to that segment.
Hard chop to the chest of Cesaro by Khali in the early going. He missed a corner boot and Cesaro attacked the opposite leg. Cesaro blew a kiss to Aksana but Khali again grabbed Cesaro and chopped him. Before Khali could hit the brain chop, Cesaro ducked into his corner and tagged Aksana. She went right up to Khali and trash-talked him, but Layla jumped her. Layla spanked Aksana, then hit a springboard cross-body for two. Cesaro broke up the pin, but was sent out by Khali. Layla hit the neck-breaker on Aksana for the win.
WINNERS: Layla and Khali, at 1:56. Another extreme tonal shift from the first segment to this one. With Aksana and Khali extremely limited, even a short match wouldn’t amount to much.
- Teddy Long was exiting the locker room when he came upon Cody Rhodes. Rhodes told Long that the Board has accepted his appeal and he’ll have another MITB qualifying match tonight. Long said he heard, and the Board allowed him to pick Cody’s opponent. It’s a man Cody has yet to beat – Christian.
[Commercial Break]
- Raw 1,000 moment: Tony Schiavone giving away Mick Foley’s title win, with a note on the screen that stated 600,000 viewers changed the channel at that moment. Foley then talked about what that moment meant for him. The screen then noted Nitro never beat Raw in the ratings again.
Feeling-out process to start, with a few quick pin attempts by Rhodes. Flap-jack by Christian for only a one-count at :57. Cole even didn’t think Rhodes deserved another shot after losing in his qualifying tag match last week. Rhodes was in control as they went to break at 1:40 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 5:13 of the match. Rear wrist-lock into a slam by Rhodes. Front suplex by Rhodes for a two-count. Rhodes set Christian on the top rope and Christian fought back. Second-rope dropkick to Rhodes and both men were down at 6:53. Low dropkick by Christian with Rhodes against the ropes. Rhodes dropped down for an uppercut a la Goldust. Alabama Slam turned into a roll-up by Christian for two. A frustrated Rhodes began to take the turnbuckle pad off, but the ref replaced it. Christian set up for a Spear, but Rhodes kicked him low to stop him. Looked like a low-blow at first, but Christian held his arm and wrist. Disaster kick missed, but Rhodes dodged the Killswitch and hit Cross-Rhodes for the win.
WINNER: Rhodes, at 9:10. Nice match between these two – maybe better than their PPV encounter.
- The Usos and Tamina were having fun with Horny in the kiddie pool. Zack Ryder chatted up Teddy Long about the playlist for the party. Heath Slater walked up and suggested he provide the entertainment for the party. He sang about being a One Man Band, so people tossed trash at him. Ryder hit the music and it was Brodus Clay’s theme. Clay danced onto the scene with the Funkadactyls. Hey, is that Percy Watson too?
[Commercial Break]
Ziggler went into a rear chin-lock about a minute in. Suplex by Riley broke him free. Spinebuster into a near-fall at 1:43. Jumping DDT attempt blocked by Ziggler. Ziggler missed a splash and was rolled up for two. Zig Zag by Ziggler out of nowhere for the win.
WINNER: Ziggler, at 2:26. I can’t imagine anyone thinking Riley had a chance here.
The updated MITB World Title lineup was shown.
- Next, Cole interviews A.J.
[Commercial Break]
- Michael Cole was in the ring, and he introduced A.J. to the live crowd. She came out for the interview and Cole said she’s been “anything but balanced as of late.” A.J. tried to talk, but Cole pulled the mic away from her. He asked her about what she did when Raw went off the air last night. That cued up a video package of A.J’s segments on Raw. Back live, Cole asked A.J. simply, “what the hell were you thinking?” A.J. said a lot of people have asked her that, then Cole pulled the mic away and answered the question for her, saying she wasn’t thinking. Cole said the Board of Directors made a huge mistake naming her special ref for the WWE Title match. Cole called A.J. “a troubled little girl.” Cole said A.J. is living out a fantasy and said he doesn’t understand what she sees in Daniel Bryan, Kane, or C.M. Punk. He asked her if she has considered going after a real man, a man of power and influence, perhaps a former war correspondent. For all the people who say Cole is just Vince McMahon’s mouthpieces, I can totally see Cole playing the Mr. McMahon role here as well. Cole kept trying to talk himself up to A.J. until Daniel Bryan’s music hit and he came out.
Bryan called Cole a sexist, emotionally abusive bully. Bryan took a shot at the media by way of Cole and then turned his attention to A.J. He said he knows A.J. will call it down the middle at the PPV and that A.J. really only meant to put Punk through the table on Raw. C.M. Punk’s music then began and he gingerly walked out, selling the effects of last night’s bump. Punk told Cole to get out of the ring, and Cole did so after putting up a mild protest. Punk said he wanted to be honest with A.J., saying she isn’t in a good place mentally. He shouldered some of the blame and apologized, then said A.J. needs professional help. Unlike Bryan, he said he wasn’t going to lie to her face or string her along just to get something he wants. “What a load of garbage!” Bryan interjected. Bryan said Punk was trying to play passive aggressive, as if he cares about A.J. “You don’t care about A.J., I care about A.J.!” shouted Bryan.
Bryan said Punk needed A.J. to beat him. Punk dropped the mic and took a swipe at Bryan, but A.J. got between them. She made out with Bryan. Punk stuck around and when they didn’t finish, he left the ring. He began to walk to the back when A.J. chased after him. She then made out with him. Bryan, looking on from the ring, seemed confused. Both men seemed into it, for whatever it’s worth. A.J. skipped to the back, leaving both men’s mouths agape over what just happened.
[Commercial Break]
No entrances for the heels. Camacho got the better of Marella, then Hunico hit a Swanton coming in from the apron for two. Snap suplex by McIntyre for two. Duggan tagged in, as did Hunico. Rights and lefts from Hacksaw, then a clothesline. Three-point clothesline took Hunico down. Camacho broke up the pin. Slaughter took him down and Cole mocked how these tag matches always end. Back elbow by Duggan, then a clothesline. Marella tagged in and applied the Cobra. It struck Hunico and the faces won.
WINNERS: Marella, Duggan, and Slaughter, at 2:25. If there was ever a time to use Duggan and Slaughter, I guess the Great American Bash-themed show on the eve of Independence Day is it.
- More from the party backstage, where Long and R-Truth were chatting. Even Little Jimmy was dancing. That is, until Damien Sandow pulled the plug on the music (literally). Zack Ryder confronted Sandow and said they were just trying to have a good time. He said if Sandow doesn’t like it, he should just leave. Sandow attacked Ryder and the two began to brawl. Ryder took the punch bowl and went to drench Sandow, but he ducked and it hit Eve, who for some reason was wearing a white dress. “This is my kind of party!” said Long. They hti the music and everyone started dancing again. The Divas were wearing less than they did in their recent Beach Battle Royal.
[Commercial Break]
- Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks were in the ring with a mic. Reks said Hawkins thinks he can beat Ryback. Reks said he knows he can beat Ryback, but after a coin clip between them, Hawkins gets the honors.
Hawkins tried a few punches and a sleeper. That was turned into a backpack stunner. Ryback slammed Hawkins into the mat a few times as the crowd chanted “Goldberg.” Hawkins hit the ropes and then was hit with a clothesline. Ryback with his finisher for the win.
WINNER: Ryback, at 1:11. Finally a step up in competition for Ryback, and Hawkins even got some offense (which was no-sold).
- They showed the Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio brawl from earlier. Mathews said Sheamus won’t be able to compete in the battle royal. The announcers reacted to what was just shown.
- Up next, the 20-Man (now 19-man) Battle Royal.
[Commercial Break]
- January 29, 2007, was Donald Trump’s(!) favorite Raw moment, a night in which a heel McMahon enacted Fan Appreciation night, only to reveal the picture of him on the cover of Muscle & Fitness Magazine. Trump then appeared on the video screen to talk sense into Vince and drop money from the ceiling.
- The announcers discussed Raw going to three hours beginning on July 23.
- Jael De Pardo of SyFy’s Haunted Highway, was in the crowd right behind the announce desk. It’s on after Smackdown, and they showed a clip of the episode.
- Teddy Long walked out in his “Kiss The GM” apron. He thanked the Board of Directors and WWE Universe for the opportunity to be GM for this week. He said he didn’t know if the Board would appoint him permanent GM, but he had a blast tonight. He then intro’d the Battle Royal and Alberto Del Rio came out first. He was followed by Kane, Jack Swagger and John Cena. Entrances continue during the break.
[Commercial Break]
- Tensai was on his way to the ring, then C.M. Punk and finally Big Show. I guess the winner just gets to run Smackdown next week. That hardly seems fair when others have gotten to run both shows.
Justin Gabriel was the first one out, thanks to Big Show, at the :16 mark. Show and Clay went at it with Clay being dumped at :33 by Show. Khali headbutted Punk and Kane landed an uppercut on Sandow. Zeke Jackson laid in the clotheslines on Tensai in the far corner. Jackson was out at 1:03, I believe by Tensai. Ziggler tried to toss Zack Ryder as Daniel Bryan kicked away at Heath Slater. Kahli went over at 1:38, courtesy of Tensai, Swagger, and Del Rio. Sandow was out via Ryder at 1:58. Cody held onto the ropes on the apron and got back in. Santino was out at 2:15 by Rhodes. Disaster kick landed on Show, but a second one was no good and Rhodes ended up in a choke. So did Kingston, and they were both eliminated by Show at 2:46. They went to break at 2:57.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 5:55 of the match, down to ten men. Looks like Swagger and Slater were eliminated during the break - no clips though. C.M. Punk dove at Bryan, taking both men out at 6:16. Sidewalk slam by Kane on Del Rio, and he almost lost his grip on the Mexican Aristocrat. Show and Kane did the double choke spot that they seem to do in every battle royal. Chokeslam on Show. Cena cleaned house around the 8:00 mark as everyone bumped for him. Del Rio out at 8:10. Attitude Adjustment for Kane. Crowd was super-hot for Cena. Cena lifted Tensai up and over at 8:39. Show came from behind and tossed Cena over the top at 8:44. Ryder was speared by Big Show. Christian was thrown out by Show at 9:06. Ziggler with a sleeper on Show. Kane hit a running boot that eliminated both men at 9:20. It was down to Ryder and Kane. Will Ryder FINALLY get his revenge? Kane blocked Ryder’s attack and went after Ryder. Big boot put Ryder down. Irish whip, but Ryder landed a drop toe-hold. Broski Boot found the mark. He went for his finish, but Kane caught him with a choke. Ryder snuck out the back, then low-bridged Kane on a charge for the win.
WINNER: Ryder, at 10:48.
Some of the eliminations during the match were shown. Ryder continued to celebrate in the ring as they closed the show.
What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to pwtorch@gmail.com.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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