A dark cave-like structure under a large overhanging rock. Stone walls are built into the surrounding structure.
Lower Boscaswell Fogou, Pendeen, Cornwall. Scheduled Monument. © Historic England Archive. DP326103. View List entry 1004281
Lower Boscaswell Fogou, Pendeen, Cornwall. Scheduled Monument. © Historic England Archive. DP326103. View List entry 1004281

What Are Scheduled Monuments?

'Scheduling' is the selection of nationally important archaeological sites. These sites can include standing stones, burial mounds, the remains of monastic buildings and more. They can be above or below ground and can consist of remains as well as structures that are still in use.

Although archaeology and important historic sites are all around us, monuments are added to the Schedule if the Secretary of State considers that they are of national importance and that the protection which comes with scheduling would assist the monument's conservation.

The record of all monuments on the Schedule of Monuments is on the National Heritage List for England (also known as 'the List', or the NHLE). The NHLE is a publicly available, searchable database that contains information on England's protected heritage. Other forms of protection and recognition for heritage featured on the NHLE include listed buildings and registered parks and gardens.

What is scheduling?

Scheduling is our oldest form of heritage protection. It began in 1913, although its roots go as far back as the 1882 Ancient Monuments Protection Act when a 'Schedule' (hence the term 'scheduling') of almost exclusively prehistoric monuments deserving of state protection was first compiled. Scheduling includes many sites and structures, including fogous (tunnels found in West Cornwall from the Iron Age and Romano-British period), First World War training trenches, and Anglo-Saxon burial mounds.

While some deliberate change to a monument may be possible, there is a presumption that they will be handed on to future generations in much the same state (or better) than we have found them. As a result, Scheduled Monument Consent is needed to carry out work on a Scheduled Monument. Scheduling derives its authority from the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act of 1979. Under the terms of this Act, the Secretary of State has a duty to compile and maintain a schedule of ancient monuments of national importance.

We often use the word 'listing' as shorthand for other forms of designation, including scheduling. For instance, whilst our online application form is called the 'Listing Application Form', it is the same form used to apply for scheduling.

What are the criteria for scheduling monuments and sites?

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport's document 'Scheduled Monuments & nationally important but non-scheduled monuments (2013)' sets out the non-statutory criteria for assessing the importance of a monument and considering whether it should be scheduled. The policy of the Secretary of State is to select scheduled monuments based on their archaeological or historical interest; their management needs may also be considered. Some sites are unsuitable for scheduling (for instance, buildings that people live in).

Archaeological interest is about the potential interest in carrying out expert investigations at some point into the evidence places hold or potentially may have of past human activity. Monuments with archaeological interest form a primary source of evidence relating to the substance and evolution of places, plus the people and cultures that made them.

Historic interest is about how the present can be connected through a place to past people, events and aspects of life. Monuments with historic interest provide a material record of our nation's prehistory and history, whether by association or through illustration.

These principles should not be considered definitive but as indicators that contribute to a broader judgment based on individual circumstances. Other factors, such as the contribution of monuments to the character of today's landscape or the historic landscape, can also be important considerations.

Even nationally important sites are scheduled only if this is the best means of protecting them. Sometimes, for example, in town and city centres, the most practical way to protect sites from building development and road schemes is to use the system of local authority control over planning applications. Local Planning Authorities can ensure that development proposals take archaeology into account.

Buildings and standing structures of historic interest are also generally best protected by listing. Our aim is to recommend the most appropriate form of protection in place for the building or site to the Secretary of State.

Guidance is available on a wide range of sites in our series of Scheduling Selection guides. These guides are divided into categories ranging from Agriculture to Utilities and complement the listing selection guides for buildings. In each guide, a historical introduction is followed by a consideration of protection issues and sources of further information. It should be noted that in scheduling decisions, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport's 2013 document referred to above takes precedence over the scheduling selection guides.

Please click on the gallery images to enlarge.

How many scheduled monuments are there?

There are almost 20,000 entries for scheduled monuments on the National Heritage List for England (NHLE).

Some entries on the NHLE cover multiple monuments with a relationship to each other, so the exact number is likely to be much higher.

Looking after scheduled monuments

Scheduling does not imply that monuments are being poorly managed or are under threat, and it does not impose a legal obligation to undertake any additional management of the monument. If required, we may be able to help you with expert advice, often from our locally based Heritage at Risk Project Officers.

If you are the owner of a scheduled monument (or are acting on behalf of the owner) and you wish to carry out works to the monument, you will need to apply for prior written permission from the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. This is for works either above or below ground level. The procedure is known as Scheduled Monument Consent or SMC.

'Works' are defined by the 1979 Act as demolishing, destroying, damaging, removing, repairing, altering, adding to, flooding or tipping material onto the monument. To avoid the possibility of damaging a monument (and therefore carrying out unlawful works), you are strongly advised to consult us during the early planning stages.

Certain development works to your property may require planning permission from your local authority, but obtaining planning permission does not remove the need for Scheduled Monument Consent.

Carrying out works to a scheduled monument without a grant of Scheduled Monument Consent is a criminal offence. Metal detecting on a scheduled monument without consent from Historic England is also a criminal offence.

Scheduling does not affect your freehold title or other legal interests in the land. If a monument is scheduled, it does not give the general public any new rights of public access. A good general rule with archaeological sites is that the less disturbance of the ground, the better.

Did you know?

  • Only deliberately created structures, features, and remains can be scheduled. Monuments on the schedule range from prehistoric standing stones and burial mounds through to the many types of medieval sites – castles, monasteries, abandoned farmsteads and villages – to the more recent results of human activity, such as collieries
  • The henge and standing stones at Avebury were also amongst the first monuments to be formally scheduled on behalf of the nation. They were first taken into the 'guardianship' of the state and later added to the schedule through the 1913 Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act, and over 70 years later, their significance was further recognised when the site became a World Heritage Site, together with Stonehenge. Learn more about the history of state protection for buildings and monuments in The History of Listing
  • Brooklands in Surrey, scheduled in 1975, was the world's first purpose-built motor racing circuit. It was so innovative that when completed in 1907, the concrete outer circuit was described as one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. Brooklands was also home to an airfield, and the site was used for aircraft construction during the Second World War. Brooklands has been the site of many motoring and aviation 'firsts', including the location of the flying school that trained the first British woman to hold a pilot's licence, Hilda Hewlett, who gained her licence in 1911. In 1909, the motor racing circuit saw the World Land Speed record broken, the first of numerous occasions
  • Fogous, a type of tunnel system, are unique to the far West of Cornwall. A number of them are scheduled, yet their exact use remains unknown. They may have been used to store goods or provide shelter, or been the location for ceremonies. The fogou at Lower Boscaswell was one of the first to be identified in the 19th Century and is thought to date to the Iron Age
  • Kits Coty House, a Neolithic long barrow in Kent, was the first site to be legally protected when it was taken into state guardianship in 1883 on what became the Schedule of Monuments
  • The physical remains of Cold War infrastructure can be found across the country. Some of these sites may be scheduled, such as the Cruise missile shelter complex at Greenham Common Airbase. During the 1980s, the complex became known internationally as the site of the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, a major protest against the siting of cruise missiles. The Women's Peace Camp inspired similar action for nuclear disarmament across Europe and further afield

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