Oregon State UniversitySpecial Collections & Archives Research Center

Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, 1873-2013

11. Science. 1923-1994.

This section has been divided into fifteen thematic sub-sections, which, when taken as a whole, reflect the extraordinary breadth of Linus Pauling's scientific biography. Boxes in the Science section typically hold manuscripts, research notes, correspondence, figures, experimental data, non-Pauling reprints and other scientific research materials. Generally speaking, materials have been arranged and cataloged according to research topic. However, two sub-sections reflect the institutional architecture either supporting or directing Pauling's work during specific periods of his life. For example, the bulk of the collection's holdings concerning Pauling's relationship with the American Chemical Society have been cataloged under the rubric "Scientific, Research and Grant-Funding Institutions." A similar approach has been taken with much of Pauling's work sponsored by the Guggenheim Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.

221 boxes

9. The Nucleic Acids; the Structure of Atomic Nuclei.

Boxes 9.001 - 9.004 (Page: 1 - 4)

Nucleic Acid Papers, 1951-1963.
Reprint: Astbury, W. T., et al. "X-Ray Study of Thymonucleic Acid", Nature, 141, 747, April 23, 1938.
Reprint: Astbury, W. T. "X-Ray Studies of Nucleic Acids", Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, 1, 66-76, 1947.
Reprint: Dounce, A. L. "Duplicating Mechanism for Peptide Chain and Nucleic Acid Synthesis", Enzymologia, 15, 251-258, 1952.
Reprint: Hovanitz, W. "An Electron Microscope Study of Isolated Chromosomes", Genetics, 32, 500-504, September 1947.
Reprint: Hovanitz, W., et al. "The Internal Structure of Isolated Chromosomes", The Wasmann Collector, 7 (6), 233-242, 1949.
Galley Proof: James, T. W., et al. "Surface Films of Desoxyribonucleic Acid", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1952.
Reprint: Kay, Ernest R. M., et al. "An Improved Preparation of Sodium Desoxyribonucleate", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 1724-1726, April 5, 1952.
Reprint: Rondoni, P. "Experiments with Some Mitotic Poisons", J. of Gerontology, 7 (4), 614-617, October 1952.
Reprint: Hovanitz, W. "Chromosome Structure. 1. Analysis of Spiral or Nodule Fragmentations", The Wasmann Journal of Biology, 11 (1), 1-22, Spring 1953.
Correspondence: John T. Randall to Linus Pauling, August 28, 1951; Linus Pauling's reply, September 25, 1951.
Correspondence: Alexander R. Todd's secretary to Linus Pauling, January 6, 1952.
Correspondence: Max Perutz to Linus Pauling, May 7, 1952.
Crystallographic Photo: Sodium Thymonucleate [?] Type B, taken by Rosalind E. Franklin and R. G. Gosling, May 1952.
Correspondence: Jerry Donohue to Linus Pauling, June 25, 1952; Linus Pauling's reply, October 3, 1952.
Correspondence: D. P. Riley to Linus Pauling, October 7, 1952: Typescript, "X-Ray Scattering by Some Native and Denatured Proteins in the Solid State", by D. P. Riley and U. W. Arndt, No Date.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling, October 21, 1952.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling, October 22, 1952.
Correspondence: Barbara Low to Linus Pauling, October 30, 1952; Linus Pauling's reply, November 10, 1952.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to D. P. Riley, October 31, 1952;.
D. P. Riley to Linus Pauling, December 9, 1952; Reply by Linus Pauling, January 8, 1953;.
Linus Pauling to D. P. Riley, January 9, 1953;.
Linus Pauling to Charles T. Smyth, April 17, 1953;.
D. P. Riley to Linus Pauling, April 24, 1953;.
D. P. Riley to Linus Pauling, May 2, 1953;.
Linus Pauling to Queen's University, May 21, 1953; Reply by Queen's University, May 26, 1953;.
Linus Pauling to D. P. Riley, May 21, 1953; Reply by D. P. Riley, June 8, 1953.
Correspondence: Jerry Donohue to Linus Pauling, November 9, 1952; Linus Pauling's reply, November 19, 1952.
Notes, Manuscript: "A Proposed Structure for the Nucleic Acids", by Linus Pauling, November 26, 1952 - February 28, 1953.
Correspondence: Jerry Donohue to Linus Pauling, December 15, 1952; Linus Pauling's reply, December 23, 1952.
Correspondence: Jerry Donohue to Linus Pauling, December 16, 1952; Linus Pauling's reply, January 20, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Alexander R. Todd, December 19, 1952.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Roger Hayward, December 22, 1952.
Correspondence: John T. Randall to Linus Pauling, December 23, 1952; Linus Pauling's reply, December 31, 1952.
Correspondence: Nature to Linus Pauling, January 6, 1953 and January 20, 1953.
Typescript: A Note on Molecular Configuration in Sodium Thymonucleate, by Rosalind E. Franklin and R. G. Gosling, 1953 [?].
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Herbert Kahler, January 15, 1953; Herbert Kahler's reply, January 21, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, January 27, 1953.
Correspondence: Andrew Lang to Linus Pauling, January 16, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, February 2, 1953.
Correspondence: H. D. Springall to Linus Pauling, January 19, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, January 29, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling, February 4, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Jerry Donohue, February 10, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling, February 18, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Nature, February 21, 1953.
Correspondence: Alexander R. Todd to Linus Pauling, March 4, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, March 12, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling, March 10, 1953.
Correspondence: Alexander L. Dounce to Linus Pauling, March 18, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, March 23, 1953.
Correspondence: Jerry Donohue to Linus Pauling, March 20, 1953.
Correspondence: Jim Watson and Francis Crick to Linus Pauling, March 21, 1953.
Typescript: A Structure for DNA.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Peter Pauling, March 27, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Jim Watson and Francis Crick, March 27, 1953.
Manuscript Research Notes re: nucleic acids, by Linus Pauling and Verner Schomaker, March-April, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Max Perutz, March 29, 1953; Max Perutz' reply, April 14, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Jerry Donohue, March 30, 1953.
Correspondence: Francis Crick to Linus Pauling, April 14, 1953.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Max Delbrück, April 20, 1953.
Correspondence: Peter Pauling to Linus Pauling, September 13, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, September 24, 1953.
Correspondence: Andrew Lang to Linus Pauling, September 17, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, October 28, 1953.
Correspondence: Peter Pauling to Linus Pauling, October 16, 1953.
Correspondence: George Gamow to Linus Pauling, October 22, 1953; Linus Pauling's reply, December 9, 1953.
Correspondence: Francis Crick to Linus Pauling, August 3, 1954. [Actually a hoax sent by Peter Pauling - Crick's name is forged].
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Francis Crick, September 13, 1957; Francis Crick's reply, September 24, 1957.
Correspondence: Harvard University to Linus Pauling, re: Francis Crick, February - March 1959.
Correspondence: Nobel Committee for Chemistry to Linus Pauling -- invitation to nominate candidates for 1961 Nobel Chemistry Prize [two copies].
William Lawrence Bragg to Linus Pauling, January 4, 1960.
William Lawrence Bragg to Linus Pauling, January 9, 1960.
William Lawrence Bragg to Arne Westgren, January 1960.
William Lawrence Bragg to Erik Hulthen, January 1960.
Typescript: The Structure of Protein Molecules, by M. F. Perutz and J. C. Kendrew.
Typescript: A General Survey of the wider implications of the work carried at Cambridge under the direction of Dr. Perutz and Dr. Kendrew.
Typescript: The Analysis of Penicillin and of Vitamin B12, by Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin.
Typescript: Nucleic Acid, by J. D. Watson, F. H. C. Crick and M. H. F. Wilkins.
Draft Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Nobel Committee for Chemistry, March 1960.
Linus Pauling to Nobel Committee for Chemistry, March 14, 1960.
Linus Pauling to Nobel Committee for Chemistry, March 15, 1960.
Linus Pauling to Nobel Committee for Chemistry, March 15, 1960.
Linus Pauling to William Lawrence Bragg, March 15, 1960.
Reply by William Lawrence Bragg, March 22, 1960.
Nobel Committee for Chemistry to Linus Pauling, March 26, 1960.
Linus Pauling to Nobel Committee for Chemistry, June 10, 1960 [three copies].
Linus Pauling to William Lawrence Bragg, June 13, 1960.
Reply by William Lawrence Bragg, July 6, 1960.
Nobel Committee for Chemistry to Linus Pauling, June 20, 1960.
Jim Watson's Nobel Lecture: "The Involvement of RNA in the Synthesis of Proteins", 1962.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Maurice Wilkins, Jim Watson and Francis Crick, October 18, 1962.
Correspondence: Linus Pauling to Jim Watson, February 18, 1963; copy of letter -- Linus Pauling to Francis Crick, February 18, 1963.
Correspondence: Jim Watson to Linus Pauling, March 4, 1963.
Assorted Notes re: nucleic acids.

Assorted Materials re: Structure of Atomic Nuclei, 1937-1992, No Date.
Research Notes, Figures, Photos: Nuclear mass calculations, 1964-1965.
Note to Self re: structure of nuclei "with Z from 34 to 50", April 30, 1964.
Correspondence, Research Notes: "Fission", December 1964.
Research Notes: "6 helions", December 29, 1964.
Note to Self: "Proposed Researches", [re: structure of atomic nuclei] 1966 [?].
Research Notes: "Ways of checking possible icosahedral structures", October 5, 1967. [Extensive annotations made on a reprint copy of The Close-Packed-Spheron Theory and Nuclear Fission, by Linus Pauling].
Memoranda: LP to John Blethen, re: Energy Levels of Light Nuclei, July 15, 1969; LP to John Blethen re: Magnetic Moments of Nuclei, December 8, 1970.
Memoranda: LP to Ian Keaveny, re: structure of the deuteron, March 4, 1971, March 8, 1971.
Note to Self: "Evidence for Layer Structure in Nuclei", July 31, 1972.
Research Notes, Data: "Spherical series of cores", January 2, 1973.
Grant Application, Correspondence, Notes: "Theoretical Studies of the Structure of Atomic Nuclei and Molecules", National Science Foundation grant application P4P3861-000, 1974-1975.
Memorandum: LP to Dr. Blaisdell, re: "The theory of deformed atomic nuclei", January 5, 1979.
Notes, Diagrams: "Values of R from 2+", July 16, 1980.
Research Notes, Calculations re: "Nuclei - Rotational Levels", July 27 - September 5, 1985; Reprints re: rotating clusters in nuclei, 1974-1982.
Extensive Research Notes, Data, Diagrams re: structure of atomic nuclei, [hand-numbered by LP] February 19, 1986 - October 22, 1987.
Research Notes: "Bartges [?] measurements on CuLi3Al6", September 14-17, 1987.
Notes: Resonating proton theory of atomic nuclei, October 12, 1987.
Research Notes, Data, Diagrams re: structure of atomic nuclei, [hand-numbered by LP] October 22 - December 12, 1987.
Research Notes re: "effective radius of revolution of clusters about p49n50 and p50n51", June 26 - July 6, 1988.
Research Notes, Tables re: isotopes of Gd, Nd, Ce, Ba and W, August 25-27, 1988.
Research Notes re: stability of nuclear structures, September 4-5, 1988.
Research Notes re: structure of 16872Hf96 and isotopes of lanthanoids Dy, Sm, Nd and Ce, September 11-13, 1988.
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 18076Os104, September 19, 1988.
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 16070Yb90, September 25, 1988; Reprint: "High-Spin States in 222Th", Nuclear Physics, 1983.
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 16068Er92, 1988 [?].
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 15868Er90 and structure of 16258Er94, 1988 [?].
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 17074W96, 1988 [?].
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 234U, 235U and U236, January 25, 1990.
Research Notes: "Revolving Cluster in Nuclei", February 9, 1990.
Research Notes, Data: "Nuclei", April 24, 1991.
Research Notes re: isotopes of Zn, April 27, 1991.
Research Notes re: isotopes of Hg, March 16-20, 1992; June 13, 1992.
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 17976Os103, November 28, 1992.
Correspondence, Article re: Atomic Nuclei and crystal structure, 1991-1992.
Research Notes re: structure of 3814Si14, No Date.
Research Notes, Diagram re: structure of 13258Ce74, No Date.
Research Notes re: isotopes of Sr, Mo, Zr and Ru, No Date; Reprint: "Experimental Information Concerning Deformation of NeutronRich Nuclei in the A~100 Region", Physical Review, 1970.
Data: nuclei of several atoms with core mass, radius core and captured protons and neutrons (plots attached), No Date.
Research Notes re: rotational energy and centrifugal force, No Date.
Research Notes, Data: "Comparison of observed interatomic distances in alkali-halide gas molecules and in crystals with the sodium chloride structure", 1937-1991.

Assorted Research Notes, Data and Figures re: Structure of Atomic Nuclei, No Date.
Assorted Research Notes, Data and Figures re: Structure of Atomic Nuclei, No Date.

Research Report: Energy Levels of Light Nuclei. VII: A = 5-10+, by T. Lauritsen and F. Ajzenberg-Selove, 1965.
Research Report: Energy Levels of Light Nuclei. VII: A = 5-10+, by T. Lauritsen and F. Ajzenberg-Selove, submitted to Nuclear Physics, September 3, 1965. [contains LP annotations].

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