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BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access September 2, 2017

Why Did the Buddhists Adopt Sanskrit?

  • Vincent Eltschinger
From the journal Open Linguistics


Western scholarship has long wondered about the reasons that led the Buddhists, or, to be more precise, specific sectarian components of the Indian Buddhist communities (most conspicuously the [Mūla]sarvāstivādins), to abandon the Middle Indic vernaculars as their scriptural, scholarly and probably vehicular language, to turn to Sanskrit, the celebrated and elitist language of Brahmanical scriptures (first and foremost the Veda), ritual, and culture. The fact is all the more intriguing that insistent Buddhist traditions traced to the Buddha himself, apparently a champion of regional languages, a prohibition to use Sanskrit or, at least, to emulate Brahmanical linguistic behavior. The present paper presents a partly new hypothesis concerning one aspect of this important sociolinguistic phenomenon by looking into the legitimations provided by these Buddhists for studying (Sanskrit) grammar


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Revised: 2017-2-16
Accepted: 2017-2-7
Published Online: 2017-9-2
Published in Print: 2017-8-28

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