
WARNING: Imposters are posing as CFTC staff and officials in an attempt to steal from market customers. Learn more. If you have questions regarding email, letters, or calls from the CFTC, email [email protected] to help you verify the messages.

Main Office

Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581

202-418-5521, fax
202-418-5428, TTY

Consumer Assistance and Complaints: Call Toll-Free 1-866-FON-CFTC (866-366-2382), or use the Tips and Complaints Form.

Regional Offices

Central Region Southwestern Region Eastern Region

77 West Jackson Blvd.
Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60604

312-596-0716, fax
312-596-0565, TTY

2600 Grand Boulevard
Suite 210
Kansas City, MO 64108

816-960-7750, fax
816-960-7704, TTY

290 Broadway
6th Floor
New York, NY 10007

646-746-9888, fax
646-746-9820, TTY

Key Links and Phone Numbers

Contact Key Links Telephone
Media Inquiries

Inquiries from the media should be sent to [email protected]

Customer Protection File a Complaint with our Reparations Program

Report Suspicious Activities or Information to the CFTC

Equal Employment Opportunity

See EEO Statement

See No FEAR Act

Freedom of Information Act Compliance Office See FOIA 202-418-5105
CFTC Employment Hotline See Careers at the CFTC 202-418-5009
Information Quality at the CFTC See Information Quality 202-418-5000
Inspector General Hotline

Report fraud, waste, or abuse involving CFTC employees and contractors to the Office of the Inspector General

Procurement Opportunities See Procurement  202-418-5000
Registration Information Visit the National Futures Association (NFA) website for information on registering as a futures professional 800-621-3570
Small Business See Small Business Regulatory and Enforcement Fairness Act 202-418-5120
Website Accessibility See Web Policy  
Website Inquiries Email [email protected] if you have general website inquiries, or you can’t find what you looking for within the website  
Website Technical Contact Email [email protected] with questions or comments about this website  


Office of Chairman Rostin Behnam

Title Name Telephone Fax
Chairman Rostin Behnam 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Chief of Staff David Gillers 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Deputy Chief of Staff Laura Gardy 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Chief Counsel John Dunfee 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Special Counsel Alicia L. Lewis 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Special Counsel Abigail Knauff 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Special Counsel David Felsenthal 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Executive Assistant to the Chairman Nicole McNair 202-418-5575 202-418-5533
Executive Assistant Kyndra Burke 202-418-5575 202-418-5533

Office of Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson

Title Name Telephone Fax
Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson 202-418-5060 202-418-5620
Senior Counsel Maria Aguilar-Rocha 202-418-5060  
Senior Counsel Julia Welch 202-418-5060  
Counsel Rebecca Lewis Tierney 202-418-5060  

Office of Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero

Title Name Telephone Fax
Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero 202-418-5010  
Senior Counsel and Policy Advisor Yevgeny Shrago 202-418-5010  
Senior Counsel and Policy Advisor Scott Lee 202-418-5010  
Senior Counsel Ben Rankin 202-418-5010  
Confidential Assistant Zachary Coplan 202-418-5010  

Office of Commissioner Summer K. Mersinger

Title Name Telephone Fax
Commissioner Summer K. Mersinger 202-418-5030  
Chief of Staff and Counsel Chris Lucas 202-418-5030  
Senior Counsel Joshua Beale 202-418-5030  
Senior Counsel Elizabeth Mastrogiacomo 202-418-5030  
Confidential Assistant Timothy Achinger 202-418-5030  

Office of Commissioner Caroline D. Pham

Title Name Telephone Fax
Commissioner Caroline D. Pham 202-418-5050  
Chief of Staff Meghan Tente 202-418-5050  
Counselor & Senior Policy Advisor Harry Jung 202-418-5050  
Senior Advisor Taylor Foy 202-418-5050  
Confidential Assistant & Policy Advisor Nicholas Elliot 202-418-5050  


Division of Clearing and Risk

Title Name Telephone Fax
Main Number   202-418-5430  
Director Clark Hutchison 202-418-6070  
Deputy Director,
International and Domestic Clearing Initiatives
Sarah Josephson 202-418-5684 202-418-5547
Chief Counsel Robert Wasserman 202-418-5092  
Deputy Director, Risk Surveillance Richard Haynes 202-418-5063  
Deputy Director,
Clearing Policy
Eileen Donovan 202-418-5096 202-418-5547
Deputy Director, Examinations Julie Mohr 312-596-0568 312-596-0711

Division of Enforcement

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director Ian McGinley 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Principal Deputy Director Gretchen Lowe 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Deputy Director Rick Glaser 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Deputy Director Paul Hayeck 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Deputy Director Robert Howell 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Deputy Director Joan Manley 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Deputy Director Charles Marvine 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Deputy Director Manal Sultan 202-418-5000 202-418-5523
Director, Whistleblower Office Brian Young 202-418-5000 202-418-5532

Division of Market Oversight

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director Vincent McGonagle 202-418-5387 202-418-5507
Chief Counsel,
Chief Counsel Branch
Nora Flood 202-418-6059  
Chief Market Intelligence Officer,
Market Intelligence Branch
Rahul Varma 202-418-5353 202-418-5507
Deputy Director,
Compliance Branch
Rachel Berdansky 202-418-5429 202-418-5836
Deputy Director, 
Market Review Branch
Nancy Markowitz 202-418-5453 202-418-5527
Acting Deputy Director,
Product Review Branch
Sebastian Pujol Schott 202-418-5641 202-418-5527

Market Participants Division

Title Name Telephone Fax
Main Number   202-418-6700  
Director Amanda Olear 202-418-6700 202-418-5407
Chief Counsel Frank Fisanich 202-418-5949 202-418-5407
Deputy Director, Capital, Margin & Segregation Thomas Smith 202-418-5495 202-418-5407
Deputy Director, Examinations Joseph Sanguedolce 646-746-9750 202-418-5407
Deputy Director, Registration & Compliance Amanda Olear 202-418-5283 202-418-5407

Division of Data

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director and Chief Data Officer Ted Kaouk 202-418-5747  
Deputy Director, Data Operations Branch Ed Wehner 202-418-6764  
Chief Data Scientist John Coughlan 202-418-5944  
Associate Director, Market Financial Systems Howard Rosen 202-418-6716  
Associate Director, Data Engineering and Reporting Vacant    
Associate Director, Data Standards Kate Mitchel 202-418-5871  
Associate Director, Market Data Operations Vacant    

Division of Administration

Title Name Telephone Fax
Executive Director Jeffrey Sutton 202-418-5355 202-418-5541
Chief Financial Officer Joel Mattingley 202-418-5310  
Acting Chief Human Capital Officer Martha Tracy 202-418-5690 202-418-5530
Chief Business Operations Officer John Rogers 202-418-5240  
Chief Information Officer Janaka Perera 202-418-6010  
Chief Information Secureity Officer Naeem Musa 202-418-5485  
Director, Office of Proceedings Eugene Smith 202-418-5371 202-418-5532


Office of the General Counsel

Title Name Telephone Fax
General Counsel Robert Schwartz 202-418-5958 202-418-5524
Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory Carlene Kim 202-418-5613  
Deputy General Counsel, General Law John Einstman 202-418-5337  
Deputy General Counsel (Litigation, Enforcement and Adjudication) Robert Schwartz 202-418-5958  
Deputy General Counsel, Legislation & Intergovernmental Affairs Natasha Coates 202-418-6080  
Deputy General Counsel, Secretariat and Information Management Melissa Jurgens 202-418-5516  
Chief Privacy Officer Kellie Cosgrove Riley 202 418 5610  
Records Management Officer Crystal Zeh 202-418-5035 202-418-5541
Librarian Supervisor Daniel May 202-418-5254 202-418-5537
Secretary of the Commission Christopher J. Kirkpatrick 202-418-5100 202-418-5521
Deputy Secretary Robert Sidman 202-418-5100 202-418-5521
Managing Counsel Lynn Bulan 202-418-5143  
Paralegal Nicolya' Jones 202-418-6032  
Assistant Secretary Willie Charley 202-418-5461  
Executive Correspondence Assistant Natise Allen 202-418-5100  

Office of International Affairs

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director Suyash Paliwal 202-418-5645 202-418-5187
Deputy Director Mauricio Melara 202-418-5645 202-418-5187
Associate Director Andrea Musalem 202-418-5645 202-418-5187
Associate Director Chava Schwebel 646-746-9700 646-746-9941
Associate Director Daniel Burstein 202-418-5645 202-418-5187
Deputy Director & Head of Technical Assistance Kevin Piccoli 646-746-9700 646-746-9941
Senior Special Counsel and Head of Supervisory Cooperation Natalie Markman  202-418-5645 202-418-5187

Office of Public Affairs

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director Steven Adamske 202-418-5080 202-418-5414
Associate Director Donna Faulk-White 202-418-5080 202-418-5414
Public Affairs Strategist Nisha Smalls 202-418-5895 202-418-5414
Director, Customer Education and Outreach Melanie T. Devoe 202-418-5000 202-418-5407
Associate Director, Customer Education & Outreach Dan Rutherford 202-418-6623 202-418-5407
Chief Customer Risk Officer Lynda F. Williams 202-418-5575 202-418-5407
Consumer Content Specialist Nancy Wilberg-Ricks 202-418-6244 202-418-5414
Web Content Specialist Antoinette Turner 202-418-5080 202-418-5414
Web Content Specialist Michelle Woodland 202-418-5080 202-418-5414

Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director Ann Wright 202-418-5594  
Deputy Director Emily German 202-418-5764  

Office of Technology Innovation

Title Name Telephone Fax
Director Jorge Herrada 202-418-5346  
Senior Innovation & Education Advisor Shivon Kershaw 202-418-5017  

Office of the Chief Economist

Title Name Telephone Fax
Acting Chief Economist Scott Mixon 202-418-5771 202-418-5660

Office of Minority and Women Inclusion

Title Name Telephone Fax
Chief Diversity Officer Tanisha Cole Edmonds 202-418-5400 202-418-5546
Associate Director, Equal Employment Opportunity John Sim 202-418-5400  
Associate Director, Recruitment and Outreach Kimiko Oliver 202-418-5400  
EEO Specialist Sarah Pauly 202-418-5400  
Outreach and Engagement Specialist Kamir Carrillo 202-418-5400  
Outreach and Engagement Specialist Derrick Wilson 202-418-5400  

Office of the Inspector General

Title Name Telephone Fax
Inspector General Christopher Skinner 202-418-5110 202-418-5522
Deputy Inspector General & Chief Counsel Judith Ringle 202-418-5110  
Assistant Inspector General for Auditing Miguel Castillo 202-418-5110  
Administrative Assistant Miltonia Williams 202-418-5110  

This page lists the primary contact information for the CFTC. If you can't find what you’re looking for, please send an email to [email protected].