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Cumbol Niwsælandes
Ðæs Cyninges Cassock of Geatwe
for Niwsælande
Heafodstol Weolingtūn
Brego Carl III Cyning
Niwsælandes Forma Þegn Christopher Luxon
Bradnes 268,021.0 km²
Feoh New Zealand dollar
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+13:00, UTC+12:00
Wægnplatung NZ
Webbnamena tægl .nz
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +64

Niwsæland is rice þe standeþ on twæm micelum iegum and fela læssena iega in þæm suþwesternan dæle Sericus Garsecges. In þære Mawriscan spræce is Niwsæland Aotearoa gehaten, þe in Maorisce mæneþ "Land þæs Langan, Hwitan Wolcnes".

Niwsæland hæfþ þegnhad for þæm utweardþingum þara selfwealdendena landa:

Eac befehþ þæt rice anne utweardne landscipe:


[adiht | adiht fruman]

On Niwsælandes feower þusenda þusenda and fif hundreda þusenda manna, fornean þreo þusendu þusenda wuniaþ on þære Norþiege and an þusend þusenda manna on þære Suþiege. Þas iega sind ongemang þæm bradostum in þære worulde and þæt heora micelness ætsamne is gelic þære þara Bryttisca Iega oþþe Coloradorices. Eac Aotearoa, Maorisc nama to Niwsælande wæs Niu Tireni, þe is of þæm Engliscan naman.

Þa oðra iega habbaþ swiðe læs leoda and swiðe læssan landbrædu. Þa heafodliccostan þisra ieglanda sindon:

  • Stewartieg (besuþan þære Suþiege), seo þridde ieg landes geape mid leodrædenne þe is fornean 400 oneardienda.
  • Waihekeieg, ieg on Auclandes Hawracifleote, and, mid fornean 7,000 hada (mid swiðe ma on sumere), seo þridde ieg on Niwsælande þurh heafodrim.
  • Greatclustorieg, beeastan þæm Hawracifleote
  • þa Cethamiega, utlicgende þreat iega mid heafodrime þe is fornean 750 hada.

Stedas in Niwsælande

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Niwsæland is an betweox þæm niwostum gesetedum greatum landum. Felaiegisc gesettendas tocomon gelice sumes timan betweox þæm 500. geare and þæm 1300. geare æfter Criste, and cenedon þa inlendiscan Mawriscan folc.

Se forma þara Europiscena þe sind gecuþ cuman to Niwsælande wæron fram Abele Janszoone Tasmane gelædd, þe oferseglode to þæm westernan sægemære þære Suþiege and þære Norþiege þæs 1642. geares. Þa Niðerlendiscan wendon þæt hit an land wære þe hi nemnedon Staaten Landt. Siþþan wæs hit "Nieuw Zeeland" gehaten æfter þære stowe on Batafie þær hi wæron staðolodon, þe endebyrdlice wæs gehaten æfter heora scire Sæland. On þæm 1769. geare Heafodmann James Cook ongann widlica hawunga þara iega. Þeos foreeode Europiscne hwælhuntað and endlice hefige Europisce landbuinge.

Niwsæland wearþ Englisc landbuness þurh þa Forewearde Waitangiges þæs 1840. geares, þe eac gehet "fullne heafodmannscipe" (hateþ tino rangatiratanga on Mawrisce) þæm Mawriscum cneorissum Niwsælandes. Oþ þisne timan þæt andgiet þære Forewearde is giet gefliten.

Niwsæland wearþ selfwealdende rice on þæm 26. dæge Haligmonaþes þæs 1907. geares þurh cyninges hatunge. Ful sundorricehad wæs golden fram þæm Gemote þæs Geandan Rices mid þære Asetnesse Westmynsteres þæs 1931. geares; hit wæs andfangen þurh þære Asetnesse gecorennesse fram þæm Gemote Niwsælandes on þæm 1947. geare. Nu is Niwsæland cynerice inne þære Þeodacynewisan.


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Niwsæland is staðolwritlic cynedom mid gemotedum folcrice. Æfter þære Niwsælandes Gesetednesse Cyninglicra Namena (þæs 1953. geares), Elisabeþ II Cwene is Cwene Niwsælandes and is betæcned to heafode þæs rices fram þæm Cynespeliende.

Niwsælandes Gemot stent on þæm anfealdan Huse Spelienda, fram þæm þe þæt læstende Hus mid nean 20 þegnum is geseted. Þær nis nan gewriten staðolwrit.

Þæt Læstende Hus is fram þæm Forman Þegne gelædd, þe is nu John Key of þæs medume drohtbewariendan Þeodlicum Steormælheapes.

Gemæna wealdceosunga sind geworht æne on ælcum þrigeare; seo niwancumenoste ceosung wæs geworht on þæm 2011. geare. Se Heafodmann þæs Oferstealles wæs Phill Goff, þe wearþ ladmann þæs Weorclican Geferes on æfteran 2006. Nu is David Shearer se Heafodmann þæs Oferstealles. On þissum dagum stent þæt Hus on eahta gefera, þe fram þæm 1996. geare hæfþ geworden gecoren þurh wisan andefenre spelunge þe Mincgedum Dælnimendum Andefen gehaten is (oft on Niwenglisce "MMP" æfter "Mixed Member Proportional" gehaten).

Rihte gebleod biliþ þære Norþiege. Þis biliþ wæs gedon fram NASA Terra weggesiðan on þæm 23. dæge Winterfylleðes 2002. geares.
Rihte gebleod biliþ þære Suþiege. Þis biliþ wæs gefangen fram NASA Terra weggesiðan, on Winterfylleðes 23. dæge þæs 2002. geares.
Rihte gebleod biliþ þæs landes be Auclande on þære Norþiege. Aucland is þæt brunlice dæl efne on þære wynstran sidan þæm midlene þæs biliðes. Þis biliþ wæs gefanged fram NASAes Terra weggesiðan, on Winterfylleðe 23, 2002.

Niwsæland is dælnimend þære ANZUS borhes forewearde betweox Australie, Niwsælande, and þæm Geanlæhtum Ricum American. On 1985 Niwsæland forweornde to lætenne Geanlæhtra Rica motige gefed oþþe motige wæpnded scipu to ingangenne on his hyða; þis berenode þa Gealæhtan Ricu to towendenne his ANZUS borh to Niwsælandelande on 1986. Niwsæland ne hæfþ be lage forlæten þa forewearde.

Niwsæland is dælnimed þisra eorþsteormællicena þeodnessa:

Niwsæland hæfþ Heah Gerefearn (oþ 1980 wæs hit "Supreme Court" gehaten (mænende "Hiest Gerefearn")) and Gerefearn Gesecednesse (ær dæl þæs Hiestan Gerefearnes), eac to underlinglicum gerefearnum. Oþ 2004 cuðon gesecednessa fram ceosungum þæs Gerefearnes Gesecednesse on þæm Demendum Gemote þæs Witenagemotes on Lundene geseted wesan.

On 2003 wæs seo Gesetedness þæs Hiestan Gerefearnes geseted, towendende gesecednessa þæm Witenagemote, þe hæfþ geworden wyrcende siþþin 2004, and staðoliende Hiehst Gerefearn Niwsælandes on Wellingtune.

Nu is se Heafodmann Demunge Sian Elias Wifeorl.


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Heaflicu gewritu: Landscipas Niwsælandes, Stowlic weald Niwsælandes

Þær hit wæs ærost fram Europiscum geseted wæs Niwsælande gesundrod on scirum. Þas wæron adilod on 1876 swa þæt þæt weald cuðe weorðan heafodburge geseted for sceattlicum intingum. To wæstme þisses hæfþ Niwsæland nan gesundrodlice gespelod underricisc dæl landes, to bysne scir, rice oþþe landrice butan his stowlicum wealde. Na þy læs Þa gastas þara scira giet libbaþ and þær is strang feohtung on gamenum and þeawiscum weorcum.

Siþþin 1876 hæfþ stowlic weald wealded þa missenlican geardum Niwsælandes. For his gesettunge stære wæs Niwsælandes stowlic weald geworht nean æfter Brytiscum stowlicum wealdes wisum, mid gecorenum burgum and fylca witenagemotum. Æfter gearum habbaþ sume þisra witenagemota geþoftod oþþe gefered andwendunga be gemænre andwyrdunge, and sumu niwu ones wæron geseted. On 1989 setede þæt stowlice weald on ful niwe endebyrdnesse, brucende þone twaendebyrdnessan timber þisra daga landscipra witenagemota and landrica doma.

Todæg hæfþ Niwsæland 12 gearda witenagemotas to þære dihtunge landes and farunge and 74 landrica domas þa þe dihtaþ stræta macunge, adelseaþes macunge, timbrunga andwyrdunga, and oðru stowlicu þing. Þa landrica domas sind 16 burga witenagemotas, 57 beganga witenagemotas, and se Cithamiega Witenagemot. Feower þara landrica witenagemota (an burg and þrie begangas) and se Cithamiega Witenagemot eac do þæt weorc landscipes witenagemotes and þæs sind gecuþ to geanlæhtum domum. Landrica doma begangas ne sind soþlice underdæl þara landscipa witenagemota beganga, and sume heora gemengaþ landscipa witenagemota mearca.

Oðra gecorena stowlica wealdes endebyrdnessa sind burhwara wealdende þreatas, flogoðena leafa gyld, beganga hælðe wealdende þreatas, and scole wealdende þreatas gyldhealdenda.

Heafodlic gewrit: Land Niwsælandes

Niwsæland stent on twæm greatum iegum and missenlicum læssum iegum. Seo Suðerne Ieg is seo greatoste landes bræd, and is gesundrod andlang hire lengðe be þæm Suðernum Alpisum, hwæs þe hiehst beorg is Aoraki / Cook Munt þe is 3754 metera heahþe. Þær sind 18 beorgas þe standaþ hiehran þonne 3000 metera on þære Suðernan Iege. Seo Norðerne Ieg is læs dunlendisc þonne se Suða, ac hire land is geseted be fyrbeorgum. Se hiehstan Norðerne Iege beorg, Ruapehu Munt (is 2797 metera), is wyrcende hornlic fyrbeorg.

Seo fulle brædness þæs landes Niwsælandes, 268,680 þm²a, is hwæthwæge læsse þonne seo Iapanes oþþe þara Brittiscena Iega, and hwæthwæge mare þonne Coloradorice on þæm Geanlæhtan Ricum American. Þæt land is mare þonne 1600 þm æfter his heafodlican norþnorþeasternan eaxe.

Niwsæland is seo landlecgende anlepigoste eallra þeoda. Þæt niehste land, Suþland, is 2,000 þmum benorþwestan Niwsælandes heafodlicum iegum ofer þære Tasmansæwe. Þæt an land besuðan him is se Andnorða, and benorðan him sind Niwe Caledonia, Ficgiege, and Tonga.

Þæt gewunelice medumweðer geond þæt land is mild, oftost fram colum gewedere oþ milde wearm geweder, mid gewedere selden undersincende under oþþe ge 0°C ge risende ofer 30°C. Byrdnessa gaþ fram wætum, caldum gewedere on Suþlande and þæm Westriman þære Suþiege, þær fielþ þæt greatoste dæl Niwsælandes regnes, oþ underwearmbeltisc geweder on Norþlande. On Wellingtune is þæt medume læste geweder on wintere 5.9°Ca and þæt medume mæste geweder in sumere 20.3°Ca.

Landlic andwlita

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Niwsælandes landlegedness hafaþ unhliden on manigum feorrsiene wæfersinum and sceawspellum . Huru Ercol and Xena wæron leohgewriten be Auclande, Heofonlicu Wiht in Cristcirican. Peter Jackson leohwrat Se Hlaford þara Hringa in missenlicum stowum geond þæt land, brucende þa anlican and andefne unahodenan landlegednessa.

Blotsman and Deor

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Heafodlicu gewrite: Niwsælandes deorNiwsælandes wyrtaGetæl Niwsælandes fuglasNiwsælandes treo

For his langan anlepnesse fram þæm oðrum landum þære worulde hæfþ Niwsæland ungewunelice blotsman and deor. Oþ þone tocyme þara formena manna efne anum þusendgeare oþþe twæm ær, eahtig þæs landes wæs wuduland and, butan twæm cynnum of hreaðemys, nan meolcsycend deor fand man ut þære brime. On stede þæs wæron Niwsælandes wealda geset be missenlicum cynnum fugola (heora manige sind fleohtlease), creopendas, and seoxsceancwyrm - heora manig nean swa great swa mus (seoh þæt gewrit be lopphamum).


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Heafodlic gewrit: Feohwendung Niwsælandes

Niwsæland hafaþ niwlice, forðode feohwendunge. His heafodlic utbæru weorc sind eorþbigeness, geardbigeness, fiscoþ, wudufellung and giwitnesse cræft. Þær is eacswa hwæthwega hefig landsceawinge weorc. Þa sceawspella and wina weorc sind geþoht wesan tocumendu.

Siþþan 1984 habbaþ folgiendu geweald worhten greate feohwendunge efttimbrunge, andwendende Niwsæland from swiðe hamceapbeorgendre and gefadodre feohwendunge on lysdre, freoceapunglicre feohwendung. Buton timum strangre weaxunge in þæm middelum 1980 gearum and ærum 1990 gearum, soþ ingangfeo habbaþ lytloden wiþ þare 1980 geara micelnessa, and medume gearlic feohwendunglic geþungenness hafþ gebeon læsse þonne seo þe wæs anbidod and is swiðe getriwende in micelum micelnessum tofarena to æticenne his fulle ricisce forþbæro.

Þæs andweardes Niwsælandes gewealdes feohwendunglice endas sind staðolode on ære awendunge fram heora setting ongemang þara læssena dæl þara OECDlicena rica to marum stede eft, secende freoceapunglica forewearda, lytliende þa ungelicnessa betweox þæm folcum, and timbriende "gewitnesse feohwendunge."

Ungelice him on ærum tiengearum, Niwsæland hæfþ nu forwierned ceapætecenda hefignessa, beacniende forceapætecung hæfþ gebeon gesett on aganum timum.

Niwsæland is swiðe forþgelang on ceapunge — anlice in eorþbigenesse forþbæru - to healdenne weaxunge, and hit hafaþ gebeon gewæged fram woruldwidum feohwendunglicum forslæwungum and lytlungum wara ceapgylda. Siþþan eorþbigenesse utbæru sind swiðe gewægda fram feohtacna weorþ and great dæl brucenda wara sind inbrohta, æniga hweorfunga on weoðe þæs Niwsælandes doleres habbaþ strange wyrcunge wiþ his feohwendunge.

In þæm 2004 geare hit undergann to geondsmeagenne freoceapunge wiþ Cine, maciende hit an þara formena landa to donne swa.

Under þæm æfterrum 1980 gearum , þæt Geweald Niwsælandes ciepede manig miclu ceapunge geweorc, ge his feorsprecera wræd, ge his rodweges endebyrdnesse, ge manige utweorpsenderas, ge tu gyldhus in ræwe nyttfeona cepa. Þeah þæt Geweald Niwsælandes giet gewealdeþ hefig tæl underginnunga, þa þe sind ætgædere gecuða to Ricagena Underginnunga; hie sind gewealdeda þurh unbefealdena dælnimunge gesetednessa swa anstandenda underginnunga þe sind sculon wyrcan nyttlice, swa swa ænig anlepiglice agnu underginnung. Missenlicu dæl beorgendre gelagunge staðolaþ underginnunga endas ac forwiernaþ þæt dælnimendu geweald hæbben wyrcen þa underginnunga gedæghwamlice. Ærendþegnung, spearcaweorces wrædas, utweorpsendunge and feorrsiene bradweorpendas, eacswa læcehus and oðer ceapunge underginnunga sind staðolod þus. Þa heafodlican Rices Þegnunga standaþ on gewealdes mearcum and þegnungum þa heafodlice arediaþ gewealdes gelæstunge, rædes ræd, laga gelæstung, and ferlica þegnunga.


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Heafodlic gewrit: Folcandgiet Niwsælandes

Huhwega eahtige hundoðan Niwsælandes folces sind of Europiscum leodum cennede. Maorisca leoda sind þæt oðerlice mæste folc (14.7% Niwsælandes folces). Betweox þæs 1996 geares and þæs 2001 geares folctellunge, þæt tæl leoda mid Asianiscum frumcynne (6.6% his leoda) wearþ mare þonne þæt Seriscus Garsecges Iegbuenda (6.5% his leoda) (understand þæt seo folctellung let mann to writenne manige folcbendas). Seo onfangenness Maoriscre lifwisan giet wiexþ, anlice for þære niwancumnan inlade Maoriscre feorrsine þegnunge.

Þa heafodlican Cristnan cirican sind seo Ænglisce Cirice, seo Ealdormanna Cirice, seo Romanisce Cirice, and seo Endebyrdnesse Cirice. Mare þonne þridde dæl þæs folces ne stent mid anre cirican.


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Heafodlicu gewritu: Lifwise on Niwsælande, Maorisc lifwise

Seo eac: Niwsælandisc Englisc, Niwsælandes sceawcræft, Niwsælandes boccræft, Niwsælandes dream, Maorisca þeoda

Heafodlic gewrit: Tima in Niwsælande

Niwsælandes Geseted Tima is twelfum stundu æforan Efenwyrcende Woruldwid Tima (gehaten eac to sceortunge "UTC"). Betweox þæm æftermestan Sunnandæge Haligmonaðes ælces geares and þæm formestan Sunnandæge Eostormonaðes þæs folgiendan gieres brycþ Niwsæland Dæges Leohtes Settunge timan.

Niwu word

[adiht | adiht fruman]
Þis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican.
This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
  • Aucland (sn) - Auckland
  • Ænglisc (aj) Cirice (wf) - Anglican Church
  • Cethamiega (sf pl.) - Chatham Islands
  • Cociega (sf pl.) - Cook Islands
  • Cristcirice (wf) - Christchurch
  • cynespeliend (sm) - governor general, "royal representative"
  • Dæges (desc.) Leohtes (desc.) Settung (sf) - Daylight Savings
  • Ealdormanna (desc.) Cirice (wf) - Presbyterian Church
  • Efenwyrcende (aj) Woruldwid (aj) Tima (wm) - Coordinated Universal Time
  • Endebyrdnesse (desc.) Cirice (wf) - Methodist Church
  • eorþwealdscipisc (aj) - geopolitical
  • Felaiegisc (aj) - Polynesian
  • Forma (aj) Þegn (sm) - Prime Minister
  • feohtacn (sn) - currency, "wealth-token"
  • feohwendung (sf) - economy, "wealth-directing/turning"
  • folcandgiet (sn) - demographics, "people-knowledge"
  • Foreweard (sf) Waitangiges (desc.) - Treaty of Waitangi
  • full (aj) ricisc (aj) wæstm (sm/sn/sf) - GDP
  • fylc (sn) (authentic with new usage) - county
  • Geaned (aj) Rice (sn) - United Kingdom
  • Gemæne (aj) Gereca (wm) - governor general
  • Greatclustorieg (sf) - Great Barrier Island
  • Hameldun (sf) - Hamilton
  • landrice (sn) (authentic - necessary for specific definition) - territory
  • landscipe (sm) (authentic - necessary for specific definition) - region
  • Mawrisc (aj) - Maori, Maori
  • medumweðer (sn) - climate, "average weather/temperature"
  • Niwsæland (sn) - New Zealand
  • Niwsælandes (desc.) Geseted (aj) Tima (wm) - NZ Standard Time
  • Norþieg (sf) - North Island
  • rices (desc.) genettnama (wm) - TLD, "nation's internet name"
  • rihte (av) gebleod (aj) - true colour, "correctly coloured"
  • Romanisc (aj) Cirice (wf) - Roman Catholic Church/Catholic Church
  • runword (sn) - code
  • selfwealdende (aj) - autonomous
  • sundorricehad (sm) - independence
  • Suþieg (sf) - South Island
  • Suþland (sn) - Australia, (more specifically) Southland (New Zealand)
  • tidgeard (sm) - time-zone
  • tiengear (sn) - decade
  • Þeodacynewise (wf) - the Commonwealth
  • þusendgear (sn) - millennium
  • underricisc (aj) - sub-national
  • utweardþing (sn) - dependency
  • underwearmbeltisc (aj) - subtropical
    • gerefland (sn) (authentic with new usage) - dependency
  • wealdceosung (sf) - election
    • also just "ceosung" when it is understood what kind of "ceosung" is being spoken of.
  • wealdscipe (sm) - politics
  • Weolingtun (sm) - Wellington
  • wifeorl (sm) - dame
Carles III Cyninges rīciu
Antigua and Barbuda • Australand • Þā Bahamas • Belīs • Canada • Geaned Cynerice • Grenadieg • Iamaica • Niwsæland • Papua Nīwguineg • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sancte Lucia • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Salomon Īege • Tufalu

Sericus Garsecges Iegland

Fanuatu • Ficgīege • Kiribas • Micronesia þā Geƿǣredan Rīciu • Marshall Īegland • Nauru • Niwsæland • Palau • Papua Nīwguineg • Samoa • Salomon Īege • Tonga • Tufalu

Americanisc landscipe: Americanisc Samoa • Guam • Hawaii • Norþerne Māriana Īegland • Geanedu Rica Lytlan Utligendan Iege • Wacanieg

Australisc landscipe: Crīstesmæsse Īeg • Cēoling Īege • Norþfolc Īeg

Bryttisc landscipe: Pitcearnīega

Cilisc landscipe: Ēasterīeg

Ficgīege landscipe: Rotuma

Frencisc landscipe: Frencisc Polynesia • Nīwe Scotta Ēaland • Wallis and Futuna

Niwsælendisc landscipe: Cociega • Niugue • Tocelaw


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