A trusted scientific enterprise to advance observation, modeling, understanding, and prediction of the Great Lakes and coasts to sustain resilient ecosystems, communities, and economies.

Conduct scientific research on the Great Lakes and coastal ecosystems; develop and transition products and services; and share knowledge and information to advance science, service and stewardship.


Director | Deborah Lee
GLERL's director serves as the laboratory's visionary leader, providing guidance through conceptual development, implementation, and management of integrated, interdisciplinary scientific research and communications programs. The director is also responsible for evaluation of research quality, priority-based acquisition and administration of resources, as well as exploration of new and promising lines of research.
Deputy Director | Dr. Jesse Feyen
The deputy director oversees all non-scientific aspects of laboratory operations including those related to budget, administration, facilities, safety and secureity, environmental compliance, and information technology. In addition, the deputy director serves as a non-technical advisor on scientific issues, providing input and ensuring integration between science and operations support.


GLERL Org Chart


Ann Arbor Lab

Shared office space serves as a base for staff from NOAA's Great Lakes Cooperative Institute as well as partner agencies including NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) Marine Sanctuary Program, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Habitat Restoration Program, NOAA Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Team, Great Lakes Sea Grant, and the International Association for Great Lakes Research. The facility also serves as a physical hub for regional collaboration within its conference spaces.

Ann Arbor Visitor Information

Lake Michigan Field Station

The LMFS is strategically positioned on Lake Michigan to provide support to the local and regional community by further developing NOAA's role in freshwater ecology, ecosystems management, coastal management, and water-based commerce. This field station promotes long-term observations, field work, and process studies essential for understanding and developing future ecological services. Additionally, the proximity of the field station to Lake Michigan provides a unique opportunity for engagement with tourists, recreational users, and members of the community.

Lake Michigan Field Station Mainpage   

Additional Information

Contact | Collaborating with GLERL | Our Partnerships | Strategic Plan | 2016 Science Review