We examine potential early markets for fusion energy and their projected cost targets, based on analysis and synthesis of many relevant, recent studies and reports. Seeking to provide guidance to ambitious fusion developers aspiring to enable commercial deployment before 2040, we examine cost requirements for fusion-generated electricity, process heat, and hydrogen production based on today’s market prices but with various adjustments relating to possible scenarios in 2035, such as “business-as-usual,” high renewables penetration, and carbon pricing up to 100 $/\(\hbox {tCO}_2\). Key findings are that fusion developers should consider focusing initially on high-priced global electricity markets and consider including integrated thermal storage, depending on techno-economic factors, in order to maximize revenue and compete in markets with high renewables penetration. Process heat and hydrogen production will be tough early markets for fusion, but may open up to fusion as markets evolve and if fusion’s levelized cost of electricity falls below 50 $/\(\hbox {MWh}_{\mathrm {e}}\). Finally, we discuss potential ways for a fusion plant to increase revenue via cogeneration (e.g., desalination, direct air capture, or district heating) and to lower capital costs (e.g., by minimizing construction times and interest or by retrofitting coal plants).

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We are grateful for the insights and input provided by many people, especially Bob Mumgaard, Brandon Sorbom, Shiaoching Tse, and Ally Yost (Commonwealth Fusion Systems), Joe Chaisson (Clean Air Task Force, Energy Options Network), Eric Ingersoll (Lucid Catalyst), Armond Cohen (Clean Air Task Force), and Richard Pearson (Kyoto Fusioneering). We thank Jennifer Steinhilber (Booz Allen Hamilton) for assistance with several of the figures. Reference herein to any specific non-federal person or commercial entity, product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors.
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Handley, M.C., Slesinski, D. & Hsu, S.C. Potential Early Markets for Fusion Energy. J Fusion Energ 40, 18 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10894-021-00306-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10894-021-00306-4