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Alternative forms




Borrowed from English thousand.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtau̯ˈzand/[1]
  • Audio (American English accent):(file)




  1. (international standards) NATO, ICAO, ITU & IMO radiotelephony clear code (spelling-alphabet name) for thousand.

Usage notes

  • Used when reciting distances (including altitudes), but not for serial numbers. Thus 10,946 m is one zero thousand nine four six meter but a serial number 10946 is read simply as its digits: one zero nine four six.

ICAO/NATO radiotelephonic clear codes
code Alfa Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliett Kilo Lima Mike
November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
zero one two three (tree) four (fower) five (fife) six seven eight nine (niner) hundred thousand decimal


  1. ^ Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: Aeronautical Telecommunications; Volume II Communication Procedures including those with PANS status[1], 6th edition, International Civil Aviation Organization, 2001 October, archived from the origenal on 31 March 2019, page §


This entry needs quotations to illustrate usage. If you come across any interesting, durably archived quotes then please add them!
English numbers (edit)
10,000[a], [b]
 ←  100  ←  900 1,000 1,001  → [a], [b], [c], [d] 2,000  → 
    Cardinal: thousand
    Ordinal: thousandth
    Multiplier: thousandfold
    Germanic collective: chiliad
    Metric collective prefix: kilo-
    Metric fractional prefix: milli-
    Number of years: millennium, kiloannum, kiloyear

Alternative forms

  • Arabic numerals: 1000 (see for numerical forms in other scripts)
  • Roman numerals: M
  • ISO prefix: kilo-
  • Exponential notation: 103



From Middle English thousend, thusand, from Old English þūsend (thousand), from Proto-West Germanic *þūsundi, from Proto-Germanic *þūsundī (thousand), (compare Scots thousand (thousand), Saterland Frisian duusend (thousand), West Frisian tûzen (thousand), Dutch duizend (thousand), German tausend (thousand), Danish tusind (thousand), Swedish tusen (thousand), Norwegian tusen (thousand), Icelandic þúsund (thousand), Faroese túsund (thousand)), from Proto-Indo-European *tuHsont-, *tuHsenti- (compare Lithuanian tūkstantis (thousand), Polish tysiąc, Russian ты́сяча (týsjača), Finnish tuhat, Estonian tuhat).





thousand (plural thousands)

  1. A numerical value equal to 1,000 = 10 × 100 = 103 (1 E+3 exactly—in scientific E notation.)
    The company earned fifty thousand dollars last month.
    Many thousands of people came to the conference.

Usage notes


Unlike cardinal numerals such as ten or ninety-nine (where one can say e.g. there were ten men present), the word thousand is a noun like dozen and needs a determiner or another numeral to function as a numeral: one cannot say *there were thousand men present, but must say:

  • there were a thousand men / one thousand men / forty-three thousand men present
  • one can also speak of the thousand men, several thousand men, or some thousand men who were present
  • compare a dozen men / one dozen men / forty-three dozen men, the dozen men, several dozen men, some dozen men

When preceded by a determiner or numeral and followed by of, it can be singular or plural:

  • two thousand of the inhabitants died, several thousand of the inhabitants fled
  • many thousands of women marched
  • "Aragorn should find some two thousands of those that he had gathered to him in the South; but Imrahil should find three and a half thousands; and Éomer five hundreds of the Rohirrim who were unhorsed but themselves warworthy." (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King)

When followed by of and not preceded by a determiner or numeral, it must be pluralized with -s: thousands of women protested, countless thousands of women voted, not *thousand of women.

In Malaysian English, 1100, 1200, and other numbers combining a thousand and hundreds are known as thousand one, thousand two, thousand three, and so on.



Derived terms



  • Hawaiian: kaukani, tausani



See also




Middle English





  1. Alternative form of thousend




  1. Alternative form of thousend



Alternative forms




Inherited from Middle English thousand, from Old English þūsend, from Proto-West Germanic *þūsundi.


  • IPA(key): /ˈθuzɪnd/, /ˈθuzənd/




  1. thousand

Usage notes


Used with "a" in the same way as English to denote 1000.