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Liste des comètes périodiques numérotées

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Photographie de la comète de 1P/Halley.

Le tableau qui suit est une liste de comètes qui ont été numérotées par le Centre des planètes mineures et qui ont été observées au moins à deux reprises. Au , il y avait 375 comètes numérotées, dont, en , 331 étant des comètes de la famille de Jupiter, 20 des comètes de type Halley, 12 des comètes de la ceinture principale et une comète à longue période (153P/Ikeya-Zhang). La lettre à gauche de la barre oblique dans la désignation indique le type de comète, P (périodique), C (non périodique), X (sans orbite) ou D (perdu).

Un certain nombre des comètes de la liste ont été découvertes avant l'observation de leur activité cométaire, et on leur a attribué une désignation d'astéroïde, comme pour la comète 133P/Elst-Pizarro, qui a reçu dans un premier temps la désignation de planète mineure de numéro 7968. Quelques-unes, pour diverses raisons, ont un nom mixant les caractéristiques d'un nom d'astéroïde et d'une comète, comme 95P/Chiron.

Il peut arriver qu'à certaines occasions les comètes se désintègrent en morceaux plus petits, car les matières volatiles provenant de la comète peuvent se briser en deux parties ou plus. Un exemple extrême est la comète 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann, qui s'est désintégrée en plus de 50 morceaux lors de son périhélie de 1995.

Désignation Découvreur(s)
ou éponyme(s)
Période orbitale (années) Demi-grand axe (a) Inclinaison (i) Excentricité (e) Comète magnitude totale/
magnitude absolue (M1)
1P/Halley[1] Halley 75.32 17.83414 162.2627 0.9671 5.5
2P/Encke Encke 3.30 2.21473 11.7789 0.8482 14.1
3D/Biela Biela 6.65 3.53466 13.2164 0.7513 7.1
4P/Faye Faye 7.52 3.83746 9.05 0.5687 10.7
5D/Brorsen Brorsen 5.46 3.10113 29.3821 0.8098 8.3
6P/d'Arrest d'Arrest 6.54 3.49537 19.4817 0.6128 14.2
7P/Pons-Winnecke PonsWinnecke 6.33 3.42249 22.3359 0.6374 15.1
8P/Tuttle Tuttle 13.61 5.69986 54.9832 0.8198 9.8
9P/Tempel Tempel 5.56 3.13933 10.502 0.5119 13.1
10P/Tempel Tempel 5.37 3.06489 12.0292 0.5364 13.2
11P/Tempel-Swift-LINEAR TempelSwiftLINEAR 6.37 3.43740 13.4604 0.5392 15
12P/Pons-Brooks PonsBrooks 70.85 17.12122 74.1769 0.9548 5
13P/Olbers Olbers 69.52 16.90678 44.6099 0.9303 5
14P/Wolf Wolf 8.74 4.24310 27.9431 0.3578 12.8
15P/Finlay Finlay 6.50 3.48227 6.81683 0.7214 12.7
16P/Brooks Brooks 6.14 3.35425 4.2581 0.5628 12.8
17P/Holmes Holmes 6.89 3.62099 19.0916 0.4320 10.5
18D/Perrine-Mrkos PerrineMrkos 6.72 3.55954 17.759 0.6426 11.5
19P/Borrelly Borrelly 6.85 3.60660 30.3307 0.62467 8.9
20D/Westphal Westphal 61.87 15.64215 40.8901 0.9198 8.8
21P/Giacobini-Zinner GiacobiniZinner 6.59 3.51555 31.9081 0.7068 10.5
22P/Kopff Kopff 6.42 3.45572 4.7369 0.5449 12.7
23P/Brorsen-Metcalf BrorsenMetcalf 70.52 17.06921 19.3339 0.9720 7.8
24P/Schaumasse Schaumasse 8.25 4.08202 11.7515 0.7048 7
25D/Néouïmine Néouïmine 5.43 3.08917 10.6387 0.5668 12.5
26P/Grigg-Skjellerup GriggSkjellerup 5.24 3.01745 22.4243 0.6401 16.5
27P/Crommelin Crommelin 28.07 9.23596 28.9669 0.9190 12
28P/Néouïmine Néouïmine 18.17 6.91117 14.1856 0.7754 11.5
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann SchwassmannWachmann 14.71 6.00476 9.3751 0.0427 5.5
30P/Reinmuth Reinmuth 7.34 3.77541 8.1227 0.5012 11.7
31P/Schwassmann-Wachmann SchwassmannWachmann 8.75 4.24648 4.5466 0.1939 6.2
32P/Comas Solà Comas Solà 9.57 4.50692 9.9708 0.5559 11.9
33P/Daniel Daniel 8.10 4.03226 22.3746 0.4620 11.3
34D/Gale Gale 11.00 4.94359 11.7821 0.7607 10.5
35P/Herschel-Rigollet HerschelRigollet 155.00 28.84355 64.207 0.9741 8.3
36P/Whipple Whipple 8.53 4.17419 9.9273 0.2617 7.5
37P/Forbes Forbes 6.37 3.43525 8.9553 0.5406 9
38P/Stephan-Oterma StephanOterma 37.72 11.24767 17.9814 0.8600 8
39P/Oterma Oterma 19.53 7.25149 1.9428 0.2455 5
40P/Väisälä Väisälä 10.98 4.94008 11.4898 0.6320 5.5
41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresák TuttleGiacobiniKresák 5.42 3.08544 9.228 0.6604 11.8
42P/Néouïmine Néouïmine 10.70 4.85656 3.9855 0.5852 14
43P/Wolf-Harrington WolfHarrington 6.13 3.34922 15.968 0.5947 9.5
44P/Reinmuth Reinmuth 7.10 3.69277 5.8954 0.4269 11.4
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková HondaMrkosPajdušáková 5.25 3.02155 4.2524 0.8247 14
46P/Wirtanen Wirtanen 5.43 3.08761 11.7571 0.6593 12.9
47P/Ashbrook-Jackson AshbrookJackson 8.36 4.11794 13.0357 0.3177 5.6
48P/Johnson Johnson 6.98 3.65095 13.9668 0.3700 8.5
49P/Arend-Rigaux ArendRigaux 6.73 3.56543 19.0517 0.6004 12
50P/Arend Arend 8.27 4.08846 19.1584 0.5295 12.1
51P/Harrington Harrington 7.13 3.70427 5.4282 0.5443 12.3
51P/Harrington-A Harrington 6.78 3.58229 8.6573 0.5622 10
52P/Harrington-Abell HarringtonAbell 7.58 3.85869 10.2313 0.5405 10.1
53P/Van Biesbroeck Van Biesbroeck 12.53 5.39383 6.6061 0.5523 7.5
54P/de Vico-Swift-NEAT de VicoSwiftNEAT 7.38 3.79048 6.0672 0.4270 13.1
55P/Tempel-Tuttle TempelTuttle 33.24 10.33834 164.4866 0.9056 10
56P/Slaughter-Burnham SlaughterBurnham 11.54 5.10744 8.1557 0.5037 8.5
57P/du Toit-Néouïmine-Delporte du ToitNéouïmineDelporte 6.40 3.44805 2.8487 0.4998 13.8
57P/du Toit-Néouïmine-Delporte-A du ToitNéouïmineDelporte 6.41 3.45215 2.8448 0.4990 8.5
58P/Jackson-Néouïmine JacksonNéouïmine 8.24 4.08036 13.4784 0.6615 11.5
59P/Kearns-Kwee KearnsKwee 9.51 4.48979 9.3399 0.4754 9.8
60P/Tsuchinshan Tsuchinshan 6.56 3.50578 3.6107 0.5384 11.5
61P/Chaïne-Schaldach ChaïneSchaldach 7.06 3.67888 6.0105 0.4269 11.6
62P/Tsuchinshan Tsuchinshan 6.63 3.52863 10.5021 0.5780 8
63P/Wild Wild 13.20 5.58486 19.78 0.6508 8
64P/Swift-Gehrels SwiftGehrels 9.35 4.43847 8.9499 0.6897 10.1
65P/Gunn Gunn 7.27 3.75425 9.389 0.3007 7.9
66P/du Toit du Toit 14.71 6.00224 18.7007 0.7877 12
67P/Tchourioumov-Guérassimenko TchourioumovGuérassimenko 6.45 3.46341 7.0408 0.6411 11.4
68P/Klemola Klemola 10.83 4.89551 10.1437 0.6407 10.2
69P/Taylor Taylor 7.65 3.88164 20.046 0.4145 5
70P/Kojima Kojima 7.04 3.6735 6.6004 0.4537 10.6
71P/Clark Clark 5.53 3.12713 9.48 0.4982 11.3
72P/Denning-Fujikawa DenningFujikawa 9.02 4.33387 9.1697 0.7841 15.5
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann (see below) SchwassmannWachmann 5.34 3.05653 11.4235 0.6948 12
74P/Smirnova-Tchernykh SmirnovaTchernykh 8.50 4.16402 6.6509 0.1481 6.7
75D/Kohoutek Kohoutek 6.67 3.54315 5.9072 0.4963 10.5
76P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura WestKohoutekIkemura 6.47 3.47099 30.4827 0.5390 13.9
77P/Longmore Longmore 6.83 3.59874 24.3989 0.3579 9.7
78P/Gehrels Gehrels 7.22 3.73541 6.2538 0.4622 6.5
79P/du Toit-Hartley du ToitHartley 5.06 2.94586 3.1456 0.6185 15
80P/Peters-Hartley PetersHartley 8.12 4.04036 29.8543 0.5981 7
81P/Wild Wild 6.41 3.45011 3.2383 0.5374 8.6
82P/Gehrels Gehrels 8.43 4.14215 1.1259 0.1228 5
83D/Russell Russell 6.10 3.33798 22.6595 0.5172 14
84P/Giclas Giclas 6.94 3.63787 7.2871 0.4943 12
85P/Boethin Boethin 11.81 5.18489 4.2953 0.7812 N/A
86P/Wild Wild 6.91 3.62928 15.4475 0.3660 14
87P/Bus Bus 6.51 3.48504 2.6011 0.3764 13.5
88P/Howell Howell 5.48 3.10983 4.3824 0.5622 12
89P/Russell Russell 7.39 3.79503 12.0323 0.3992 9.5
90P/Gehrels Gehrels 14.85 6.04224 9.6153 0.5091 9.5
91P/Russell Russell 7.70 3.90020 14.0752 0.3291 11.5
92P/Sanguin Sanguin 12.43 5.36642 19.4434 0.6631 10.5
93P/Lovas Lovas 9.20 4.39120 12.2198 0.6119 12.8
94P/Russell Russell 6.58 3.51278 6.1839 0.3636 12.9
95P/Chiron = (2060) Chiron Kowal 50.41 13.64668 6.9352 0.3810 6.1
96P/Machholz Machholz 5.28 3.03394 58.3122 0.9592 13.3
97P/Metcalf-Brewington MetcalfBrewington 10.51 4.79660 17.8783 0.4584 4
98P/Takamizawa Takamizawa 7.44 3.80934 10.5442 0.5607 14.3
99P/Kowal Kowal 15.25 6.15050 4.3325 0.2288 5.5
100P/Hartley Hartley 6.31 3.41617 25.6615 0.4172 8
101P/Tchernykh Tchernykh 13.94 5.79215 5.0793 0.5942 9.8
101P/Tchernykh-B Tchernykh 13.97 5.79977 5.0783 0.5947 13
102P/Shoemaker C. ShoemakerE. Shoemaker 7.22 3.73479 26.2476 0.4729 15.7
103P/Hartley Hartley 6.47 3.47277 13.6172 0.69514 13.2
104P/Kowal Kowal 6.18 3.36674 15.4894 0.5853 8.27
105P/Singer Brewster Singer-Brewster 6.46 3.47005 9.1709 0.4091 12.6
106P/Schuster Schuster 7.31 3.76558 20.1114 0.5868 11.3
107P/Wilson-Harrington = (4015) Wilson-Harrington HelinWilsonHarrington 4.29 2.64051 2.7847 0.6235 15.99
108P/Ciffréo Ciffréo 7.26 3.74983 13.0782 0.5415 10
109P/Swift-Tuttle SwiftTuttle 133.28 26.09207 113.4538 0.9632 4.5
110P/Hartley Hartley 6.86 3.61054 11.6938 0.3142 7.5
111P/Helin-Roman-Crockett HelinRomanCrockett 8.49 4.16037 4.2288 0.1096 11.5
112P/Urata-Niijima UrataNiijima 6.64 3.53360 24.2030 0.5882 15.1
113P/Spitaler Spitaler 7.09 3.68969 5.7757 0.4232 12.7
114P/Wiseman-Skiff WisemanSkiff 6.67 3.54312 18.2841 0.5555 12.9
115P/Maury Maury 8.79 4.25971 11.6874 0.5212 10.5
116P/Wild Wild 6.48 3.47669 3.6123 0.3744 5.5
117P/Helin-Roman-Alu HelinRomanAlu 8.29 4.09574 8.6972 0.2538 6.4
118P/Shoemaker-Levy C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerLevy 6.45 3.46549 8.5084 0.4282 10.4
119P/Parker-Hartley ParkerHartley 8.84 4.27634 5.1959 0.2922 2
120P/Mueller Mueller 8.39 4.12863 8.7959 0.3390 5
121P/Shoemaker-Holt C.Shoemaker, E.ShoemakerHolt 9.98 4.63518 20.1563 0.1903 1.5
122P/de Vico de Vico 74.35 17.68082 85.3828 0.9627 7.5
123P/West-Hartley WestHartley 7.59 3.86074 15.3569 0.4486 6
124P/Mrkos Mrkos 6.04 3.31687 31.5290 0.5039 15.6
125P/Spacewatch Spacewatch 5.53 3.12793 9.9872 0.5123 12.9
126P/IRAS IRAS 13.42 5.64648 45.8027 0.6958 8.8
127P/Holt-Olmstead HoltOlmstead 6.40 3.44599 14.3129 0.3634 6.1
128P/Shoemaker-Holt-A C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerHolt 9.51 4.48816 4.3616 0.3210 8.5
128P/Shoemaker-Holt-B C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerHolt 9.59 4.51276 4.3551 0.3200 6.5
129P/Shoemaker-Levy C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerLevy 8.96 4.31539 3.43815 0.0932 11.5
130P/McNaught-Hughes McNaughtHughes 6.67 3.54360 7.34 0.4117 10.5
131P/Mueller Mueller 7.06 3.67914 7.3551 0.3432 8
132P/Helin-Roman-Alu (Helin-Roman-Alu 2) HelinRomanAlu 8.28 4.09403 5.7660 0.5300 10
133P/Elst-Pizarro = (7968) Elst-Pizarro ElstPizarro 5.62 3.15969 1.3871 0.1613 15.6
134P/Kowal-Vávrová KowalVávrová 15.55 6.22907 4.3488 0.5872 6
135P/Shoemaker-Levy Shoemaker, ShoemakerLevy 7.50 3.83021 6.0501 0.2896 7
136P/Mueller Mueller 8.59 4.19392 9.42636 0.2935 11.2
137P/Shoemaker-Levy Shoemaker, ShoemakerLevy 9.55 4.50066 4.8689 0.5765 12.1
138P/Shoemaker-Levy Shoemaker, ShoemakerLevy 6.89 3.62181 10.0856 0.5305 14
139P/Väisälä-Oterma VäisäläOterma 9.61 4.51876 2.3290 0.2470 6.6
140P/Bowell-Skiff BowellSkiff 16.18 6.39725 3.8358 0.6918 11.5
141P/Machholz-A Machholz 5.23 3.01289 12.7951 0.7501 12
141P/Machholz-D Jäger 5.22 3.00881 12.8118 0.7511 12.5
142P/Ge-Wang GeWang 11.05 4.95956 12.3068 0.4982 13.5
143P/Kowal-Mrkos KowalMrkos 8.93 4.30305 4.6898 0.4101 11.6
144P/Kushida Kushida 7.60 3.86617 4.1092 0.6278 13.4
145P/Shoemaker-Levy C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerLevy 8.43 4.14100 11.2836 0.5418 12.3
146P/Shoemaker-LINEAR Shoemaker, ShoemakerLINEAR 8.08 4.02675 23.0797 0.6479 14
147P/Kushida-Muramatsu KushidaMuramatsu 7.43 3.80709 2.3680 0.2760 4.5
148P/Anderson-LINEAR AndersonLINEAR 7.07 3.68399 3.6784 0.5378 12.6
149P/Mueller Mueller 9.02 4.33409 29.7345 0.3884 7.5
150P/LONEOS LONEOS 7.67 3.89042 18.5066 0.5469 13
151P/Helin Helin 14.10 5.83771 4.7159 0.5663 10
152P/Helin-Lawrence HelinLawrence 9.54 4.49693 9.8679 0.3071 8.5
153P/Ikeya-Zhang IkeyaZhang 366.51 51.21358 28.1199 0.9901 4
154P/Brewington Brewington 10.78 4.88064 17.8328 0.6706 5
155P/Shoemaker C. ShoemakerE. Shoemaker 17.09 6.63432 6.3859 0.7267 10
156P/Russell-LINEAR RussellLINEAR 6.82 3.59501 20.7778 0.5591 13.6
157P/Tritton Tritton 6.31 3.41350 7.2848 0.6022 11.1
158P/Kowal-LINEAR KowalLINEAR 10.26 4.72070 7.9084 0.0286 9
159P/LONEOS LONEOS 14.32 5.89629 3.6508 0.3808 10
160P/LINEAR LINEAR 7.92 3.97338 17.2785 0.4790 13
161P/Hartley-IRAS HartleyIRAS 21.43 7.71507 95.6981 0.8351 8.5
162P/Siding Spring Siding Spring 5.32 3.04822 27.8448 0.5972 13.5
163P/NEAT NEAT 7.30 3.76226 12.7179 0.4532 13.5
164P/Christensen Christensen 6.97 3.64880 16.2684 0.5413 11
165P/LINEAR LINEAR 76.69 18.04993 6.8304 0.6216 8
166P/NEAT NEAT 51.73 13.88284 15.3684 0.3831 4.5
167P/CINEOS CINEOS 64.85 16.14084 19.1272 0.2700 9.7
168P/Hergenrother Hergenrother 6.90 3.62370 21.9279 0.6096 7
169P/NEAT NEAT 4.20 2.60421 11.3047 0.7670 14
170P/Christensen Christensen 8.63 4.20857 10.1277 0.3042 11.8
171P/Spahr Spahr 6.69 3.55207 21.9496 0.5031 8.5
172P/Yeung Yeung 6.58 3.51304 11.5179 0.3621 12.3
173P/Mueller (Mueller 5) Mueller 13.63 5.70700 16.4934 0.2617 9.3
174P/Échéclos = (60558) Échéclos Spacewatch 34.96 10.69195 4.3427 0.4560 9.5
175P/Hergenrother Hergenrother 6.51 3.48519 6.0943 0.4236 9.6
176P/LINEAR = (118401) LINEAR LINEAR 5.71 3.19283 0.2349 0.1934 15.1
177P/Barnard Barnard 119.67 24.28396 31.1793 0.9544 15.7
178P/Hug-Bell HugBell 7.03 3.66951 10.9749 0.4730 13.8
179P/Jedicke Jedicke 14.31 5.89280 19.8856 0.3074 5.3
180P/NEAT NEAT 7.54 3.84532 16.9136 0.3580 6.4
181P/Shoemaker-Levy C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerLevy 7.53 3.84208 16.9267 0.7065 16.3
182P/LONEOS LONEOS 5.02 2.93122 16.9093 0.6663 19.3
183P/Korlević-Jurić KorlevićJurić 9.58 4.51056 18.7259 0.1366 5.2
184P/Lovas Lovas 6.62 3.52556 1.5502 0.6047 14.4
185P/Petriew Petriew 5.46 3.09970 14.0070 0.6993 13.5
186P/Garradd Garradd 10.62 4.83170 28.8455 0.1175 5.8
187P/LINEAR LINEAR 9.68 4.54329 3.6954 0.1636 6.3
188P/LINEAR-Mueller LINEARMueller 9.13 4.36793 2.5526 0.4156 10.9
189P/NEAT NEAT 4.99 2.92051 29.3759 0.5968 18.4
190P/Mueller Mueller 8.73 4.23885 2.0357 0.5197 11.6
191P/McNaught McNaught 6.64 3.53141 8.7612 0.4201 11.7
192P/Shoemaker-Levy C. Shoemaker, E. ShoemakerLevy 17.29 6.68631 24.3873 0.7708 12.2
193P/LINEAR-NEAT LINEARNEAT 6.56 3.50508 10.6866 0.4167 10.1
194P/LINEAR LINEAR 8.03 4.01114 11.1231 0.5744 13.7
195P/Hill Hill 16.49 6.47961 36.3675 0.3150 8.6
196P/Tichý Tichý 7.36 3.78230 19.3742 0.4311 15
197P/LINEAR LINEAR 4.85 2.86600 25.5427 0.6297 18.2
198P/ODAS OCA-DLR Asteroid Survey (ODAS) 6.78 3.58309 1.3494 0.4479 12.5
199P/Shoemaker C. ShoemakerE. Shoemaker 14.53 5.95509 24.7677 0.5069 7.8
200P/Larsen Larsen 10.92 4.92076 12.1223 0.3334 10.2
201P/LONEOS LONEOS 6.47 3.4226 7.0436 0.6089 13.6
202P/Scotti Scotti 7.32 3.77165 2.1854 0.3304 7.8
203P/Korlević Korlević 10.01 4.64349 2.9760 0.3147 12
204P/LINEAR-NEAT LINEARNEAT 7.00 3.66071 6.5825 0.4705 12.5
205P/Giacobini Giacobini 6.66 3.53984 15.3043 0.5688 14.1
205P/Giacobini-A Giacobini 6.66 3.53930 15.3046 0.5687 12
205P/Giacobini-B Giacobini 6.84 3.60328 15.4053 0.5753 18.5
205P/Giacobini-C Giacobini 6.66 3.53997 15.3085 0.5687 N/A
206P/Barnard-Boattini BarnardBoattini 5.83 3.239112 32.9309 0.646433 20.3
207P/NEAT NEAT 7.66 3.88458 10.1500 0.7570 16.5
208P/McMillan McMillan 8.11 4.03602 4.4146 0.3743 13.4
209P/LINEAR LINEAR 5.04 2.93797 19.3878 0.6891 16.8
210P/Christensen Christensen 5.71 3.19408 10.1666 0.8289 15
211P/Hill Hill (Catalina Sky Survey) 6.73 3.56584 18.8707 0.3377 11.7
212P/NEAT = 2000 YN30 NEAT 7.78 3.92695 22.3980 0.5787 14.8
213P/Van Ness Van Ness 6.34 3.42686 10.2369 0.3807 10.3
213P/Van Ness-B Van Ness 6.33 3.42223 10.2401 0.3797 7.3
214P/LINEAR = 2002 CW134 LINEAR 6.84 3.60436 15.2260 0.4896 12.1
215P/NEAT NEAT 8.07 4.02307 12.7892 0.2006 10.1
216P/LINEAR = 2001 CV8 LINEAR 7.65 3.88125 9.0414 0.4454 6.5
217P/LINEAR = 2001 MD7 LINEAR 7.83 3.94218 12.8819 0.6896 14.1
218P/LINEAR LINEAR 6.11 3.34041 18.1511 0.4903 14.7
219P/LINEAR LINEAR 6.98 3.65091 11.5234 0.3525 11.4
220P/McNaught McNaught 5.50 3.11591 8.1232 0.5013 14.3
221P/LINEAR LINEAR 6.50 3.48396 11.4130 0.4861 14.6
222P/LINEAR LINEAR 4.83 2.85761 5.1458 0.7267 19.7
223P/Skiff Skiff 8.42 4.13868 27.0495 0.4175 11.5
224P/LINEAR-NEAT LINEARNEAT 6.11 3.34226 14.7304 0.4369 13.1
225P/LINEAR LINEAR 6.68 3.54533 20.7096 0.6638 18.8
226P/Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski PigottLINEARKowalski 7.09 3.68946 46.3472 0.4805 12
227P/Catalina-LINEAR Catalina Sky SurveyLINEAR 6.79 3.58744 6.5238 0.4994 13.9
228P/LINEAR LINEAR 8.49 4.16184 7.9181 0.1763 12.4
229P/Gibbs Gibbs (Catalina Sky Survey) 7.78 3.92474 26.1088 0.3782 12.2
230P/LINEAR LINEAR 6.27 3.39899 14.6433 0.5628 13.1
231P/LINEAR-NEAT LINEARNEAT 8.08 4.02547 12.3279 0.2470 6.2
232P/Hill Hill (Catalina Sky Survey) 9.49 4.48282 14.6350 0.3345 10.8
233P/La Sagra La Sagra Sky Survey 5.29 3.03733 11.2764 0.4090 17.6
234P/LINEAR LINEAR 7.46 3.81805 11.5183 0.2519 12.7
235P/LINEAR LINEAR 8.00 4.00039 8.8959 0.3148 13.1
236P/LINEAR LINEAR 7.20 3.72755 16.3338 0.5088 15.2
237P/LINEAR LINEAR 7.22 3.73683 16.1550 0.3526 12.9
238P/Read Read (Spacewatch) 5.63 3.16459 1.2662 0.2528 13.7
239P/LINEAR LINEAR 9.43 4.46453 11.3188 0.6315 14.4
240P/NEAT NEAT 7.60 3.86707 23.5250 0.4501 10.6
241P/LINEAR LINEAR 10.79 4.88347 20.7424 0.6189 12
242P/Spahr Spahr 13.39 5.63937 32.1285 0.3141 5.7
243P/NEAT NEAT 7.50 3.83138 7.6381 0.3586 8.3
244P/Scotti Scotti 11.00 4.94538 2.2676 0.2042 6.5
245P/WISE WISE 8.03 4.01159 2.1412 0.4663 14.4
246P/NEAT NEAT 8.06 4.02007 15.9865 0.28646 4.6
247P/LINEAR LINEAR 7.98 3.99177 13.7282 0.6252 16.4
248P/Gibbs Gibbs (Catalina Sky Survey) 14.63 5.98246 6.3678 0.6412 12.7
249P/LINEAR LINEAR 4.63 2.77713 8.4341 0.8161 16.2
250P/Larson Larson (Catalina Sky Survey) 7.20 3.73033 13.2935 0.4065 13.3
251P/LINEAR LINEAR 6.52 3.48967 23.5070 0.5096 13.6
252P/LINEAR LINEAR 5.34 3.05679 10.3811 0.6724 18.6
253P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 6.46 3.46931 4.9403 0.4126 13.1
254P/McNaught McNaught 10.09 4.67027 32.5642 0.3119 10.9
255P/Levy Levy 5.30 3.03817 18.2690 0.6683 11.5
256P/LINEAR LINEAR 9.93 4.62111 27.6418 0.4179 12.8
257P/Catalina Catalina Sky Survey 7.28 3.75550 20.2439 0.4336 11.7
258P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 9.22 4.39740 6.7462 0.2088 12.4
259P/Garradd Garradd 4.50 2.72573 15.9031 0.3422 14.8
260P/McNaught McNaught 7.07 3.68517 15.7369 0.5935 12.2
261P/Larson Larson (Mount Lemmon Survey) 6.79 3.58704 6.3229 0.3896 4.4
262P/McNaught-Russell McNaughtRussell 18.27 6.93552 29.0794 0.8154 13.1
263P/Gibbs Gibbs (Catalina Sky Survey) 5.27 3.02964 14.4712 0.5870 16.7
264P/Larsen Larsen 7.68 3.89202 25.1477 0.3738 13.2
265P/LINEAR LINEAR 8.77 4.25298 14.6912 0.6460 14.8
266P/Christensen Christensen 6.63 3.53064 3.4286 0.3407 14.3
267P/LONEOS LONEOS 5.97 3.28961 5.3686 0.5933 18.6
268P/Bernardi Bernardi 9.55 4.50055 15.6195 0.4789 13.7
269P/Jedicke V. JedickeR. Jedicke 19.28 7.19103 6.6179 0.4358 6.5
270P/Gehrels Gehrels 17.54 6.75044 2.8594 0.4674 3
271P/van Houten-Lemmon C. van HoutenI. van Houten-GroeneveldMount Lemmon Survey 18.38 6.96351 6.8563 0.3890 5.5
272P/NEAT NEAT 9.40 4.45250 18.2770 0.4525 12.7
273P/Pons-Gambart PonsGambart 187.47 32.75524 136.3990 0.9753 11.4
274P/Tombaugh-Tenagra TombaughObservatoire Tenagra II 9.12 4.36546 15.8373 0.4406 11.5
275P/Hermann Hermann 13.84 5.76436 21.5699 0.7139 15
276P/Vorobjov Vorobjov 12.43 5.36671 14.4977 0.2691 5.8
277P/LINEAR LINEAR 7.60 3.86562 16.7255 0.5036 12.8
278P/McNaught McNaught 7.09 3.69228 6.6873 0.4345 5.8
279P/La Sagra La Sagra Sky Survey 6.76 3.57565 5.0547 0.3994 13.9
280P/Larsen Larsen 9.58 4.51173 11.7797 0.4181 11.6
281P/MOSS Morocco Oukaimeden Sky Survey (MOSS) 10.72 4.86212 4.7211 0.1736 11.3
282P/2003 BM80 = (323137) 2003 BM80 LONEOS 8.77 4.25130 5.8093 0.1884 15.3
283P/Spacewatch = 2013 EV9 Spacewatch 8.41 4.13497 14.4640 0.48567 13.1
284P/McNaught McNaught 7.07 3.68239 11.8619 0.3792 6.6
285P/LINEAR LINEAR 9.59 4.51265 24.4972 0.6210 13.6
286P/Christensen Christensen 8.35 4.11538 2.3668 0.4249 12.8
287P/Christensen Christensen 8.51 4.16775 16.3148 0.2708 6.2
288P/2006 VW139 = (300163) 2006 VW139 Spacewatch 5.32 3.04719 3.2407 0.2012 16.1
289P/Blanpain Blanpain 5.41 3.08037 5.9312 0.6757 22.9
290P/Jäger Jäger 15.08 6.10400 19.0685 0.6470 6.5
291P/NEAT NEAT 9.73 4.55909 5.9471 0.4286 5.5
292P/Li Li 15.19 6.13467 24.3151 0.5867 6
293P/Spacewatch Spacewatch 6.93 3.63308 9.0688 0.4194 15.4
294P/LINEAR LINEAR 5.73 3.20046 19.0858 0.5945 15.4
295P/LINEAR LINEAR 12.36 5.34619 21.1062 0.6149 15.3
296P/Garradd Garradd 6.55 3.50075 25.2013 0.4765 9.5
297P/Beshore Beshore 6.5 3.48407 10.2636 0.3086 6.1
298P/Christensen Christensen 6.52 3.49015 8.0217 0.4124 15.2
299P/Catalina-PANSTARRS Catalina Sky SurveyPan-STARRS 9.15 4.37435 10.4799 0.2817 6.1
300P/Catalina Catalina Sky Survey 4.42 2.69383 5.6960 0.6936 18.2
301P/LINEAR-NEAT LINEARNEAT 3.56 2.34631 10.6182 0.5874 11
302P/Lemmon-PANSTARRS Mount Lemmon SurveyPan-STARRS 8.81 3.28360 6.0365 0.2304 12.2
303P/NEAT NEAT 11.44 5.07664 7.0470 0.5085 12.6
304P/Ory Ory 5.84 3.24313 2.7552 0.5736 14.6
305P/Skiff Skiff 9.93 4.62049 11.4674 0.6939 14.8
306P/LINEAR LINEAR 5.47 3.10396 8.3644 0.5984 18
307P/LINEAR LINEAR 14.06 5.82428 4.4242 0.6729 7.2
308P/Lagerkvist-Carsenty LagerkvistCarsenty 17.27 6.68071 4.8352 0.3653 9.5
309P/LINEAR LINEAR 9.41 4.45560 17.6490 0.6061 15.6
310P/Hill Hill 8.51 4.16718 13.1766 0.4246 10.5
311P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 3.24 2.18870 4.9685 0.1153 14.9
312P/NEAT NEAT 6.41 3.44939 19.8555 0.4348 14.6
313P/Gibbs Gibbs 5.61 3.15579 10.9663 0.2422 13.3
314P/Montani Montani 19.44 7.22902 3.99168 0.4176 9
315P/LONEOS LONEOS 10.67 4.84673 20.11699 0.5098 9.6
316P/LONEOS-Christensen LONEOS-Christensen 9.00 4.32790 9.88289 0.1664 11.2
317P/WISE WISE 5.11 2.9669 11.93941 0.56985 17.9
318P/McNaught-Hartley McNaught - Hartley 20.6 7.5155 17.8685 0.67424 9.9
319P/Catalina-McNaught Catalina Sky Survey - McNaught 6.76 3.5753 15.07376 0.66528 17.1
320P/McNaught McNaught 5.45 3.0972 4.89971 0.68455 19.6
321P/SOHO SOHO 3.77 2.4223 20.20228 0.98118 N/A
322P/SOHO SOHO 3.99 2.5166 12.57970 0.97869 19.0
323P/SOHO SOHO 4.15 2.58399 5.39377 0.98465 N/A
324P/La Sagra La Sagra Sky Survey 5.45 3.09592 21.41643 0.15378 7.0
325P/Yang-Gao Yang-Gao 6.61 3.52224 16.6921 0.59370 15.6
326P/Hill Hill 8.22 4.07165 2.4705 0.31729 13.9
327P/Van Ness Van Ness 6.74 3.56685 36.21403 0.56255 11.9
328P/LONEOS-Tucker LONEOS - Tucker 8.62 4.20351 17.64912 0.55120 6.7
329P/LINEAR-Catalina LINEAR - Catalina Sky Survey 11.8 5.18189 21.46166 0.67974 9.0
330P/Catalina Catalina Sky Survey 16.8 6.57161 15.56476 0.55064 9.5
331P/Gibbs Gibbs 5.21 3.0039 9.73941 0.04142 12.3
332P/Ikeya-Murakami Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0872 9.37796 0.48859 5.2
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-A Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0864 9.38695 0.49039 16.9
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-B Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0828 9.38150 0.48982 16.5
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-C Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0863 9.38597 0.49038 5.2
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-D Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0834 9.37916 0.49038 19.5
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-E Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0877 9.37754 0.49058 22.5
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-F Ikeya-Murakami 5.61 3.1577 9.51861 0.49858 22.1
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-G Ikeya-Murakami 5.36 3.0629 9.27330 0.49372 20.6
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-H Ikeya-Murakami 5.42 3.0868 9.38694 0.49046 18.9
332P/Ikeya-Murakami-I Ikeya-Murakami 5.41 3.0831 9.38024 0.48982 21.7
333P/LINEAR LINEAR 8.68 4.2248 131.877 0.73605 15.1
334P/NEAT NEAT 16.7 6.5341 19.05406 0.35958 6.1
335P/Gibbs Gibbs 6.78 3.5816 7.28788 0.54506 16.5
336P/McNaught McNaught 11.3 5.0229 17.83946 0.44622 8.0
337P/WISE WISE 5.96 3.2865 15.36661 0.49656 16.5
338P/McNaught McNaught 7.68 3.8922 25.39873 0.41235 11.2
339P/Gibbs Gibbs 7.04 3.6725 5.74670 0.63972 12.2
340P/Boattini Boattini 8.76 4.2503 2.07804 0.27916 11.9
341P/Gibbs Gibbs 8.87 4.2858 3.8000 0.41619 13.7
342P/SOHO SOHO 5.31 3.0430 13.27479 0.98260 N/A
343P/NEAT-LONEOS NEAT-LONEOS 12.87 5.4928 5.54582 0.58091 6.9
344P/Read Read (Spacewatch) 10.84 4.8966 3.47925 0.42002 12.6
345P/LINEAR LINEAR 8.12 4.0414 2.72477 0.21978 14.4
346P/Catalina Catalina Sky Survey 9.51 4.4875 22.15081 0.50281 9.9
347P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 6.86 3.6110 11.74613 0.38429 16.6
348P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 5.63 3.16466 17.58451 0.3009921 13.5
349P/Lemmon Mount Lemmon Survey 6.75 3.57241 5.49255 0.3006012 15.7
350P/McNaught McNaught 8.38 4.12413 7.36320 0.0905062 11.3
351P/Wiegert-PANSTARRS Wiegert-Pan-STARRS 9.33 4.4304288 12.78870 0.2954400 12.5
352P/Skiff Skiff 17.05 6.6256679 21.01680 0.6172627 11.2
353P/McNaught McNaught 8.49 4.1616961 28.44910 0.4704952 7.8
354P/LINEAR LINEAR 3.47 2.2899152 5.25552 0.1244863 15.5
355P/LINEAR-NEAT LINEAR/NEAT 6.47 3.4718628 11.04460 0.5081218 11.6
356P/WISE WISE 8.50 4.1644677 9.62943 0.3541324 6.6
357P/Hill Hill 9.44 4.4661375 6.30868 0.4342961 6.7
358P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 5.59 3.1504519 11.05645 0.2375768 7.1
359P/LONEOS LONEOS 9.99 4.6373773 10.26233 0.3229361 13.0
360P/WISE WISE 7.13 37.057461 24.07891 0.4978739 14.5
361P/Spacewatch Spacewatch 11.00 4.9458106 13.88253 0.4378226 11.4
362P = (457175) 2008 GO98 Spacewatch 7.89 3.9646072 15.56866 0.2809973 13.3
363P/Lemmon Mount Lemmon Survey 6.28 3.4042868 3.97244 0.5575396 15.8
364P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 4.88 2.877571 12.15537 0.7227338 16.4
365P/PANSTARRS Pan-STARRS 5.69 3.186 9.836 0.573 18.3
366P/Spacewatch Spacewatch 6.54 3.498 8.859 0.348 13.8
367P/Catalina CSS 6.58 3.511 8.459 0.280 11.1
368P/NEAT NEAT 12.90 5.500 15.394 0.628 11.6
369P/Hill R. Hill 9.17 4.380 10.337 0.555 12.9
370P/NEAT NEAT 16.66 6.523 19.178 0.616 6.1
B. A. Skiff
8.39 4.130 17.275 0.488 9.0
372P/McNaught R. H. McNaught 9.53 4.496 9.518 0.154 10.2
373P/Rinner C. Rinner 7.40 3.798 13.773 0.394 7.1
374P/Larson S. M. Larson 11.07 4.967 10.789 0.461 6.7
375P/Hill R. Hill 13.16 5.574 17.426 0.66 13.6

Notes et références

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  1. « JPL small-body database browser orbital information », sur JPL, NASA (consulté le )
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