1 - 10 von 18
Ihre Aktion |
verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen
1. |
Leṿi Eshkol: ha-ish she-yada laḥshov mi-ḥuts la-ḳufsa / Eshkol, Leṿi. - Yerushalayim : Yad Leṿi Eshkol, 779 [2018]
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Parashat derakhim / Eshkol, Leṿi. - Yerushalayim : Yad Leṿi Eshkol, 779 [2018]
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Leṿi Eshkol, biyografyah poliṭit ; 1944-1969 : political biography, 1944-1969 / Lamfrom, Arnon. - Tel Aviv : Resling, 2014
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Levi Eshkol : from pioneering operator to tragic hero - a doer / Aharonson, Shelomoh. - London [u.a.] : Vallentine Mitchell, 2010
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6 dnej i let : (6 dnej ijunja 1967 goda) / Zajčik, Mark. - Moskva : Paralleli, 2005
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Eškôl, tēn peqûdā! : Ṣaha"l û-memšēlet Yiśrāʾēl bad-dereḵ le-milḥēmet šēšet hay-yāmîm, 1963-1967 / Gluska, Ami. - [Tel Aviv] : Hôṣ. "Maʿarāḵôt" [u.a.], 2004
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Leṿi Eshkol : rosh ha-memshalah ha-shelishi ; mivḥar teʿudot mi-pirḳe ḥayaṿ, (1895-1969) / Eshkol, Leṿi. - Yerushalayim : Medinat Yiśraʾel, Arkhiyon ha-Medinah, 2002
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Levi Eshkol : unifier of a nation / Perla, Shoshana. - New York : Youth and Education Dept., Jewish National Fund, [1970]
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Leṿi Eshkol : be-maʿalot ha-sheliḥut / Shapiro, Joseph. - [Ramat-Gan] : Masadah, [1969]
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Eshkol : the man and the nation / Prittie, Terence. - New York : Pitman, 1969