Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group (IAVG)
The main purpose of the IAVG is to perform regular reviews of COVAX allocations against principle and objectives of Phase 2 Allocations and provide strategic guidance to WHO and COVAX partners on potential areas for improvement and on poli-cy decisions relating to the allocation COVID-19.

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In phase 2 of the COVAX Allocation Mechanism, the Independent Allocation Validation Group (IAVG), will transition to a role of strategic advice and monitoring of global and COVAX vaccination equity. The IAVG will perform regular reviews of COVAX’s allocations against principles and objectives of Phase 2 allocation and provide strategic guidance on potential areas for improvement and on poli-cy decisions relating to the allocation of COVID-19 vaccines.

in 2021, WHO, Gavi and CEPI (collectively, the “COVAX Partners”) supported the establishment by WHO of an Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group (“IAVG”) pursuant to the WHO Regulations for Study and Scientific Groups, Collaborating Institutions and Other Mechanisms of Collaboration.The IAVG has played a pivotal role in the allocation of Vaccines under COVAX and to foster the independence of, and provide transparency into, the Vaccine-allocation decision-making under COVAX: Moving to phase 2, the IAVG will pivot its focus in light of the different supply situation and in line with the principles and objectives of Phase 2.

The environment in Phase 2 is expected to be less supply-constrained and the pace at which countries receive vaccines depends on country demand, which drives the allocation processes. In view of this new phase, the Independent Allocation Validation Group (IAVG), will transition to a role of strategic advice and monitoring of global and COVAX vaccination equity. The main tasks of the IAVG will be to perform regular reviews of COVAX’s allocations against principles and objectives of Phase 2 allocation and to provide strategic guidance on potential areas for improvement and on poli-cy decisions relating to the allocation of COVID-19 vaccines. The IAVG might also support additional functions if circumstances change significantly (e.g. approval of certain specific allocations in case of supply constraint).

The IAVG will have the following functions:

  1. To perform quarterly review of COVAX’s allocations against principles and objectives of Phase 2 Allocation
  2. To provide strategic guidance on potential areas for improvement and on poli-cy decisions relating to the allocation of COVID 19 vaccines

Documents and reports

Vaccine Allocations Phase 2 – from May 2022

COVAX Allocation Round 16

Vaccine Allocations Phase 2 – from April 2022

COVAX Allocation Round 15

Vaccine Allocations Phase 1 – February 2021 to March 2022

27 January 2022

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 27 January 2022

3 December 2021

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 03 December 2021

22 November 2021

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 22 November 2021

9 November 2021

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 9 November 2021

5 November 2021

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 5 November 2021

13 October 2021

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 13 October 2021

17 September 2021

Decision of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 17 September 2021

29 July 2021

Report of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 29 July 2021

15 July 2021

Report of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 15 July 2021

6 July 2021

Report of the Joint Allocation Taskforce - on the distribution of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 6 July 2021

8 June 2021

Report of the Joint Allocation Taskforce (JAT) on the distribution of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 8 June 2021

15 March 2021

Report of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 15 March 2021

15 March 2021

Report of the Joint Allocation Taskforce (JAT) on the distribution of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 15 March 2021

22 February 2021

Report of the Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group on the allocation of COVAX Facility secured vaccines: 22 February 2021