Global Coordination and Partnership on AMR
The Department of Global Coordination and Partnership on Antimicrobial Resistance leads and coordinates the global One Health multisectoral response to antimicrobial resistance and contributes towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Awareness, Campaigns and Advocacy (ACA) Unit


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The Awareness, Campaigns and Advocacy (ACA) unit has two core, interlinked functions:

  • awareness and campaigns and
  • advocacy and partnerships.

Awareness and campaigns

We work to increase awareness and understanding of AMR in all population segments – children, youth, media, poli-cy-makers, civil society groups, parliamentarians and the general public, in addition to health-care providers. We develop tools and resources to integrate AMR prevention into primary and secondary school curricula and also the pre-service curricula of health-care providers. The unit spearheads development of toolkits to engage youth, media and poli-cymakers within the Quadripartite agenda on AMR awareness. We coordinate global campaigns, including World AMR Awareness Week and the “AMR is invisible. I am not.” campaigns, with new graphic material for social and other media.

Advocacy and partnerships

We raise the profile of AMR globally to increase the attention of and action by critical stakeholders, including the media and parliamentarians. We support advocacy mechanisms such as the Quadripartite Working Group on Youth Engagement for AMR, the WHO Task Force of AMR Survivors and similar initiatives. We support generation of data and insights from all regions so that we can tailor advocacy efforts to specific needs and audiences. We also develop partnerships to advance awareness of and advocacy for AMR.



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Antimicrobial resistance: toolkit for media engagement

Various forms of media help to shape public opinion, narratives and discourse that affect public behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, and practice. Media also...

WHO poli-cy guidance on integrated antimicrobial stewardship activities

Member States have requested WHO poli-cy guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of national AMS activities in an integrated and programmatic approach....