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More Bitchin' Surfing Slang for Groms and Legends Alike

Even More Surfer Talk

surfer slang
"Who's got priority?"

Here we are with the second part of our surfing slang feature. Pick up the lingo here and be able to blend in with surfers everywhere. (Well, know what on earth they're talking about anyway)

Thanks to everyone who's commented and emailed us with the latest slang. We're including new ones all the time so please keep them coming!

Even More Surfer Slang


Narrabeen is one of a whole host of quality surf spots on Sydney's north shore. You lucky, lucky Aussies!

New School

The term given to trick surfing — airs, shove-its, etc.

Noodled / Noodle Arms

Being exhausted or having tired arms.


Another term for shark.


The pointy bit of the surfboard; the bit that points away from you when you are paddling and riding.


Same thing as a sea, only bigger.


This is when the wind at a surf break is blowing off the shore ;-), It makes for ideal surfing conditions.


This is when the wind is blowing towards the land, spoiling the waves. Always remember; offshore good, onshore bad!

Out Back / OTB

Beyond the breaking waves. "See you out back".


The area beyond the line-up. You'll sometimes hear surfers shout "Outside!" as a warning to other surfers that a larger than usual wave is approaching and will be breaking further out that normal.

Surf slang entry wave called Pipeline
Pipeline - going off! Photo courtesy: Hawaiian Eye

Over the Falls

A wipeout where a surfer wipes out and either free-falls down the face of the wave or gets sucked up, over and back down by the circular breaking motion of the wave.


Waves that are bigger that a surfer when standing up.


Someone who stays and plays in the whitewater close to the beach.

Party Wave

A wave surfed by several people at once.

Perl / Pearl

This is a common term describing when a person buries the nose of their surfboard in the wave and goes "over the falls." It's often referred to by the actual surfer as "@#%%@#@!"


This is the classic Hawaiian wave — amazing, barreling, and mean (see the pipeline surf spot map). It's one of the most famous and most photographed waves there is. If you have just read surfing lesson one - catching waves and are ready to go out and try surfing for the first time, then Pipeline is probably the last place on the planet you want to be.


Caught a tube, shacked.

Pivot Turn

A turn where the tail of the surfboard remains almost stationary while the rest of the board swings round.

Pocket / In the Pocket

The pocket is the most powerful part of the wave, just ahead of where the wave is breaking.


A mass produced surfboard made by machine.

Pop Up

Describes the move a surfer makes to go from lying on the surfboard, into the standing position to ride a wave.


Which surfer has the right of way, fully explained here.


A decent swell where the waves are nice and powerful; also used to describe a surfer trying to generate speed.


Pretty much everyone, surfers and non-surfers alike, will already know about Quiksilver. They're one of the largest manufacturers of surfing equipment and surf clothing on the planet. The lads have done well from their boardshort beginning on Torquay — good on ya! (See Quiksilver boardshorts in the store.)


A surfer's collection of different surfboards. (I've heard people say it's the place where they keep their boards but not sure about that. Thanks go to Kris Carré who suggested "quiver" as an entry.)

Radical / Rad

High performance or risk taking surfing, awesome or impressive.

Rag Dolled

See washing machine, getting tossed around by a wave like you're a rag doll .


Rails are the sides of your surfboard, running from nose to tail and back again. More details can be found on the surfboard rail page.

Rail Bang

To fall off and take the surfboard between the legs (Ouch!).

Rail to Rail

Keeping the surfboard constantly moving on the wave, from one rail of the surfboard to the other. This type of surfing helps keep up speed and get the most out of the wave.

Raked Over

To be hammered by incoming waves while paddling out.

Reef Tax

Cuts and grazes etc. from hitting the reef or rocks.


Where a wave that has already broken starts to build back up into a surfable wave.

Regular / Regular Footed

Surfing with your left foot forward.

Reo / Re-entry

A surfing manoeuvre which involves going from the bottom of the wave up towards the lip (top) of the wave then redirecting back down the face of the wave.

Rip / Riptide

A riptide is a strong current heading out to sea. It can be dangerous for surfers and swimmers alike. Check out the waves section to find out more details.

Rock Dance

Getting into or out of the surf over rocks.


The bottom curve of a surfboard.


Another word for a top turn.

Roller Coaster

An enjoyable manoeuvre on 8 foot waves with a single fin gun, without a leash. To set up the manoeuvre it the days of old a long, smooth, deep bottom turn and then straight up the face to towards the lip as the you are almost upsidedown with the board pointing straight up. At the lip you are weightless as the lip pushes the board under your feet again as you become upright. — From here another bottom turn or the end of the ride if the wave dumps a closeout.
As I remember well it was always great to achieve this because if you didn't complete it was a long cold swim in on winter waves at Rincon. A "roller coaster", a true accomplishment in bigger winter waves without a leash, —as the "kook leash" ;-) wasn't invented in those days. - "Rickard, A Ventura local"


Describing 'Devil Winds' that are warm brisk offshore winds off the California coast. This term was used extensively by SoCal surfers during the 60s.


See Surfers Against Sewage.


Getting completely barreled, riding a phat tube.


A common hand signal used by surfers, with an extended thumb and little finger. Hang loose!


Early 20th century tourists that would travel to the shore towns by train carrying their lunches in Shoe Boxes (shoobies).

Shootin' the Curls

Slang meaning to go surfing.


The surfable part of the wave.

Shoulder Hop

Dropping in on a surfer who is already up and riding.


A shove-it is a manoeuver where the rider shoves the surfboard round underneath the feet, 180 or 360 degrees. It's a good trick if you can do it.


Aggressive surfing moves on a wave with resulting spray over the backside visible to those on the outside. (You might have to research further slang to decipher this explanation)


Someone who buys surf gear and clothing but does not surf. (see "Shoobie")


A term used to describe when someone does something impressive, e.g. "that was a sick air" — not just because you have swallowed too much sea water.

Single Fin

A surfboard with a single centre fin.


The opposite of surfing smoothly with style.


Sternward extension of the keel, or a single center fin on surf board.


A rapid turn off the top of the wave, hopefully throwing loads of spray off the top.

Slater, Kelly

He's famous for being in Baywatch and his alleged dalliance with Pamela Anderson. Oh yes, we've heard that he's a pretty tidy surfer as well.


Correctly positioned in a tube.

Snake / Snaking

Waves should be shared, but snakes take it all. To snake is to drop in out of turn.


Where spray blows out of the end of a barrel. Tube spit.


A bodyboarder.


A short legged wetsuit (may have long or short arms). See all wetsuit types here.


Waves are getting bigger.


Another type of surfing wetsuit.

Steamer Lane

This is a famous Northern California surf spot.

Step Into Liquid

This is what happens when you go walking in puddles. It's also the the name of a surf video by surf vid guru Dana Brown. Check it out at our video store: Step Into Liquid.


Surfer slang for a surfboard.


Very happy.


This is the bit of wood that runs up through the length of your surfboard. (It's there if you have a fibreglass one and not one that you have fashioned out of an old ironing board!) More info is available on the surfboard information page.

Sucking Dry

Where breaking waves cause all the water to be drawn off the sea bed, leaving it exposed.

Surfers Against Sewage

SAS is an organisation campaigning for clean water for all. These guys are incredibly high profile and lobby endlessly to ensure all water users are surfing in clean water. Check them out at and become a member. Everyone should become a member.

Surfers Ear

Surfers ear, or auditory exostosis, is an abnormal bone growth within the ear canal. Cold water surfers are particularly susceptible and should look at some form of prevention such as ear plugs.

Surfers Eye

Surfers eye is the slang term for Pterygiums, a medical issue which manifests itself as a clear, white, or pinkish membrane that grows over the inside corner of one or both eyes.

Surfers Knots

Soft-tissue swellings on the dorsum of the foot and just below the knee, as a result of kneeling for long periods of time on the surfboard while waiting for a wave.


Stand up paddleboard / paddleboarding.

Swallow Tail

You'll really have to go and read up on the surfboard tail shapes section. I can't be explaining everything over again.


Swell or groundswell refers to solid, real waves. (As apposed to rubbish wind chop) Why not read more on how waves are made.

Switch Stance

Riding the surfboard standing the other way round, i.e. if you're regular footed you would be surfing goofy.

Surf entry showing tube tubular barrel clean and more
Barrel, Tube, Tubular, Clean, Offshore, Spray - take your pick. Photo courtesy: Hang11


This is the bit of the surfboard at the opposite end to the nose. Read more about surfboard tail shapes. For more info on the other bits of the surfboard, have a look at the surfboard section.


The tailslide is a move where the tail of the board slides across the lip of the wave.


Island slang for (voice of thundering waters) meaning large waves.

Tow In

Catching big waves with the aid of a Jet ski.


Popular name for a tri-fin shortboard.

Traction Pad

A traction pad is a permanent replacement for surf wax, stuck directly to the surfboard. It is normally seen placed just in front of the leash plug, providing grip for back foot. Full length grip is available, but is not seen so often. You might find it referred to as deck grip, traction, or a riser pad.


Keeping the surfboard in a straight line at the optimum angle and cruising down the line.


The tube is public transportation in London. Oh, you mean Tube! The tube is where the wave is hollow where it's breaking. For some surfers it's the be all of surfing. It's sometimes called a barrel, keg, or pit.


Describes hollow, barreling waves.

Turtle Roll

This is a technique for getting a longboard out though a breaking wave. (As apposed to duck diving for a shortboarder). See our how to turtle roll article for more info.

Twin Fin

A surfboard with two fins.


Ulluwatu is one of a large number of quality Indonesian surf breaks.


You are not seriously looking for an explanation of this are you?


Vanuatu is a smallish island in the Pacific, complete with numerous great waves. If you are planning a tropical surfing trip, you could do worse!


A female surfer.


It smells nice, gets stuck in your chest hair (not you ladies!), and is used to stop your feet slipping off your board. Also, surf wax can be used as to repair almost anything — leaky roof, rusty zip... you name it.

Washing Machine

Getting spun around and around underwater by a wave.


It's made of neoprene, keeps out the cold, and makes you look like a seal. Check out the wetsuit section for more information.


The broken, turbulent part of a wave.


Falling off your board is referred to as a wipe-out. Other terms are donut, mullering, eating it, taking a pounding, or pretty much anything else you would like.


To "get worked" is to wipe out and get thrown about while being held under by the wave.


Yes, you guessed — we couldn't think of a surfing word truly beginning with "X." Its definition is exactly the same as in the dictionary. Tow in surfing is the latest type of extreme surfing.


Xtrak is one of the leading manufacturers of surfboard traction pads. We've finally got a proper "X!!"


Surf spot in Western Australia. (Now we are really struggling!)


Shout out out when very excited. Fully sick yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! When a big wave is spotted or someone got a gnarly wave


(Thanks to those who have sent us "Z" letters. We were struggling for a while but now the section is looking pretty rosy).

Zamba, Frieda

Born October 24, 1965, Freida Zamba was Florida's first four-time world champ.


A person with a free mind. Who doesn't have a care in the world. Usually a surfer, or a person who goes to the beach a lot.


This is often considered the "holy grail" of wetsuits, as zippers, no matter how tightly made, will always let water through. Invented in '89 by Body Glove, the first zipperless wetsuits were actually way too stiff for surfers to use. In '93, the Japanese came out with another model that was still too stiff, but by '95, most wetsuit companies offered a high end zipperless suit. Advantages include flexibility and warmth; disadvantages include short lifespan (due to super stretchy rubber) and difficult entry/exit.

Zogs (Mr.) Sex Wax

Zogs is a popular brand of surf wax found wherever there are surfers. Get some surf wax here.


This weather pattern term means that all of the storm activity in one particular region is moving in a consistent west-to-east pattern along the same latitude. While this can happen anywhere in the world, it's usually associated with the Southern Ocean (around Antarctica) and is caused by large ridges of high pressure in the mid-latitudes, "pancaking" the active storm track into the upper latitudes. Since most of the swell energy in these storms will only travel the direction the fetch is pointed, it means that all of the swell is also going west-to-east. For most of the eastern half of the Pacific (California, Baja, Mainland Mexicco, and Central America), zonal activity in the SPAC is bad for swell production. It's good for an area in its path like Chile, but bad for the rest of us.


This is the same as GMT or Greenwich Mean Time. Zulu time is used on weather charts, which may display 12Z for 1200 GMT or 00Z for 0000 GMT. Weather charts play an important part in predicting surf.

That's it for the surfing talk page. If anyone actually read this page and found it interesting and informative (or even remotely amusing at times) then we'd be interested in knowing — e-mail us or comment here to let us know.


  • Guest
    on May 10, 2011

    I found this page to be of great interest. It is a well set out document full of valuable information not necessarily known to the non surfing community. Congratulations

  • Guest
    on May 17, 2011

    As a non surfer, I'm trying to work out a particular lyric in a song by the fantastic Baggy's called "My big Gun Board". In the 3rd verse they sing "And before I (space space) I got to get some speed, And my big Gun board gives me all that I need". If someone can fill the spaces I'd be grateful.
    PS At the risk of being a smart arse, in your glossary of surfing terms you forgot "Surfer(ing) knots.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 18, 2011

    I'd not come across surfer's knots before, I'll add it to the list.
    Thanks for the feedback, sorry I can't help you out with the lyric - try asking over on the forum.

  • Guest
    on May 20, 2011

    Mr Zogs Sex Wax is also good for waxing then polishing rosewood fretboards on guitars, so you can play surf music even faster

  • Guest
    on May 25, 2011

    Great site. Restoring a 60vw dune buggy "mini-T" and found great input into personalized license plate. Love the hang-11.

  • Guest
    on May 26, 2011

    Some funny stuff. I like that you could define ocean with a straight face.

  • Guest
    on Jul 6, 2011

    Sick! Nice job on this... You guys need to add "shacked" - riding a phat tube

  • Guest
    on Jul 11, 2011

    you forgot priority. you talk about it when you talk about the drop in but you never explain what it is.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jul 12, 2011

    We have a whole article about wave priority. Check it out.
    It should probably be mentioned in this list also.

  • Guest
    on Jul 28, 2011

    Another term for bodyboarders:

  • F.E. Van Kirk
    F.E. Van Kirk
    on Aug 13, 2011

    Never surfed but used your terms for this.

    I was new schooling at Narrabeen
    and everything I did was sick.
    Then I tried to shove-it hard
    and that was my last trick.
    As I got worked, I saw the men in gray
    coming for me in crowds.
    Now I

  • Guest
    on Aug 30, 2011

    you do mention xtrack but you forgot to list "trackpad" or "traction pad"

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 30, 2011

    You're right, no traction pad. Better get that added. Thanks.

  • Sea Sea
    Sea Sea
    on Sep 2, 2011

    I am making a crocheted and embroidered hat for a toddler and needed a good word to discribe the lil' octopuss surfin the white water of the wave. I decided on Paddlepuss... its perfect. :) Thanks for the help

  • Guest
    on Sep 10, 2011

    zzzzz...what the older surfers do after finally making it out to the many times I've gotten out there, only to find I'm ready for a nap, so I kind of sit there for a while, pretending I'm waiting for "my" wave....

  • Guest
    on Nov 8, 2011

    Ok, I'm writing a story using the POV of a girl who has been surfing her whole life. This really helps me with some of the lingo she can use!!!!

  • Guest
    on Nov 30, 2011

    no spit or froth??

  • Guest
    on Dec 30, 2011

    I see tailslide and tailside. Do they both mean the same or is one term not correct?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 31, 2011

    Tailslide is the correct term. Tailside is probably a typo.

  • Guest
    on Jan 2, 2012

    This page is very helpful as I have just moved to Hawaii..............where surfing is the National Sport!!......... Got a feeling I will be a "PaddlePuss" for sometime at least !!

  • Johhny
    on Jan 22, 2012

    I love Point Break!

  • Megan Johnson
    Megan Johnson
    on Jan 23, 2012

    i love this site! it helps me so much in learning surf terms. THANK YOU

  • Tina Mammoser
    Tina Mammoser
    on Mar 9, 2012

    Just wanted to say thanks for such a great resource! I'm an artist and am painting the waves I saw in New Jersey so was looking for references. Great fun watching the surfers too. :)

  • Ruby
    on Mar 18, 2012

    great site guys. you helped me heaps with my homework.( it was an personal interest project. P.I.P.) but you missed waves for W!!

  • Guest
    on Apr 2, 2012

    what about dirty lickings? ya know, takin a gnarly wipout? im in wrightsville beach,nc and youll hear it everywhere. and competitions? what about that?(sorry, dont mean to sound like an aggro)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 18, 2012

    Thanks to everyone for all the feedback and additional surf lingo. I've updated this section with your suggestions.

    Please keep them coming!

  • Guest JoBo
    Guest JoBo
    on Apr 19, 2012

    Being one I knoticed it was missing; a "grey belly", an older surfer with the big belly.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 19, 2012

    @Guest JoBo on Apr 19, 2012: Grey belly added!

  • Guest
    on May 15, 2012

    U can also use rad

  • Jimi
    on Jun 15, 2012

    just noticed "shark-biscuit" is missing for bodyboarders.

  • Guest
    on Jun 28, 2012

    pretty well covered except for you have a description for 'new school' but not 'old school'..;-)....and no description for 'soul-surfer', which often goes hand-in-hand with 'old-school' ..jus sayin

  • Guest
    on Jul 9, 2012

    Nice list, but you missed some good ones such as rag doll and chandelier.

  • Guest
    on Aug 20, 2012

    Term for a great surfer but one who paddles everywhere and takes all the good waves....even if you have been sitting for awhile...they just paddle right over in front of every good wave...

  • Guest
    on Sep 21, 2012

    Awsome list, I'm opening a bar near a good surf-spot in Spain...bean-bags, hammocks,chilled live music yet awsome cocktails and drinks and food deals, so some class at least...any suggestions for a name guys, can't be like 100% surf terminology as 'the normal' people have to find it attractive as well...cheers!

  • Guest
    on Nov 7, 2012

    still don't know what underwater means... lol jk

  • Guest
    on Nov 9, 2012

    I didnt see pitted on there aka right in the barrel

  • Mystery
    on Nov 19, 2012

    This helped me do homework back when I was a child.

  • Guest
    on Nov 20, 2012

    Great list. I need to find out if there is a name for someone who takes up surfing in their late 30s or 40s as a kind of midlife crisis. Any ideas? ('Kooks' isn't it exactly)

  • Guest
    on Feb 12, 2013

    thanks geography surfing project on surfing slang really helped

  • the brusher
    the brusher
    on Mar 25, 2013

    Hi there! please give me explanations for the word surferama

  • Guest
    on Mar 30, 2013

    This is for the 2nd guest person who commented: Gun- it means a surfborad used for riding big waves. ur welcome :]

  • Guest
    on Mar 30, 2013

    hahahaha nicee bro

  • Guest
    on Apr 8, 2013

    I found this page to be both informative and entertaining at times. Thanks dude.

  • Guest
    on May 20, 2013

    How does this otherwise pretty decent glossary not have the word "Barney" in it????

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 21, 2013

    Barney has now been added!

  • W. H. A., Jr.
    W. H. A., Jr.
    on Aug 27, 2013

    Thanks a LOT a LUMP for the glossary of terms and of phrases of terms of Surfing Slang and for explaining the definitions that it mentions of such terms and of such phrases of said terms of Surfing Slang in a manner in which we know most people can't or won't be confused by their definitions for others and even for us, too....

  • Guest
    on Jan 16, 2014

    Trunking it: surfing on your trunks or board shorts

  • Mr. Closeout
    Mr. Closeout
    on Feb 15, 2014

    Dick dragger=body boarder
    tombstones=beginner surfer that sits toward the back of his board causing the nose to rise up way out of the water.
    Brah is pretty icconic surfer lingo too.

  • Mike LItwin
    Mike LItwin
    on Jul 16, 2014

    My most recent children's book has a chapter with a surf contest. Even though I grew up at the beach, this page has been most helpful in reminding me of surf terms I'd forgotten (and a few I'd never heard). Thanks, Kudos, Shaka, and Bonzer.

  • Guest
    on Aug 5, 2014

    Hi try to add wahine

  • Grampy Ted
    Grampy Ted
    on Aug 22, 2014

    Does nobody remeber old school terms like "Shootin' the Curls" meaning to go surfing. that was the term we used in the 1960's for any type of surf riding. I still shoot the curls at every opportunity in Perran' on my "old school" paipo bellyboard, and No, we don't get in the way, we just ride the waves that the rest of you ignore.

  • NP, CA
    NP, CA
    on Sep 16, 2014

    Spring suit, usually worn by surfer hotties (bunnies). Basically a short sleaved and legged wet suit. Some dudes where them too, but I prefer to see them on chicks who sport the short shorts version spring suit. Surfer chicks are the best, and they rule! Surf or die Baby!

  • Guest
    on Nov 10, 2014

    love this site

    wheres yew on ya list
    fully sick yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!

  • Guest
    on Nov 10, 2014

    wheres this site from-aus?

  • Grampy Ted
    Grampy Ted
    on Nov 10, 2014

    im at school loving life
    yew bra
    yep im still at school and i surfed in the 60s

  • Driftwood
    on Dec 6, 2014

    Include "Santanas" describing 'Devil Winds' that are warm brisk offshore winds off the California coast. This term was used extensively by SoCal surfers during the 60s.

  • Guest
    on Dec 10, 2014

    What about Surfer's Ear (or auditory exostosis)? It's a big one for cold water surfers

  • Steph
    on Jan 5, 2015

    Hey - What about some surfing moves: Floater, Reo/Roller, El Rollo,Layback, Snapback and also late take off, Bomb, lip, shoulder...

  • Guest
    on Jan 6, 2015

    What about tubular? Also, I understand that an ocean is just a sea but bigger, but what is a sea? Is it just an ocean, but smaller?

  • Guest
    on Jan 19, 2015

    what about "poser"? I know I'm old school, but poser is someone who puts on a fake attitude, either on or off the board. In the eighties, it was a massive insult.

  • Guest
    on Feb 14, 2015

    thanks, very useful and amusing at the same time!

  • Guest
    on Apr 14, 2015

    How about for "Z" = Zimzala ?

    "a person with a free mind. Who doesn't have a care in the world. Usually a surfer, or a person who goes to the beach a lot.:

  • Guest
    on Apr 26, 2015

    Why don't you have the term "pitted?"

  • Guest
    on Jun 1, 2015

    chya is one that def needs to be added!!!! used alot.

  • Guest
    on Jun 1, 2015

    what about yew! used so much nowadays. definitely a good one for Y

  • Porto Pete
    Porto Pete
    on Jul 27, 2015

    Hey, what is called when you have the line and you drop into a barrel and some kook tries to drop in on your line and then he sees you and pulls back which causes white water to flow down in front of you or the wave to break causing your to wipe out?

  • Argee
    on Jul 29, 2015

    Goober = derogatory term for a longboard or a longboarder. Also "log" or "logger". Too many longboarders is "logjam".
    Stacking = waves are getting bigger. Also can mean having sexual relations.
    Whitewater = the broken, turbulent part of the wave that has become translational. Also know as "foam" or "soup".

  • Guest
    on Aug 1, 2015

    Suggested addition: "reform;" as in wave reform

  • W. Armstead, Jr.
    W. Armstead, Jr.
    on Aug 28, 2015

    This says, Thanks also for the explanations in the said glossary of terms and of phrases of terms of Surfing Slang, as also mentioned earlier by me also ii years ago to the day today....

  • Guest
    on Sep 28, 2015


  • Guest
    on Nov 25, 2015

    you forgot getting pitted!!!

  • sully
    on Jan 8, 2016

    Rag-dolled see washing machined, getting tossed around by a wave like you're a rag doll

  • MJ
    on Jan 10, 2016

    What does 'crunchies' mean?

  • Guest
    on Jan 12, 2016

    Island slang for (voice of thundering waters) meaning large waves

  • Guest
    on Mar 2, 2016

    Thanks from a surfing mom hoping to get her grom to Hawaii :-) That onshore offshore bit really helped!

  • Guest
    on Apr 5, 2016

    Many thanks. I'm writing a book where a minor character is a surfer and this was hugely helpful.

  • Labann
    on May 6, 2016

    Missing "SKEG", sternward extension of the keel, or a single center fin on surf board.

    Could also mention that the stringer helps you find the center of board, a useful reference while thrashing.

    Didn't fully proof read, but "wipe outst" fall "off" board, not "of".

  • Guest
    on Jul 20, 2016

    what we say is "yewww!!!" when we see a big wave or someone got a gnarly wave

  • Shaari
    on Jul 25, 2016

    So much fun, words fail me in compliments to all participants but especially to the one(s) whose brain child this site is, congratulations!

    At the peeps who started the beach bar/cafe in beautiful Spain -21st Sept, 2012- what did you end up naming it and how's it workin' out? If you're still around I will visit when next time I return to Europe.

    Again many thanks for the FUN site!

  • rusty
    on Jul 26, 2016

    how about backwash? when the backwash and the incoming wave meet....pretty fun!!! note; watch endless summer movie!!!

  • Margot
    on Dec 1, 2016

    Hey do anyone knows what "hydé" means ? my teacher is always yelling that

  • Guest
    on Dec 11, 2016

    reef tax , cuts etc from getting scragged on rocks, reef

  • Guest
    on Jan 14, 2017

    "Shubie" should be "Shoobie". Early 20th century tourists that would travel to the shore towns by train carrying their lunches in Shoe Boxes (shoobies).

  • TK
    on Jan 15, 2017

    Pretty fun read! Just getting into surfing. I think the lyric mentioned above for the song Big Gun Board is " Before I kamikaze I need some speed..." Is Kamikaze a surf term too?

  • Guesr
    on Feb 27, 2017

    Thanks for the terms. I am drafting a book, and my research includes a couple of lessons (no mean feat for a 60 yr old wahine). My knowledge of surf terms was desperately incomplete, so thanks for filling me in!

  •  Madison
    on Mar 15, 2017

    Pop-Out Pocket / In the Pocket Narrabeen

  • Guest
    on Mar 16, 2017

    Great list brahhhh i wanna know what ycw means

  • AnArCHy ZeD
    AnArCHy ZeD
    on Jun 27, 2017

    No chowder on this list? whaaaa? chowder - all the crap or pollution in the water. could be seaweed, sewage, red tide, foam... u get it.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jun 27, 2017

    Chowder is on the list, check under C :)

  • Guest
    on Sep 24, 2017

    Curtain, e.g., "I was deep in the barrel the curtain closed on me".
    Box fin, aka quad fin.
    Shred: aggro moves on a wave with resulting spray over the backside visible to those on the outside

  • W Downs
    W Downs
    on Dec 1, 2017

    Love this! I needed some assistance in building marketing materials for a conference with a "ride the waves" theme and this was perfect!

  • Kye
    on Feb 14, 2018

    Over The Falls

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 14, 2018

    Thanks Kye - it's added

  • Guest
    on Feb 15, 2018

    I am surprised you don't have howlie (newbie) and Yaa hoo. (An idiot)

  • emily
    on May 20, 2018

    love how u hav yalls on there, best spot ever

  • CFC190V
    on Jun 4, 2018

    Nice seeing NC Representing on the Board! And Dirty Lickings, or Washing Machine, are two used in WB and OBX, NC.

    For Boogies: We call them FoamHeads.
    As ILM is a Uni. Town, we've a lot of kids who've never seen the Ocean "NewJacks" similar to Rookies, but their parents buy them a CI that's wayyyy too advanced, leading to gnarly injuries, and funny as Hell "Tossed" or Not Quite making it over, nor under, an oncoming wave; thus throwing their board and their body backwards, situs. Seriously hilarious.

  • Guest
    on Jul 24, 2018

    Surf Widow = Girlfriend or wife who comes to the beach with her
    surfer but does not surf and hang out on the beach instead.

  • Guest
    on Sep 18, 2018

    "Trog" -- a non local (australia)
    "Rooster Tail"... the drops of water blown off waves by strong offshore wind.
    "Corduroy" ... solid line up of waves all the way to the horizon

    Btw... The term as 'Pearling", was from longboards.. when the nose dived, usually on take off, and the board stopped, throwing you forward off the board to also be crunched by the breaking wave... You went Pearl diving... aka... Pearling
    "Gun" -- is a big wave surfboard... shortened from "Elephant Gun"

  • Otto Rocket
    Otto Rocket
    on Mar 1, 2019

    Thanks brah

  • Guest
    on Jul 8, 2019

    Was their a saying "nose to toes"? I thought this was being said/used in the 70's.

  • Christoph
    on Sep 21, 2019

    Gardener - the first line of landlord defense as they normally stand high up and further out, and have a weapon (= paddle). Otherwise known as Standup paddler.

  • Guest
    on Sep 2, 2020

    Ding damage to board

  • Guest
    on Jan 21, 2023

    How about "pig dog" as in backside rail-grab tube riding?

  • Over The Falls Jimmy
    Over The Falls Jimmy
    on Jan 23, 2023

    Dude I didn’t see narly or knarly. Like obviously you never surfed the meat grinder.

  • Guest
    on May 10, 2023

    "Hold" and "Release" are missing and would be helpful.

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