Sega's Dreamcast holds a special place in the history of home video game entertainment. It was an innovative beast, being the first home console to offer online connectivity out of the box and setting the modern trend for sourcing internal components from PC manufacturers. It also proved to be Sega's last entry in the notoriously difficult hardware development race and brought an end to the days when arcade conversions sold consoles. Released in 1998, the ill-fated machine would be culled just three years later by a Sega undergoing seismic internal restructuring that would ultimately see the company emerge as one of the world's leading third party software publishers.
The Dreamcast enjoyed a somewhat convoluted genesis. Back in late '90s Sega was still smarting from dismal hardware disasters such as the Mega CD and 32X, and its Saturn console was losing the 32-bit war against Sony's Playstation. As is usually the case when companies are against the wall, cracks began to appear inside Sega's corporate architecture. Newly appointed Sega of Japan president Shoichiro Irimajiri decided that the company's internal hardware development division was firing blanks and was determined to look elsewhere for the talent to create a new machine. This was not an entirely new stance; as early as 1995 there were rumours that the Japanese company would team up with aerospace firm Lockheed Martin to develop a new graphics processing unit, and while this proposed union came to nothing it set the wheels in motion for further excursions abroad in search of new hardware partners.
Around 1997 Irimajiri decided to enlist the services of Tatsuo Yamamoto from IBM Austin to work on a new hardware project. The idea was that the team would operate externally and therefore be unhampered by the internal politics that were pervading Sega's Japanese HQ at the time. Unsurprisingly, when Hideki Sato - head of hardware development at Sega Japan - caught wind of this he was less than happy and made it clear that any technical production should happen within the walls of Sega Japan. This resulted in two different teams working in secrecy on two different prototypes in two different parts of the world.
"Black Belt" was the original codename given to the machine being constructed in the US, which was based around 3Dfx Interactive's Voodoo 2 graphics technology. The Japanese counterpart was initially known as "White Belt" (later Katana) and made use of NEC/VideoLogic's PowerVR2 chip. Both machines utilized 'off the shelf' central processors, with the American team picking the IBM/Motorola PowerPC 603e and their Japanese competitors favouring the Hitachi's SH4. Ironically, despite Irimajiri's bold move of outsourcing development, it was Sato's team that ultimately won in the end with the Katana prototype being selected as the basis for the new machine. Naturally, rumours abound that Irimajiri's move was merely a bluff in order to give the Japanese hardware division a much-needed kick up the backside. A disgruntled 3dfx promptly sued for breach of contract, claiming that documents had been signed that stated that Sega would use their technology in the proposed "Black Belt" concept for the new console. The two projects, which had been kept top secret up till this point, were made known to the world thanks to 3dfx's lawsuit against both Sega and PowerVR2 manufacturer NEC. The former was reportedly furious about having its dirty washing aired so publicly and the legal impasse would later have to be settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. It was an inauspicious start for the life of the new super console.

With the technology decided upon, the next step was to give the new project a name. With Sega's stock pitifully low the company was well aware that the machine would have to represent a new beginning and distance itself from the tainted public perception created by the poorly performing Saturn. To the Sega management, this meant one thing – completely removing the Sega name from the console and establish a new gaming brand in the same way Sony had done with the successful Playstation. According to reports over 5,000 different names were considered, with the positive-sounding "Dreamcast" winning out. A combination of "dream" and "broadcast", this pleasant moniker hinted at the expanded connectivity the system would eventually bring to the home via its online services. Thankfully for fanboys, Irimajiri's management team would later wisely relent and permit the Sega logo to be included to the console's outer casing.
Internally the new system was a marvel of cost cutting, off the shelf componentry; Sega had certainly learnt valuable lessons from the failure of the Saturn. The Dreamcast's 32-bit predecessor was badly hampered by high production costs and the complex nature of the hardware made it difficult for programmers to get the most out of the system. With Dreamcast, Sega made sure the console was cheap to manufacture by using parts more commonly associated with PCs; the motherboard was a masterpiece of clean, uncluttered design and compatibility with Microsoft's Window's CE operating system meant that development would be a potentially pain-free exercise - although it should be noted that in the long term, programmers favoured Sega's own development tools over Microsoft's. In order to keep costs down, the decision was made not to include a DVD drive as the technology was still quite expensive at the time. Instead, Sega used its own proprietary GD-ROM format, which could store a gigabyte of data. Not including DVD compatibility would later prove to be a costly mistake.

If proof is needed to ascertain how serious Sega was about the new machine one only has to look at the amount of money involved in designing, creating and marketing the console. Around $500 million was earmarked for the Dreamcast worldwide, with roughly half of that figure being spent on creating the hardware and software. The rest was splashed on promoting the machine all over the globe. Irimajiri, who found fame and fortune in the automotive industry with Honda, jokingly commented a few months before the Japanese release that the figures baffled him – car manufacturers would spend roughly the same amount of creating a new automobile, yet here was Sega throwing millions at the production of a diminutive box that sits under your telly. Nevertheless, Sega's Japanese president was well aware that this was the amount of capital it took to get a new machine on the shelves and into the consciousness of the consumer.
The company knew that it would take something special to regain market share from the dominant Sony. "We have the strength of a beaten company" Sega's PR guru Yasushi Akimoto commented at the time. But for all this bravado, the new hardware launch was undoubtedly a huge gamble. The poor performance of the Saturn had pushed Sega into the red, and even before the Dreamcast hit store shelves in Japan the distressed firm had posted a shocking 75 precent drop in half-year profits. With such a massive amount of money being devoted to doing battle in the console arena once more, the top brass at Sega knew that this could potentially be the last throw of the dice.
Nevertheless, as the console's Japanese launch grew ever closer there was a tangible sense of confidence in the Sega camp. Consumer interest was high and retailers reported that strong pre-orders were expected. However, this optimism was knocked slightly when NEC made the shock announcement that it was struggling with the manufacture of the PowerVR2 chipset. Issues were being encountered when the company mass-produced the chip at the required 0.25micron thickness, with 1-in-3 processors failing to meet production standards, and this invariably resulted in Sega having to halt Japanese pre-orders - which had reached around 80,000 by this stage - and reduce the projected number of units available at launch from 500,000 to 150,000. To make matters worse, several key titles such as Sega Rally 2 and Sonic Adventure were also hit by development delays.
The machine was finally launched in Japan on November 27th, 1998 and the 150,000 available units promptly sold out before the day was over. In an eerie precedent to the Saturn launch four years earlier - where Virtua Fighter sold almost on a 1-to-1 basis with hardware - the only title really worth bothering with on day one was Virtua Fighter 3: Team Battle. Unperturbed by the PowerVR2 production fiasco, Sega confidently predicted that it would sell half a million units by March 1999. When this target was missed and the news started to filter through that key software titles were failing to sell in the numbers expected - Capcom's stunning Power Stone was one high-profile commercial disaster, prompting a public apology from the developer, which wrongfully seemed to assume the end product wasn't up to scratch - those individuals inside the walls of Sega of Japan's boardroom started to worry. Prior to the Western launch the price of the Japanese console was reduced from 29,000 Yen ($240 / £165) to 19,900 Yen ($165 / £110), effectively removing all profit from hardware sales. The reduction had the desired effect and units started to sell in larger numbers, although this could have had something to do with the release of Namco's superlative Soul Calibur, which when confirmed as coming to Sega's 128-bit console caused a 17 percent jump in the value of Sega's stock market shares.
As the Dreamcast was struggling to maintain pace in its homeland, Sega's American and European divisions prepared to launch the console in their respective territories. The North American release occurred on September 9th 1999, with the European début taking place just over a month later. The US launch was an astonishing success with Sega struggling to meet the initial demand for the product. Half a million Dreamcast consoles found their way into US homes in the first two weeks alone – something the machine had failed to do in several months in Japan. The company proudly boasted that it made $98 million on software and hardware sales thanks to the September 9th launch; by anyone's standards it was an amazingly successful introduction and ranks as Sega's most accomplished hardware launch in the territory. In Europe the figures made for equally encouraging reading; by Christmas 1999 half a million units had been sold meaning that Sega Europe was six months ahead of the schedule it had set itself.
Given Sega's strong coin-op heritage, the Dreamcast unsurprisingly saw many arcade conversions during its lifespan. Shortly before the Japanese launch Sega announced that it would be replacing its popular Model 3 arcade hardware with a new standard called NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea). NAOMI and Dreamcast were essentially the same systems, with the former possessing twice as much RAM and four times as much sound memory. This meant that home conversions were more often than not exact replicas of what was seen in the arcade, and for the first time since the days of the Neo-Geo AES the term "arcade perfect" actually meant what it said. A slew of Sega-produced ports arrived including Crazy Taxi, Outrigger, 18 Wheeler, Ferrari F355 Challenge, Dynamite Deka 2 and Virtua Tennis. Superb support also came from many leading Japanese arcade companies, most notably former Saturn ally Capcom, which not only released some excellent NAOMI titles (Capcom vs. SNK, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Project Justice to name but three) but also seemed to publish a new 2D fighter on an almost weekly basis, with titles like Street Fighter III, Darkstalkers/Vampire Chronicle and Jojo's Bizzare Adventure proving that the firm was as serious about supporting the Dreamcast as it had been with the Saturn.
Sadly, consolidating further third party support wasn't easy. Companies like EA had been burnt by the failure of the Saturn and ignored the Dreamcast throughout its life, choosing instead to stick with the far more profitable PlayStation. Others adopted a cautious "wait and see" policy towards the machine, commenting that they would review their stance when solid sales figures came through. Unfortunately, as positive as the Western launches had been, Sega struggled to keep the momentum going. With Sony's PlayStation 2 looming menacingly on the horizon, many gamers decided to stick with their current machine rather than upgrading to the Dreamcast, and as a result interest started to wane. Price cuts, like the one witnessed so early on in Japan, predictably followed in the US and Europe but these failed to be a long-term solution to the problem.
Invariably, as sales started to diminish, more and more developers chose not to bring their product to the troubled console, and even those that had previously provided vital support began to lose interest. Namco – an essential partner and the company responsible for the system-defining Soul Calibur – dropped Dreamcast support almost as swiftly as it had taken it up. Therefore, throughout the life of the machine it fell largely to Sega to produce quality software, but while the company was undoubtedly adept at producing engaging coin-op experiences, it struggled to cater for a new audience of gamers that had been weaned on deeper, more feature-packed titles on Sony's PlayStation. Sega's coin-op ports were unquestionably arcade perfect, but in the eyes of many critics that was proving to be the problem; arcade machines are designed to entertain in short bursts and do not usually stand up to prolonged play within the home. Contemporary reviewers complained of lightweight coin-op ports and even the feature-rich world of Shenmue couldn't alter the often-erroneous perception that the Dreamcast was a machine packed with titles that failed to keep your attention for more than a few hours.
Dreamcast's ace in the hole - online connectivity – could have arrested such a sorry slide, but Sega never really managed to exploit this facet to its fullest potential. The company was unforgivably slow in getting online services up and running in the three major territories, and when the promise of playing against "6 billion players" (a rather lofty boast made by Sega Europe which seemingly assumed that everyone on the face of the planet would buy a machine) finally came to fruition, it was found to be quite underwhelming due to the slow speed of the bundled modem.
When the PlayStation 2 launched in March 2000 after a series of troublesome delays, it became obvious that the writing was on the wall for Sega's 128-bit challenger. Ironically, the PS2's initial line-up of software was arguably inferior to what was being released on the Dreamcast at the time, but Sony's brand was so strong it sold on the name alone. In the US the Dreamcast was given a shot in the arm as Sega announced that it would grant a $150 rebate – basically the price of a Dreamcast system – to anyone who signed up to the SegaNet online service for two years. Another price cut followed and these two manoeuvres resulted in an astonishing 156 percent rise in hardware sales. However, it's always worth looking at the bigger picture when quoting numbers like these; the Dreamcast still only held around 15 percent of the US gaming market, with Sony and Nintendo out in front with 50 and 35 percent respectively.

Sega was in dire financial straits before the Dreamcast arrived on the scene, but the disappointing performance meant the company was in even more trouble. It clearly couldn't continue and although the announcement in 2001 that Sega would be discontinuing Dreamcast production and moving into third party publishing came as a shock to hardcore fans (and also the US and European offices, who had to face the ignominy of learning about the future of their parent company in the same manner as the average person on the street), most industry experts had been predicting the move for months beforehand. Sega was quick to point out that games were still in development for the Dreamcast, but for all intents and purposes the Japanese firm had taken its eye off the struggling system and was looking very much to the future.
However, the Dreamcast's connection with NAOMI proved to be a crucial lifeline. The arcade system was incredibly popular and Japanese coin-op developers, finding their earnings diminishing as the industry began to shrink, gladly took up the low-cost solution that NAOMI provided. Over the next few years these companies would keep the memory of the Dreamcast alive with a series of shooting titles that, after successful arcade runs, were granted small-scale domestic releases. Titles such as Radilgy, Trizeal, Under Defeat and Trigger Heart Exelica all found their way onto the system, and G-Rev's Border Down was so highly sought-after that it recently received a welcome reprint.

Pinpointing exactly why the Dreamcast failed is trickier than you might imagine. Was it lack of third party support? Over-reliance on arcade conversions? Poor support of online services that could have set it apart from its rivals? Lack of a DVD drive? The impending release of the PS2? Poor marketing in key territories? The most likely answer is that it was a combination of all these factors, but when dissecting the troubled history of the console it's easy to overlook just how potent a gaming platform it really was.
The thrill of playing Crazy Taxi in the arcade knowing full well that a pixel-perfect conversion (and not some cut-down port) was set to arrive on the Dreamcast is an experience gamers are unlikely to witness again. Rudimentary as it was, online play with a console was nothing short of revolutionary at the time, and Sega basically offered the access to the internet for under £200 / $290 – something that PCs of that era were asking an awful lot more for. With titles of the calibre of Sonic Adventure 2, Rez, Jet Set Radio, Daytona USA 2001, Dead or Alive 2, House of the Dead 2 and Skies of Arcadia, the Dreamcast was unquestionably a heaven for video gamers that appreciated the finer things in life. Sadly, out of those "6 billion" potential players that Sega spoke about, the message only seemed to filter through to a lucky few.
This feature originally appeared in its entirety in Imagine Publishing's Retro Gamer magazine, and is reproduced here with kind permission.
Comments 109
when i first saw virtua tennis running on a dreamcast in best buy my friends and i all pooled our money to buy one. it looked so amazing compared to the N64 and ps1 we were used to at the time.
Great console with a lot of amazing games, even if many were arcade ports.
Only Sega console I had, loved it while it lasted.
It broke down on me twice in 2000, I still have the discs and the VMU. Wonder if I should try to hunt down one and if it will last me.
What a great system. Actually my one and only Sega console, as it was the only one I felt were actually great. So many fantastic games like Shenmue, Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia and of course Code Veronica.
DC was basically an evolution of the Neo Geo's 'arcade at home' concept. To this day there are some great gems which will probably never see publication again. My personal favorite is Tech Romancer which I'm hoping will get another sequel some day.
Arcade at home is all I ever wanted (Still is really.)
Easy to learn hard to master don't see why anybody would want anything else.
@sinalefa Did you get the random reset fault? You can fix that pretty easily, so you might not need to pick up another console - although to be honest, they're not expensive!
@JHDKoopman - I felt that way about seeing NFL 2K playing in a Gamestop window. From out on the sidewalk passing by at first glance it looked like a real game. I haven't been as impressed since.
Woulda shoulda coulda.
My 2nd favorite console behind PS2 courtesy of Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia atop the list. Had it received a few more years of support it might have become my favorite. Still have my Bleamcast disc for MGS.
me and my friends always thought the dreamcast was great and almost felt "nintendo-y"
I think Sega brought it's A game to the dreamcast (and inturn to GameCube) with it's 1st party games. would be great if we could get DC and GC for VC
Mine froze randomly, and soon after it failed to boot any games. As a matter of fact I gave the console to a friend that was a PS1 technician, he could not fix it and I never bothered to ask it back so I don't even have it.
Been thinking on getting one on ebay, but since these are a bit old I am not sure if it will be worth it.
@JHDKoopman I remember the feeling. The visuals were so realistic, the characters had "round" edges as opposed to all the huge polygons on other consoles, the smoothness of the 60 frames per second... It was definetly a leap from the N64 and PSX. I really love this console.
One of my favorite consoles out there. Sonic Adventure 1&2, Marvel vs Capcom 1&2, Powerstone, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Rayman 2, and King of Fighters 98. Those were the main games I played on the Dreamcast. Great console, i rarely went back to the N64. I still played the Playstaion though.
I absolutely loved my Dreamcast. I remember having get togethers with a friend who was an early adaptor of the PS2, and we always played DC games like Virtua Tennis while the PS2 just sat there. Eventually, the PS2 library clearly caught up and surpassed the Dreamcast, but it was always an amusing memory to have a blast with it while the big, bad PS2 was used as many a DVD player in its early days.
It was also the home if my first true online gaming experiences - I don't consider the Saturn Netlink as truly online as it was direct dial modem to modem... Played a few good games of NFL 2K1 on it. And such great innovative and quirky games like Seaman and Jet Set Radio.
Sega, Capcom, and Bandai Namco are supporting the virtual console, so maybe we'll see some of these classics.
It's also the second most beautiful console ever made, after the japanese Mega Drive.
The Dreamcast had a beautiful spirit, a spirit that I've seen move on through consoles like the original Xbox to the Wii U now. Interesting well-made games that you can't find elsewhere.
I love the Dreamcast, the game that sold me on it was Project Justice, and there are more titles out there that I'd like to get for it.
Huh, it sort of looks like a squashed down Gamecube with the Playstation X's disc tray on top and a coat of white/grey paint.
Still one of the best consoles ever made. Fighting game paradise. Just bought a new arcade stick for mine.
@gsmaciel Amen to THAT
Loved the Dreamcast. It and the Super Famicom are my favourite systems ever. I still have mine hooked up for the occasional burst on some its best games.
I wish back then I would have bought the Dreamcast instead of the PS2, but the appeal of a DVD player and Final Fantasy X pushed me the other way. Just one of many decisions I look back on with regret.
On September 9, 1999; I was scheduled to go on a field trip to NYC. I missed the bus by seconds as I saw it pull away as I drove my car into the school parking lot. How did I make up for the disappointment? I drove across the street to the mall, went to Gamestop, and purchased the Sega Dreamcast with SoulCalibur and NFL 2K. I quickly forgot about my missed field trip! I never knew another person locally that had one though. My friends would come over to my house to check it out but none of them ever bought one.
@Damien McFerran:
"The Dreamcast's 32-bit predecessor was badly hampered by (...)"
Didn't you mean Saturn?
Hands down my favorite system. It got way more hate than it deserved. I wish they had put a second control stick on the controller, but the Dreamcast is still my favorite controller ever and, in my opinion, the most comfortable.
"The Dreamcast's 32-bit predecessor was badly hampered by (...)"
Didn't you mean Saturn?
No. The Saturn is the Dreamcast's 32-bit predecessor. The console that came before the Dreamcast.
I still have my Dreamcast,still play it once in awhile,but lost some of my main games I played the most like House of the Dead 2, SoulCalibur,Tee Off, Seaman,Sonic Adventure... It was a great system at the time,too bad it didn't last long. Dreamcast forever!
I'm surprised no one mentioned Phantasy Star Online.
The best hardware IMO. I loved every single game that was released on and it was way ahead of Nintendo and Playstation back then. That's what I called a true next gen console. 128bit console. I hope Nintendo will come back strong like Dreamcast did. Beat the so called next gen consoles. A lot of game studio's would want to make games for your system then. They need to be pushed and not to be held back like the WII U. We've seen it before....
I love my dreamcast. I picked up one when I was in Dublin 2 weeks ago. I still want to get a few more games for it though.
I think sometimes people look back on things that maybe didn't sell so well, and perhaps exaggerate the quality, but the Dreamcast was fully deserving of all the praise it gets.
It's library isn't just full of great new IP, but a lot of those are actually brand new genres entirely. I remember one of my friends importing a Japanese PS2 at it's launch, and we pretty much ignored it as it arrived the same week Crazy Taxi was released on the Dreamcast. Other personal highlights are Jet Set Radio, Toy Commander, Phantasy Star Online and Shenmue. I only wish we'd got Seaman over here in the UK.
I picked one up from a friend about 2005, and I really enjoyed it. Had a few games but the two that stuck out that I had were SF Rush 2049 and Headhunter. On the face of it it still seems strange looking back that it failed. I still have it and rack it out every now and again... Come to think of it...
I never owned a Dreamcast, but I played one every weekend for 6 months straight. When I was about 15 years old I was getting into trouble a lot, and got sent to an adolescent group home/behavioral treatment center. Every weekend we went to the reckroom with darts, pool, ping pong and, you guessed it- a Sega Dreamcast. My favorite was Ready to Rumble Boxing- man that game was a blast! Especially with a bunch of teenage friends all huddled around betting on who's gonna win lol...
Ahh, good times...
Ah, Dramcast.
Despite having the 'random reset' problem with a couple of machines, the console is still one of my all-time faves. It was just so beautifully designed, and the games were simply awesome - especially the Shenmue duo! God, I loved Ryo Hazuki's adventures; and they were light-years ahead of anything that could be found on PS2.
Unfortunately, Sonic Adventure has aged terribly (SA2 to a slightly lesser extent), but games like Soul Calibur, Jet Grind Radio, Power Stone and Skies of Arcadia are just as awesome as ever!
@Kage_88 The random resets are caused by poor connections on a set of pins inside the console and it's really easy to fix.
The SEGA Dreamcast was an awesome video game system, I bought one when the N64 had a terrible game drought, Dreamcast games looked and played great, everything from Sonic Adventure 1&2, Crazy Taxi, and Dead or Alive. The SEGA Dreamcast was a head of it's time.
Also, I think it introduced '60 Hz' mode to a lot of PAL gamers with Sonic Adventure. It was weird that the Saturn gave us two of the best PAL optimised games ever with Sega Rally and Virtua Fighter 2, but Sega Rally 2 and Virtua fighter 3 launched on Dreamcast with slow boardered versions and unlike Sonic Adventure, had no 60Hz mode. Maybe they supported the VGA cable, hey there was another console innovation.
Amazing console, great games, easy to play imports with a boot disc, noisey when accessing a disc, has a tendency to develop a 'reseting' issue, but managed to fix mine, still works!
I think the controller could have been better though, I completed both Crazy Taxi games 100% on all the challenges and those analogue triggers get painful! The Saturn 3D analogue controller felt like a better design to me.
Great article! Reading this really takes me back, and reminds me how much I enjoyed the dreamcast. Now if I could get capcomvssnk2 and powerstone on ps3&360, I'd be overjoyed.
The dreamcast is responsible for Skies of Arcadia and for that I will love it dearly for all time
I still love my Dreamcast. Pick up a VGA connector for your HDTV and your old girl will amaze you. DC games look considerably better today than most of the PS2 collection (even running on component cables).
One part of the story about the games sounded like the Wii U
I am telling you there is a even console generation curse
2 gen a lot of console makers went out of the market
4 gen Atari went out of the console market
6 gen Sega went out of the console market
8 gen ?????????
they need to remake these games for the 3DS
and put these games on Wii U virtual console
The Dreamcast failed because SEGA had no games on the console and SONY had offered free Advertisement for all it's devers that had contracts. Also thinking about the actual games people wanted two things.
Metal Gear, and Final Fantasy types games. Which the Dreamcast had barely any of. You can still find the PSX filled with games like these that are playable then most consoles today. To make things worst every game on the Dreamcast worth owning is on the PSX and even N64. The Dreamcast does fail in one area and that is programming. While easier to program, many games did have programming errors that was never corrected at all, especially N64 conversions. Their is barely anything on the Dreamcast that is worth playing at all because it was all arcade and most of that is easy to run on computers.
Could the Dreamcast/Saturn/PCE come back. Yes, but why not? Because most consumers are penny pinching.
Also duh the reason why the PowerVR over took the early Navida is because NEC needed the business over the small American company. NEC was an computer maker but now they are not, and so forth. NEC was SEGA original rival opposite in Japan. NEC lasted until the arrival of the N64, Windows XP.
Dreamcast was an nice idea but seriously that was the last of real gaming we had. Then it was Final Fantasy clones, and Metal Gear clones, then it was movie games, and so forth.
How was Windows CE compatibility used or envisioned to be used?
Absolutely loved this system. Lost it (and many other belongings) in a move. Don't know if it was just the timing of the release or lack of advertising but it really was great.
As much as I admire the Dreamcast - it is very much a console of 'flawed' masterpieces. It introduced some awesome arcade graphics in 1999, I also liked Sega's support for VGA and higher quality connections as opposed to Nintendo's love of cheap ass fuzzy/smeary composite cables!
@ElkinFencer10 Agreed -
Yeah, and it's aged pretty well too. I actually bought a Dreamcast after its death (I was a Sony fanboy at the time) and every time I go back and play SoA I enjoy it immensely. I've actually sold 90% of the mediocre PS2 JRPGs I've owned, but I'll keep my copy of Skies of Arcadia until I die.
Sometimes I even jokingly tell my brother that if my house caught on fire one of things I'd go back in for would be SoA. LOL.
This was the only sega machine I didn't get. That 32x or what ever it was called made me mad. I did get the Saturn but as usual my loyalties were with the Big N. It didn't really matter though my sister had the dreamcast, my brother the PS1 and 2. I of course had N64 and GameCube. Great read. It brought me back and Skies of Arcadia was amazing on there. Unfortunately, my sis was older and would not let me play as much. I'm glad it was released on GameCube later.
@Alucard83 To be fair the N64 came out in early 1996 and was based on 1994 graphics technology, and the PS1 on 1992 graphics technology.
The Dreamcast released in 1999 - so it was always going to blow away the older systems.
But the first time I fired up Super Mario 64, GoldenEye 007 and Diddy Kong Racing et all my jaw, and many other gamers hit the floor as well.
It is just what happens in life - new generations of technology bring amazing advancements. In fact I'll add that Conker BDF was recognised as having better graphics than most 1st gen PS2 games - so it just goes to show that system wasn't really pushed until the end aswell!
I may be a 'HandheldGuru" but once upon a time (a year and a half ago) I said to myself, "The Dreamcast is always highly praised, but is it really that good or just super over rated???" Well I bought a Dreamcast for $30 with Sonic Adventure and Virtua Tennis and now 10 games later, yes ladies and gentlemen, the Dreamcast is easily the greatest console ever. What a fantastic unit, the games are some of the zaniest, craziest and greatest games ever to come out of the late 90's early 00's. The hardware, while showing its age now, still holds up to this day! What an excellent kit and excellent article. Folks, get yourself a Dreamcast, like the article says they're dirt cheap now...but I highly doubt they'll stay that way for much longer.
Now I've never played a Dreamcast but God bless that beautiful console and Sega for bringing Jet Set Radio into the world
After buying into the Sega CD and 32X many years before, then switching to N64/PSX, there was no going back to Sega for me. I played a little bit of Dreamcast here and there with my cousin who had bought one. But those games were not for me anymore. No doubt quite a few good games in the library but I needed a bigger experience.
I loved my Dreamcast! I had a part time job and I remember my Mum picking me up from work and taking me to my local electronics store to get it, they were doing a special launch deal or something. I was supposed to keep it for Christmas but I regularly sneaked it out and played Sonic Adventure, up to the first boss fight. I was amazed with it. Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur, Shenmue, Sonic Adventure, Resident Evil Code: VERONICA, these games were truly stunning to me. Ready2Rumble Boxing: Round 2 had Michael Jackson as an actual, motion captured fighter in it, I was in heaven! I remember the developers thanking him in the booklet. Hey, remember instruction booklets?! lol Space Channel5 also had MJ in it, Space Michael, any wonder this console is so fondly remembered by myself?! Great times, wonderful games
@Ristar42 Should have used the Rally Wheel for Crazy Taxi.
Fantastic article by the way, really enjoyed it
@RegalSin Skies of Arcadia is light years better than any of the Final Fantasy games on the PS1/PS2 - So much better they might as well not exist.
I know Nintendo will not kill the Wii U early, because Sega basically destroyed their console business by doing just that. But the Wii U is in a very similar predicament as the Dreamcast was, the difference really comes down to the fact that Nintendo can support a flop, sega had nothing left at that point of making mistake after mistake. As long as Nintendo can make the Wii U profitable, they just need to rethink and retool ideas for the next round, there will always be a next round.
@unrandomsam Yeah, I have a lot of retro stuff, but not enough room, so Ive not added any streering wheel controllers to my collection. Its the brake / accelerate to boost technique in Crazy Taxi that caused the pain, most driving games were fine!
Nice article by the way, I have Retro Gamer from issue 1, great mag!
I never got the play the Dreamcast even though I use to be a rabid Sonic fanboy. I didn't really find the system my cup of tea even though it had a lot of good games in it own right. I probably should get around to buying one, I always wanted to play Shenmue, Power Stone, Jet Set Radio, and Skies of Arcadia.
I had the n64. My best friend had a dream cast. Has some great games but I remember he used it for like a year, then we forgot about it. We were too busy playing with our n64. Smash, 007, p dark, quake, loz, and on and on.
Outstanding console for its time. Great design, and some truly revolutionary features like the digital game pad thing...not big, noisy and ugly like the Xbox.
Loved RE Code Veronica, V.Tennis, Jet Set Radio, Shemue, Crazy Taxi and a racing game I can't recall the title of etc.,
Nowadays everyone can look back and see Sega's mistakes but hindsight is always crystal clear. I still think that a DVD playing PS2 was always going to wipe the floor with the competition. I was at university and renting games and DVDs from Blockbusters was all that mattered. If a console couldn't do both it wasn't worth it.
As it stands it still has more sales than the Wii U. Alas Sega's didn't have a handheld console to cover the losses.
Sega's hardware was always my favourite.
"The Dreamcast enjoyed a somewhat convoluted genesis." I see what you did there.
Ah... the Dreamcast. The console that has officially sold better than the Wii U.
I never even knew Sega was having problems when the Dreamcast was released. I had one the second month it was out and thought it was awesome. When Marvel vs. Capcom 2 came out I used to play against my friend for hours everyday for months. It was the first game I ever played that actually looked better than the arcade version. That alone had me thinking the Dreamcast was going to be huge. Didn't really keep up with gaming news but I do remember people talking about the PS2 before it hit saying it was going to make the Dreamcast irrelevant. Too bad Sega couldn't have put the DVD player in it, that would have really been an attraction in those days, though I don't think it would have made a difference. Sony really did a fantastic job with the PS1 so naturally it made sense that people were hyped for the PS2.
I have my dreamcast from 2002, and it STILL work and I still play it every other month. I've trained my nephew in power stone.
I just recent hooked up one of Dreamcasts (I have the white one and then the Black Sports Edition one) this past weekend and have been playing it alot the last few days. I can't believe how well alot of these games have held up to this day.
@ikki5 By less than 1 million I bet...
Few notes:
1) I have actually never played a Dreamcast.
2) Boy we really liked 1 on 1 fighting games in those days.
3) Sega always did know how to make really nice-looking hardware.
4) Some of you young'uns might be a bit confused by some of the terminology in this article. See this link for clarification: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcade_game
Though I never owned a dreamcast myself I wish they would re-release some of these classic games people are talking about so I can see how great it was for myself!
By far my favourite Sega console.
When I first played sonic adventure I knew I had to buy the dreamcast. The console was more advance than what was out at the time. Soul caliber had better than arcade graphics on the dreamcast. It's too bad no more sega consoles are made. I believe they brought the best out of nintendo.
Should the 2nd sentence of paragraph 6 read 'The Saturn's..' It reads a bit weird if it really is 'The Dreamcasts...'
Or maybe it's me, I'm just up.
I never owned a Dreamcasts but did have one loaned to me for about a month. The thing that really stood out for me was that the graphics were blurry. Not sure if that was maybe a fault with my (borrowed) console coz I never see it mentioned by anyone else. Also the online was terrible.
Had a blast with the games tho I'm glad I stuck with Nintendo. Have since played Shenmue on emulator and it's brilliant!
Did you know Skies of Arcadia was also on the GameCube? If you rich you are rich you could still get it second hand.
The reason that dreamcast failed was that everyone wanted to upgrade their home entertainment system to DVD. I wanted a DVD player and I purchased a PS2.
@Fandabidozi Is it that hard to find? My cousin had a copy at one point; maybe he still does. I played it, and it's definitely a good game.
Yes the Dreamcast didn't fail based on the quality of the software thats for sure, its still got a huge active fanbase to this day.
I bet I would have done a lot better in college if I hadn't bought a Dreamcast at launch. Though I have to disagree with this statement:
"the only title really worth bothering with on day one was Virtua Fighter 3: Team Battle"
PenPen TriIcelon was a horribly underrated game and is easily one of my all-time favorite multi-player games. ...though, yeah. I guess it wasn't really worth bothering with on day one. Or for most normal people, ever. So never mind.
Though I do have to agree with the people saying that PSO deserves a mention... as much as I hated (and still resent) how a cherished Sega franchise got modernized, I sunk a ton of hours into that game. In fact, it and Chu Chu Rocket are probably the only games I've ever played online for a significant amount of time.
I was too young when the DreamCast was discontinued to have owned one, but I know enough about it to know that it was seriously ahead of its time, and I never understood why it just up and vanished.
Really, I still don't. It was a good console.
Still love this console to it's full potential. Had a lot of amazing games on it that run perfectly smooth, and who cannot love Crazy Taxi 1-2 and Stupid Invaders. It may have not have had a lot of 3rd party support, but it made up for it with many great games...plus, put in the internet disc and you get to play Sega Swirl for free!!!
@Captain_Gonru - Don't really know Toy Commander, just as one of those games that always comes up in Dreamcast articles. The rarely known game we loved to play was the greatly named "Ooga Booga". A third person shooter that probably a lot of Splatoon is based off of but nobody will ever know.
Game was freakin awesome. I may need to fire it back up.
This makes me really scared that the Wii U is going to be the Saturn to whatever comes after it.
I still have my dreamcast, it's between that and my saturn for favourite console of all time. I've got just about every peripheral for it and over 150 games, it was the first console I was really able to plough my own money into, loved it at the time, still do.
I never had a Dreamcast and I was never particularly impressed or excited by it either but I can appreciate that a lot of people love it. My bro was one of those people.
Underrated console loads of great games and brilliant arcade ports
Very nice piece. These hardware classics are enjoyable features. The DC was a nice improvement over the Saturn in terms of the internal design. I loved the Saturn and had one when it was new, but it was a mess inside and Sega paid for that mistake in several ways. The DC was well thought out and it's a great design inside and out. I must say I prefer the Saturn's library more than the DC, but that has more to do with the time periods than anything else. The DC was easily more capable for 2D and 3D, but I preferred many of the arcade titles, from the likes of Capcom and SNK, of the previous generation.
The gap of nearly a year between the Saturn and Dreamcast was too much for me, so I imported a system in February of 1999. I just recently got a nice VGA box, some used games I missed the first time around, some cool independent games, and hooked my DC up for the first time in a while. The second Virtual On game is still great fun and a stunner with VGA. I'm surprised I didn't catch any mention here that the DC still sees independent releases.
I did want to mention that I've seen reports, which seem to check out, that Sega's relationship with 3Dfx was revealed by 3Dfx in disclosures for a public offering prior to the lawsuit, for which Sega execs would have good reason to be furious.
I really loved my DC, it sadly died in the end... I had to turn it upside down for the cd-rom to work. Some brilliant multiplayer games - Power Stone, Capcom vs SNK, Virtua Tennis, Re-Volt, Ready To Rumble we were spoilt for choice.
Unfortunately never owned a Dreamcast but I've wanted one for some time now. I might just bite the bullet and get one and start a collection one of these days.
I was soooo sad when Sega pulled out of the console race! To me the key thing may have been the decision to not include DVD support! And today they're not even close to being the same company! I wish they'd get some classics on Wii u already!!
That being said they're doing a good job with the 3DS 3D classics! But still....
@Captain_Gonru - There was only 1 thing better than popcap ammo.
Snakes on the 4th of July.
The DreamCast was too far ahead of its time. If they had a game like Halo they could have had an online gaming revolution. I remember me and my friends being in awe over how futuristic the controller was, lol.
@rferrari24 capcom & namco yes but I don't see sega doing it on wii u yet. Yea they just released sonic advance in japan but I won't count that till it comes to the states. Just like Japan's wii u has 31 turbographx 16 games and and we have zippo!!
@Dpishere FYI- quite a few of those titles available on 360 or PS3 downloads like crazy taxi, jet set radio, sonic adventure 1&2, Daytona USA, sega bass fishing. Space channel 5 and a few others I can't recall lol
I would shout out DREAMCAST GAMES ON WII U VC but being sega hasn't even given us master system or Genesis yet I doubt we'll ever see that!
@joey302 Ah yes I think I remember seeing those games on there at some point. I may have to check them out!
@Dpishere you're in luck cause none of them yet to be delisted! Also u may be interested in Nights into Dreams remastered from the sega Saturn library. You'll also spot quite a few Genesis classics as well!! Dive in & Enjoy the goodness that is classic sega!
How am I late to this comment section!!!! Best console ever, waaaaaay ahead of its time. Also home to the best RPG ever, although the GCN version was better. But I spent more time with the DC version. How sad I was when you were discontinued.
I still have my Dreamcast set up, it's hit and miss if the game starts up, somedays games would start 1st time, other times I get the option screen and the game fails to start up. I find myself switching the machine on and off, or opening / closing lid to get it to start up. Currently re-playing Shemnue, trying to collect all the eggs, and shop prizes
Would love Sega to start flooding Wii U with VC games from their systems.
You forgot about MSR. The best arcade/simulator hybrid there had been at that point.
In order to figure out the answer I think you have to look at the previous 5 or 6 failures Sega backed and quckly abandoned. They are Sega Gamegear (which I owned when I was younger), Sega CD, Sega 32x, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn. They lost consumer support because who is going to buy a piece of hardware that is quickly abandoned. This is on top of the fact that they were already in the red so they didn't have enough money to get them over those first few years. The dreamcast actually seemed like a decent machine and if they could have supported it properly perhaps things could have been different. So from the Genesis, forget the Sega CD, adn the 32x and just come out with the Saturn, support it for 4 or 5 years, learn from your mistakes and then come out with the dreamcast. I think they would have been much better off doing that, but this is all 20/20 hindsight I suppose.
As much flack as the Wii U is taking, I think Nintendo learned from Sega's mistakes because you can't underestimate your loyal fans who will tend to support your company through the good and the bad, while the casuals and others who caught up in hype, their attention is going to turn to the next hot item.
Lastly, Kudos to Nintendo, Everyone knows that the Wii U is not doing well, and they have supported that thing valiantly even if it is mostly by themselves. I own a wii u and definitely do not regret my purchase with all the really good exclusives that are out on it. I own a pc on top of this but my wii u definitely gets plenty of play time.
@Great_Gonzalez Indeed, SoA alone justifies the DC.
The wii u is the equivalent of the dreamcast now the best games. innovative better than the completion but still not number console like it should be
@RegalSin First of the dreamcast was not a failure. it was doing quite well just sega could not afford to stay in hardware. games was the dreamcast was great skies of arcadia Shenmue jet set radio head hunter power stone and many more great games
"The Dreamcast enjoyed a somewhat convoluted genesis."

so well made article for the legendary dreamcast, to be honest I am deeply sad the old sega has already died, in fact it is even more sad to think that the old era where companies like sega were investing their money on "fun" is gone, the old credo for those companies was "it is fun? then go for it".
However I am more than a lucky person that I was there when games like jet set radio, shenmue, sonic adventure, space channel 5, rez, the old capcom arcade games etc, appeared in this little white machine, the old good days I will never forget, thank you sega for bring the best memories of my childhood, thank you for create this amazing world, people don't understand why nowadays we consider games like call of duty garbage.
If you are a real gamer you should buy a dreamcast and take a look a it, then you will discover a real pure love gaming machine like the dreamcast is.
The Dreamcast is like the Wii U. No body buys it except for the very few, and those few have so much fun that everyone else misses out on.
My Dreamcast has literally just died this afternoon. The GD rom drive packed in
1. The Wii-U is not the Saturn. The Saturn had great advertisments, netplay, magazine discs, Collectable mini games.
2. IDK about the Dreamcast in Europe but in America with the lack of real RPG games ( dark type games the PSX had, with mature appeal it fails ). PSO was good until they wanted money for it.
FPS was the PC market alone; which was the online market. The Dreamcast had FPS with Online playability but it was barely used. Take the leaked Half-Life version of Dreamcast. Castlevania was canned for it as well if not mentioned.
I remember researching this console and finally pulling the trigger on a purchase. I went to the store and I had it my hands but something told me to wait. I decided to wait on the Gamecube which I never purchased. By this time I was heavily into PC gaming and it made more sense to me to spend my money on building a new system.To this day my decision remains clouded on whether I made the right one.
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