This model-theoretic semantics for OWL
goes directly from ontologies in the OWL DL abstract syntax, which includes
the OWL Lite abstract syntax, to a standard model theory.
It is simpler than the semantics in Section 5,
which is a vocabulary extension of the RDFS semantics.
3.1. Vocabularies and Interpretations
The semantics here starts with the notion of a vocabulary. When
considering an OWL ontology, the vocabulary must include all the URI
references and literals in that ontology, as
well as ontologies that are
imported by the ontology, but
can include other URI references and literals
as well.
In this section
VOP will be the URI references for the
built-in OWL ontology
An OWL vocabulary V consists of
a set of literals VL and seven sets
of URI references,
VIP, VAP, and VO.
In any vocabulary
VC and VD are disjoint
VDP, VIP, VAP, and VOP are
pairwise disjoint.
VC, the class names of a vocabulary, contains
owl:Thing and owl:Nothing.
VD, the datatype names of a vocabulary, contains
the URI references for the
built-in OWL datatypes
and rdfs:Literal.
VAP, the annotation property names of a vocabulary, contains
VIP, the individual-valued property names of a vocabulary,
VDP, the data-valued property names of a vocabulary, and
VI, the individual names of a vocabulary,
VO, the ontology names of a vocabulary,
do not have any required members.
As in RDF, a datatype d is characterized by
a lexical space, L(d), which is a set of Unicode strings;
a value space, V(d);
and a total mapping L2V(d) from the lexical space to the value space.
A datatype map D is a partial mapping
from URI references to datatypes
that maps
xsd:string and
xsd:integer to the appropriate XML Schema
A datatype map may contain datatypes for the other
built-in OWL datatypes.
It may also contain other datatypes, but there is no provision in the OWL
syntax for conveying what these datatypes are.
Let D be a datatype map.
An Abstract OWL interpretation with respect to D
with vocabulary
is a tuple of the form:
I = <R, EC, ER, L, S, LV>
where (with P being the power set operator)
R, the resources of I, is a non-empty set
LV, the literal values of I,
is a subset of R that contains
the set of Unicode strings,
the set of pairs of Unicode strings and language tags,
and the value spaces for each datatype in D
EC : VC → P(O)
EC : VD → P(LV)
ER : VDP → P(O×LV)
ER : VIP → P(O×O)
ER : VAP ∪ { rdf:type } → P(R×R)
ER : VOP → P(R×R)
L : TL → LV, where TL is the set of typed literals in VL
S : VI ∪ VC ∪ VD ∪ VDP ∪
∪ { owl:Ontology, owl:DeprecatedClass, owl:DeprecatedProperty }
→ R
S(VI) ⊆ O
EC(owl:Thing) = O ⊆ R, where O is nonempty and disjoint from LV
EC(owl:Nothing) = { }
EC(rdfs:Literal) = LV
If D(d') = d
then EC(d') = V(d)
If D(d') = d
then L("v"^^d') ∈ V(d)
If D(d') = d and v ∈ L(d)
then L("v"^^d') = L2V(d)(v)
If D(d') = d and v ∉ L(d)
then L("v"^^d') ∈ R - LV
EC provides meaning for URI references that are used as
OWL classes and datatypes.
ER provides meaning for URI references that are used as
OWL properties.
(The property rdf:type is added to the annotation properties so as
to provide a meaning for deprecation, see
L provides meaning for typed literals.
S provides meaning for URI references that are used to denote OWL
and helps provide meaning for annotations.
Note that there are no interpretations that can satisfy all the
requirements placed on badly-formed literals, i.e., one whose lexical form
is invalid for the datatype,
such as 1.5^^xsd:integer.
S is extended to plain literals in VL by (essentially) mapping them onto themselves,
i.e., S("l") =
l for l a plain literal without a language tag and
S("l"@t) =
<l,t> for l a plain literal with a language tag.
S is extended to typed literals by using L, S(l) = L(l) for l a typed literal.
3.2. Interpreting Embedded Constructs
EC is extended to the syntactic constructs of
data ranges,
values, and annotations
as in the
EC Extension Table.
{x ∈ R | ∃ y ∈ EC(Individual(…)) : <x,y> ∈ ER(p) }
3.3. Interpreting Axioms and Facts
An Abstract OWL interpretation, I, satisfies OWL axioms and facts as
given in
Axiom and Fact Interpretation Table.
In the table, optional parts of axioms and facts
are given in square brackets ([…]) and have corresponding optional
conditions, also given in square brackets.
From Section 2,
an OWL ontology can have annotations,
which need their own semantic conditions.
Aside from this local meaning, an
annotation also imports the contents of another OWL
ontology into the current ontology.
The imported ontology is the one, if any, that has as name the argument of the imports construct.
(This treatment of imports is divorced from Web issues. The intended use
of names for OWL ontologies is to make the name be the location of the
ontology on the Web, but this is outside of this formal treatment.)
Definition:Let D be a datatype map.
An Abstract OWL interpretation, I, with respect to D with vocabulary consisting of
satisfies an OWL ontology, O, iff
each URI reference in O used as a
class ID (datatype ID, individual ID,
data-valued property ID, individual-valued property ID, annotation
property ID, annotation ID, ontology ID)
belongs to
VDP, VIP, VAP, VO, respectively);
each literal in O belongs to VL;
I satisfies each directive in O,
except for Ontology Annotations;
there is some o ∈ R
with <o,S(owl:Ontology)> ∈ ER(rdf:type)
such that
for each Ontology Annotation of the form
Annotation(p v),
<o,S(v)> ∈ ER(p)
and that if O has name n, then
S(n) = o; and
I satisfies each ontology
mentioned in an owl:imports annotation directive of O.
A collection of abstract OWL ontologies and axioms and facts is consistent with respect to datatype map Diff there is some interpretation I with respect
to D such that I satisfies each ontology and axiom and fact in the collection.
A collection O of abstract OWL ontologies and axioms and
factsentails an abstract OWL
ontology or axiom or factO'
with respect to a datatype map D
if each interpretation with respect to map D that satisfies each ontology and axiom and fact in O
also satisfies O'.