1 - 10 von 10
Ihre Aktion |
verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen
1. |
Father, Son, and Constitution : How Justice Tom Clark and Attorney General Ramsey Clark Shaped American Democracy / Wohl, Alexander. - Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, 2013
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Father, son, and constitution : how Justice Tom Clark and Attorney General Ramsey Clark shaped American democracy / Wohl, Alexander. - Lawrence, Kan. : Univ. Press of Kansas, 2013
3. |
Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark : A Life of Service / Gronlund, Mimi Clark. - Austin : University of Texas Press, [2010]
4. |
Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark : A Life of Service / Gronlund, Mimi Clark. - Austin : University of Texas Press, 2010
5. |
Nato in the Balkans : voices of opposition / Clark, Ramsey. - New York, NY : International Action Center, 1998
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Wüstensturm : US-Kriegsverbrechen am Golf / Clark, Ramsey. - 1. Auflage - Göttingen : Lamuv, 1993
7. |
Closed Citcuit History : Ardeshir Mohassess / Mohasses, Ardeshir. - Washington D.C. : Mage, 1989
8. |
Demokratie und Verbrechen : die Bekämpfung der Kriminalität am Beispiel der USA / Clark, Ramsey. - München [u.a.] : Herbig, 1972
9. |
Contempt : transcript of the contempt citations, sentences, and responses of the Chicago Conspiracy 10 / Seale, Bobby. - Chicago : The Swallow Press Inc., [1970]
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Crime in America : observations on its nature, causes, prevention and control / Clark, Ramsey. - 1. print. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 1970