Realtime Coastal Observation Network (ReCON) Station
Spectacle Reef Light   Location: 45° 46.392´ N,   84° 8.202´ W,   Depth: 4 ft (1.2 m)

Photo of Station Map of Station Webcam Photos:
Webcam Photo #1: Radiometers Webcam Photo #2: West
Webcam Photo #3: South

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Conditions around 11:00 pm EDT on Thu, Sep 19, 2024 (03:00 GMT)
NOTE: Italic values identify data that is not recent and may not reflect current conditions.

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Air Data:   
Wind Speed: 17.68 kts (9.09 m/s) CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer
Wind Direction: 123.3° (ESE) CSAT3 Sonic Anemometer
Air Temperature: 66.5 °F (19.2 °C) Vaisala Temp/RH Probe
Relative Humidity: 76.9 % Vaisala Temp/RH Probe
Dew Point: 59.0 °F (15.0 °C) Vaisala Temp/RH Probe
Solar Radiation: -0.9 W/m² Pyranometer
Shortwave Radiation Incoming: -0.8 W/m² Net Radiometer CNR4
Shortwave Radiation Outgoing: 0.8 W/m² Net Radiometer CNR4
Longwave Radiation Incoming: -249.7 W/m² Net Radiometer CNR4
Longwave Radiation Outgoing: -0.9 W/m² Net Radiometer CNR4
Net Radiation: -248.5 W/m² Net Radiometer CNR4
Net Radiation: -38.6 W/m² Net Radiometer NR Lite 2
Albedo: 0.8   [7:36 pm] Net Radiometer CNR4
Water Near-Surface Data:   
Water Temperature (near surface): 66.4 °F (19.1 °C) Infrared Thermometer
Engineering Data:   
EC Station Battery: 12.50 volts Eddy Covariance Station
Solar Panel #1 Voltage: 0.54 volts SPC Board
Solar Panel #2 Voltage: 0.47 volts SPC Board

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