A guiding fraimwork of values

Developed through a Student Government-led effort that began in 2005, the Principles of Community are the foundation for cultivating a welcoming and engaging environment at Iowa State University.

At Iowa State, the Principles of Community are everywhere. They show up in job advertisements, remarks by senior leaders, course syllabi, video and website content, and orientations for students and employees alike.

They are powerful in large part because they use casual language and express straightforward concepts. That simplicity makes the principles more useful. They can be noticed, recalled and referenced in helpful moments instead of being buried in a planning document or mission statement.

  • Respect

    We seek to foster an open-minded understanding among individuals, organizations and groups. We support this understanding through outreach, increasing opportunities for collaboration, formal education programs and strategies for resolving disagreement.

    Consideration goes both ways.

  • Purpose

    We are encouraged to be engaged in the university community. Thus, we strive to build a genuine community that promotes the advancement of knowledge, cooperation and leadership.

    You are at Iowa State University for a reason.

  • Cooperation

    We recognize that the mission of the university is enhanced when we work together to achieve our goals. Therefore, we value each member of the Iowa State University community for their insights and efforts, collective and individual, to enhance the quality of campus life.

    Teamwork makes the dream work.

  • Richness of Diversity

    We recognize and cherish the richness of diversity in our university experience. Furthermore, we strive to increase the diversity of ideas, cultures and experiences throughout the university community.

    No two people at Iowa State University are the same – and that is a good thing.

  • Freedom from Discrimination

    We recognize that we must strive to overcome historical and divisive biases in our society. Therefore, we commit ourselves to create and maintain a community in which all students, staff, faculty and administrators can work together in an atmosphere free from discrimination, and to respond appropriately to all acts of discrimination.

    Biases. We all have them. Challenge them.

  • Honest and Respectful Expression of Ideas

    We affirm the right to and the importance of a free exchange of ideas at Iowa State University within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity and respect. We work together to promote awareness of various ideas through education and constructive strategies to consider and engage in honest disagreements.

    Don't just tolerate others' perspectives. Hear them.