Optical atomic clocks1,2 use electronic energy levels to precisely keep track of time. A clock based on nuclear energy levels promises a next-generation platform for precision metrology and fundamental physics studies. Thorium-229 nuclei exhibit a uniquely low-energy nuclear transition within reach of state-of-the-art vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser light sources and have, therefore, been proposed for construction of a nuclear clock3,4. However, quantum-state-resolved spectroscopy of the 229mTh isomer to determine the underlying nuclear structure and establish a direct frequency connection with existing atomic clocks has yet to be performed. Here, we use a VUV frequency comb to directly excite the narrow 229Th nuclear clock transition in a solid-state CaF2 host material and determine the absolute transition frequency. We stabilize the fundamental frequency comb to the JILA 87Sr clock2 and coherently upconvert the fundamental to its seventh harmonic in the VUV range by using a femtosecond enhancement cavity. This VUV comb establishes a frequency link between nuclear and electronic energy levels and allows us to directly measure the frequency ratio of the 229Th nuclear clock transition and the 87Sr atomic clock. We also precisely measure the nuclear quadrupole splittings and extract intrinsic properties of the isomer. These results mark the start of nuclear-based solid-state optical clocks and demonstrate the first comparison, to our knowledge, of nuclear and atomic clocks for fundamental physics studies. This work represents a confluence of precision metrology, ultrafast strong-field physics, nuclear physics and fundamental physics.
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We thank K. Kim, A. Aeppli, W. Warfield and W. Milner for building and maintaining the JILA 87Sr optical clock; D. Lee, Z. Hu and B. Lewis for building and maintaining the JILA stable laser and the cryogenic Si cavity; the entire crystal growth team at TU Wien for preparation of the thorium-doped crystal; M. E. Fermann and J. Jiang for help in constructing the high-power infrared frequency comb; K. Hagen, C. Schwadron, K. Thatcher, H. Green, D. Warren and J. Uhrich for help in designing and building mechanical parts used in the detection setup; T. Brown and I. Rýger for help in designing and making electronics used in the experiment; M. Ashton, B. C. Denton and M. R. Statham for help in the shipment of radioactive samples; E. Hudson, E. Peik, J. Hur, J. Thompson, J. Weitenberg and A. Ozawa for helpful discussions; and IMRA America for collaboration. We acknowledge funding support from the Army Research Office (grant no. W911NF2010182), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant no. FA9550-19-1-0148), the National Science Foundation (grant no. QLCI OMA-2016244), the National Science Foundation (grant no. PHY-2317149) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. J.S.H. acknowledges support from a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship. L.v.d.W. acknowledges funding from a Feodor Lynen fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation. P.G.T. acknowledges support from the European Research Council (Horizon 2020, grant no. 856415) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme (grant no. 664732). The 229Th:CaF2 crystal was grown in TU Wien with support from the European Research Council (Horizon 2020, grant no. 856415) and the Austrian Science Fund (grant DOI: 10.55776/F1004, 10.55776/J4834 and 10.55776/ PIN9526523). The project 23FUN03 HIOC (grant DOI: 10.13039/100019599) has received funding from the European Partnership on Metrology, co-financed from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme and by the participating states. We thank the National Isotope Development Center of DoE and Oak Ridge National Laboratory for providing the Th-229 used in this work.
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C.Z., T.O., J.S.H., J.F.D., L.v.d.W., K.B., T.S. and J.Y. conceived and planned the experiment; K.B., A.L., G.A.K. and T.S. grew the thorium-doped crystal and characterized its performance; P.G.T. provided valuable insight and the parabolic mirror; and C.Z., T.O., J.S.H., J.F.D., L.v.d.W., P.L. and J.Y. performed the measurement and analysed the data. All authors wrote the manuscript.
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Extended Data Fig. 1 Locking scheme used in our experimental setup.
A Yb-fiber oscillator is used to generate the fundamental frequency comb40. The light is amplified using a chirped pulse amplification scheme in a large mode area gain fiber. The output comb light (average power 40–50 W) is coupled to a femtosecond enhancement cavity with finesse ~600 to further enhance the peak power for efficient cavity-enhanced high harmonic generation. The 7th harmonic is outcoupled using a grazing incidence plate42,43 (GIP) and directed to the sample chamber. A portion of the pre-amplified comb light is picked off and focused to a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL PCF) for broadband supercontinuum generation. The light is also doubled using a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal. These two beams generate a beatnote that directly reports on fCEO (f–2 f detection), which can be fed back to the pump current for fCEO locking. The supercontinuum light is beatnote locked against the Sr clock light at 698 nm through an auxiliary narrow linewidth Mephisto laser at 1064 nm. The beatnote fbeat is mixed with a DDS output and is used to steer the Mephisto laser frequency. The Mephisto output is passed through a fiber acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to generate a frequency offset and is beat against a portion of the preamplified fundamental comb light. The control signal is fed back to the oscillator cavity length to close the loop for the fbeat lock. We conduct our scans by changing the DDS offset frequency, which ultimately changes the comb repetition frequency without shifting fCEO. An additional portion of the Mephisto light is picked off and modulated with an electro-optical modulator (EOM) for Pound-Drever-Hall locking of the enhancement cavity. The offset between the locked cavity resonance and the fundamental frequency comb can be tuned by adjusting the AOM offset frequency to mitigate intracavity plasma instabilities56,57. PZT, piezo-electric actuator.
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Zhang, C., Ooi, T., Higgins, J.S. et al. Frequency ratio of the 229mTh nuclear isomeric transition and the 87Sr atomic clock. Nature 633, 63–70 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07839-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07839-6