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Favoring Some at the Expense of Others: Seat Biases

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Proportional Representation


Seat biases are quantitative measures assessing the deviation of the number of seats apportioned to a party from the party’s ideal share of seats. Seat bias formulas for stationary divisor methods are calculated when parties are ordered by their vote strengths. The formulas are rather telling, and entail manifold consequences. The divisor method with standard rounding emerges as the unique stationary divisor method treating all parties in an unbiased fashion. In the presence of party alliances the seat bias formulas prove puzzling. It is virtually impossible to predict whether it is advantageous or disadvantageous for a party to join an alliance.

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Pukelsheim, F. (2017). Favoring Some at the Expense of Others: Seat Biases. In: Proportional Representation. Springer, Cham.

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