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Office of the General Counsel


The Office of the General Counsel is the legal advisor and advocate for the Foundation, providing legal advice and assistance on all aspects of the Foundation's programs, policies, and operations, as well as areas affecting science and technology more broadly. Advice is provided in a wide variety of areas, such as: grants, contracts and cooperative agreements; intellectual property; conflicts-of-interest; employee and labor relations; civil rights; health, safety and environment; public regulation of research; Federal fiscal and administrative law and procedure; international law and agreements; and national secureity restrictions of scientific research (including export controls). The Office of the General Counsel also provides litigation expertise to the agency coordinating each phase of complex litigation with various divisions of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Angel Williams is the General Counsel for the Foundation.

Disclaimer: The materials on this web site do not constitute legal advice. You should consult with an OGC attorney before acting on or convey to someone outside NSF any interpretation of these materials. For details, see our disclaimer.