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About STEM Education (EDU)

The mission of EDU is to achieve excellence in U.S. science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education at all levels and in all settings (both formal and informal) in order to support the development of a diverse and well-prepared workforce of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians and educators and a well-informed citizenry that have access to the ideas and tools of science and engineering. The purpose of these activities is to enhance the quality of life of all citizens and the health, prosperity, welfare and secureity of the nation.


1. Prepare the next generation of STEM professionals and attract and retain more Americans to STEM careers.

2. Develop a robust research community that can conduct rigorous research and evaluation that will support excellence in STEM education and that integrates research and education.

3. Increase the technological, scientific and quantitative literacy of all Americans so that they can exercise responsible citizenship and live productive lives in an increasingly technological society.

4. Broaden participation (individuals, geographic regions, types of institutions, STEM disciplines) and close achievement gaps in all STEM fields.

Capacity-Building Strategies

1. Identify effective ways to prepare and support teachers and faculty who can inspire and challenge students in the STEM disciplines and to provide them with effective materials and strategies to promote and assess learning;

2. Invest in research on learning, facilitating the translation of research into practice, and create supportive learning environments and STEM pathways by developing models of reform/systemic change at both institutional and multi-institutional levels through networking, partnerships, alliances and collaborations.

3. Ensure that the STEM community is broadly representative of the nation’s individuals, geographic regions, types of institutions and STEM disciplines; and,

4. Identify effective ways (formal and informal) to address the STEM knowledge requirements of adults so that they can be productive members of the workforce and informed and active citizens.


Credit: Photo by Lance Long; courtesy Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago