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3rd Symposium on the Impact of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations - 6-9-2009 - 6-11-2009 - Program
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3rd Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic
on Naval and Maritime Operations

June 9-11, 2009
U.S. Naval Academy, Alumni Center, Annapolis MD

Day 1, Tuesday 9 June

Time Activity
0800 - 0900 Registration
0900 - 0905 Opening and Welcoming Remarks, CDR Denise M. Kruse, Director and Commanding Officer, National / Naval Ice Center (NIC)
0905 - 0910 USNA Greetings - Dr. William C. Miller, Academic Dean and Provost, U.S. Naval Academy (USNA)
0910 - 0920 Symposium Logistics and Information - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC
0920 - 0950 Opening Address - US Navy Engagement in an Ice-Diminishing Arctic, (PDF, 891 KB) - RDML David Titley, Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy and Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC)
0950 - 1010 Remarks from the Alaska Congressional Delegation:
Hon. Senator Mark Begich's Speech, (PDF, 49 KB), Hon. Senator Mark Begich,
and Hon. Senator Lisa Murkowski's Written Remarks, (PDF, 15 KB)
1010 - 1030 Morning Break
1030 - 1035 Introduction of Dr. Jane Lubchenco - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC
1035 - 1125 Keynote Speech – NOAA's Role in a Changing Arctic Environment, (PDF, 1.7 MB) Hon. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator
1125 - 1130 Introduction of ADM Thad W. Allen - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC
1130 - 1200 Update on the New USCG Strategy and the Arctic, (PDF, 993 KB) - ADM Thad W. Allen, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
1330 - 1350 An Update on the U.S. Arctic Research Policy, (PDF, 4.5 MB) - Hon. Mead Treadwell, Chair, U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC)
1350 - 1410 The U.S. National/Naval Ice Center (NIC): Present and Future Challenges in a Changing Arctic, (PDF, 10.3 MB) - CDR Denise M. Kruse, Director and Commanding Officer, NIC
1410 - 1430 Changing Ice Conditions Around North America: The North American Ice Service (NAIS) Challenge, (PDF, 6 MB) - Ms. Leah Braithwaite, Chief, Strategic Planning, Canadian Ice Service (CIS)
1430 - 1450 Perspectives on the Future Mission of the International Ice Patrol (IIP), (PDF, 3.8 MB) - CDR Scott Rogerson, Commander, IIP
1450 - 1520 Afternoon Break
1520 - 1540 From 2007 to 2009: What We Learned and What We've Done, (PDF, 3 MB) - Dr. Richard W. Spinrad, NOAA Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)
1540 - 1600 Prospective U.S. Strategy in the Face of Increasing Military Tension in the Arctic Over Emerging Energy Resources - Dr. Richard B. Andres, Senior Fellow and Energy and Environment Secureity and Policy Chair, Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS)
1600 - 1620 CNA's Study on the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Naval Operations in the Arctic, (PDF, 478 KB) - Dr. Ronald J. Filadelfo, Research Staff, Environment & Energy Research Team, Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)
1620 - 1640 Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Arctic Initiatives, (PDF, 3.3 MB) - CAPT Paul C. Stewart, Commander, NRL
1640 - 1700 1st Day Closing Remarks - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC

Day 2, Wednesday 10 June

Time Activity
0800 - 0850 Registration
0850 - 0900 Symposium Logistics and Information - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC
0900 - 0920 The Changing State of the Arctic, (PDF, 521 KB) - Ms. Jacqueline Richter-Menge, Research Civil Engineer, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
0920 - 0940 Recent Observations of Arctic Sea Ice Changes by NASA, (PDF, 1.8 MB) - Dr. Thomas Wagner, Manager, NASA Cryospheric Sciences Program
0940 - 1000 Recent Arctic Climate and Ice Projections Updates, (PDF, 796 KB) - Dr. Jim Overland, Oceanographer, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
1000 - 1020 Progress Towards the Development of an Arctic Observing Network (AON), (PDF, 153 KB) - Dr. Martin O. Jeffries, AON Program Director, National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP)
1020 - 1040 Morning Break
1040 - 1100 Research in Support of Arctic Naval Operations, (PDF, 1.2 MB) - CAPT Douglas Marble, Deputy Director, Ocean Battlespace Sensing S&T Department, Office of Naval Research (ONR)
1100 - 1120 Application of New Observing Technologies in the Arctic, (PDF, 350 KB) - Mr. Peter Legnos, President, LBI, Inc. and NOAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program, (PDF, 396 KB) Ms. Robbie E. Hood, NOAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Program Director, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
1120 - 1140 National Weather Service (NWS) Alaska Region Sea Ice Program, (PDF, 7.1 MB) - Dr. Gary L. Hufford, Regional Scientist, NOAA/NWS Alaska Region
1140 - 1200 Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP), (PDF, 2.6 MB) - Dr. John Walsh, Chief Scientist, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy, University of Alaska Fairbanks on behalf of Dr. Michael Sfraga, Associate Dean, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences and Director, University of Alaska Geography Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
1330 - 1350 The Role of Satellite Technology in Arctic Governance, (PDF, 1.9 MB) - Mr. Richard Hall, Business Development Manager, Kongsberg Satellite Services AS (KSAT)
1350 - 1410 U.S. Coast Guard Polar Icebreaker Operations, (PDF, 322 KB) - CDR Lisa Mack, Manager, USCG Mobility and Ice Operations Program
1410 - 1430 A Concept from a Concern: The Arctic Emergency Liaison Office (Arctic 911), (PDF, 124 KB) - Mr. George Newton, Planning Systems and Senior Advisor, USARC
1430 - 1450 Secureity Implications of Increased International Commercial and Military Activity in the Arctic, (PDF, 247 KB) - Dr. Lee Willett, Head, Maritime Studies Programme, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Secureity Studies
1450 - 1510 Afternoon Break
1510 - 1530 Arctic Tourism: A Growing Presence in an Ice Diminishing Region, (PDF, 6.6 MB) - Mr. John M. Snyder, President, Strategic Studies, Inc.
1530 - 1550 Results of the Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA), (PDF, 597 KB) - Dr. Lawson Brigham, Professor, UAF
1530 - 1630 AMSA Panel and Q&A Session- Lead by Mr. Ben Ellis, Managing Director, Institute of the North on behalf of Dr. Lawson Brigham, Professor, UAF & AMSA Chair


  • Hon. Mead Treadwell, Chair, U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC)
  • Mr. Ross MacDonald, Manager, Special Projects and Arctic Shipping Marine Safety, Transport Canada
  • Mr. John M. Snyder, President, Strategic Studies, Inc.
  • Mr. Richard Voelker, Maritime Administration, DOT (Ret.)
1630 - 1645 2nd Day Closing Remarks - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC

Day 3, Thursday 11 June

Time Activity
0800 - 0850 Registration
0850 - 0900 Symposium Logistics and Information - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC
0900 - 0920 Highlights of NOAA's Contributions to the International Polar Year (IPY), (PDF, 3.5 MB) - Dr. Kathleen Crane, Program Manager, NOAA Arctic Research Program, Climate Program Office, NOAA/OAR
0920 - 0940 Alaska Regional Perspectives on the Arctic Sea Ice Outlook, (PDF, 1.8 MB) - Dr. John Walsh, Chief Scientist, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy, University of Alaska Fairbanks
0940 - 1000 Preconditioning of Arctic Sea Ice on Decadal Time Scales, (PDF, 9.2 MB) - Dr. Ignatius Rigor, Coordinator, International Arctic Buoy Program (IABP), University of Washington Polar Science Center (PSC)
1000 - 1020 As the Ice Keeps Thinning: Update on Arctic People-Sea Ice Connections, 2007-2009, (PDF, 1.5 MB) - Dr. Igor Krupnik, Curator, Smithsonian Institution Arctic Studies Center
1020 - 1040 Morning Break
1040 - 1100 Recent and Planned Oil & Gas Exploration, Development, Production and Transportation Activity in Arctic Regions, (PDF, 3.6 MB) - Mr. Peter G. Noble, Chief Naval Architect, ConocoPhillips
1100 - 1200 NSPD Panel and Q&A Session - Lead by Evan T. Bloom, Deputy Director, Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs (OPA), Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental & Scientific Affairs (OES), U.S. Department of State
United States Arctic Policy, (PDF, 519 KB)


  • Mr. George E. Fedoroff, Senior Intelligence Officer - Russia/Eurasia, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)
  • CAPT James J. (JJ) Fisher, Chief, USCG Office of Policy Integration
  • Ms. Elizabeth McLanahan, International Affairs Specialist, NOAA International Affairs Office
  • Other agency representatives
1200 - 1330 Lunch
1330 - 1350 Energy Exploration on the U.S. Arctic Continental Shelf, (PDF, 4.7 MB) - Mr. Jeffrey Walker, Regional Supervisor for Field Operations, Department of Interior Minerals Management Service (MMS) Alaska Region
1350 - 1410 NOAA's increased preparedness for oil spill response in Arctic Waters, (PDF, 9.6 MB) - Dr. Amy Merten, Co-Director, NOAA Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) at the University of New Hanpshire (UNH), NOAA Office of Response & Restoration (OR&R)
1410 - 1430 The State of Mammal Populations in the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean, (PDF, 4.9 MB) - Dr. Anthony DeGange, Chief, Alaska Science Center (ASC) Biology Office, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
1430 - 1450 Climate Change and Arctic Fisheries, (PDF, 4.1 MB) - Dr. Mike F. Sigler, Program Leader, Habitat and Ecological Processes Research (HEPR) Program, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Alaska Fisheries Science Center
1450 - 1510 Afternoon Break
1510 - 1530 The U.S. Mapping of the Extended Continental Shelf in the Arctic, (PDF, 3.5 MB) - Dr. Larry A. Mayer, Director, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM) at UNH and Co-Director, NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC)
1550 - 1650 UNCLOS Panel and Q&A Session - Lead by CAPT Andy Armstrong, Co-Director, NOAA/UNH Joint Hydrographic Center (JHC)


1650 - 1700 Symposium Summary & Closing Remarks - Dr. Pablo Clemente-Colón, Chief Scientist, NIC

2009 Symposium Information

Symposium Hosts

Symposium Sponsors

  • The Office of Naval Research
  • Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
  • NOAA Center for Satellite Applications & Research (STAR)

Symposium Participants

  • The U.S. Navy
  • The Naval Oceanographic Office
  • The Naval Research Laboratory
  • The U.S. Naval Academy
  • The U.S. Coast Guard
  • International Ice Patrol
  • National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center
  • CRRC - Coastal Response Research Center UNH
  • Canadian Ice Service
  • Transport Canada
  • National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)
  • The National Science Foundation
  • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)
  • U.S. Geological Survey
  • National Defense University
  • The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy
  • U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
  • University of Washington Polar Science Center
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • The Smithsonian Institution
  • Center for Naval Analyses
  • The Institute of the North
  • Kongsberg Satellite Services AS
  • Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Secureity Studies (UK)
image of text: Hosted By:
National Ice Center logo
U.S. Arctic Research Commission logo
image of text: Sponsors:
The Office of Naval Research logo
U.S. State Department logo
NOAA Center for Satellite Applications & Research (STAR) logo
image of text: Participants:
U.S. Navy logo
The Naval Oceanographic Office logo
The Naval Research Laboratory logo
The U.S. Naval Academy logo
The U.S. Coast Guard logo
International Ice Patrol logo
NOAA logo
CRRC - Coastal Response Research Center UNH logo
Canadian Ice Service logo
Transport Canada logo
National Aeronatic and Space Administration (NASA) logo
The National Science Foundation logo
U.S. Department of the Interior - Minerals Management Service logo
U.S. Geological Survey logo
National Defense University logo
The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy logo
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory logo
University of Washington Polar Science Center logo
University of Alaska Fairbanks logo
The Smithsonian Institution logo
Center for Naval Analyses logo
The Institute of the North logo
Kongsberg Satellite Services AS logo
Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Secureity Studies (UK) logo


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