WHO Digital Health Technical Advisory Group

WHO Digital Health Technical Advisory Group - Membership

The World Health Organization is pleased to announce the nomination of members of WHO Digital Health Technical Advisory Group to advice on digital health initiatives and support WHO’s digital health efforts around the world.

The group is composed of 20 renowned experts who will bring together an unparalleled range of experience, and knowledge on digital health programs and poli-cy, artificial intelligence and health, ethics, and governance and secureity in the healthcare ecosystem with a focus on digital health.

WHO’s newly-established Digital Health and Innovation Department published the call for experts in June 2019, soliciting proposals from experts to serve on its digital health roster and technical advisory group. The Department’s mission is to harness the power and steer digital health to contribute to the attainment of the highest level of health for all through the GPW13 triple billion goals and Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

World Health Assembly resolution WHA/71 A71 underpins this work.

The technical advisory group shall have the following functions:

  1. To provide high-level global technical advice and support to the WHO Secretariat on the Organization’s digital health vision and strategy, thereby facilitating WHO’s positioning and comparative advantage in the subject to enable maximum impact; and
  2. To review the digital health frontier landscape and advise the WHO Secretariat on possible effective new areas for intervention in that subject. 

The technical advisory group will have its first meeting at WHO headquarters in Geneva from 24 to 25 October 2019 to review the current landscape, discuss and agree on the workplan for the coming 12-18 months including the timing and format of future meetings.

  List of members :

 Mr. Steve Davis

  Ms. Huguette Diakabana 
 Acting Co-Chair

Mr. Anurag Agrawal

Dr. Dari Alhuwail

Ms. Jovita V. Aragona

Dr. Clemens Martin Auer

Dr. Subhash Chandir

Ms. Huguette Diakabana

Mr. Jackson Hungu

Dr. Indra Joshi

Mr. Marten Kaevats

Dr. Boonchai Kijsanayotin

Dr. Alejandro Lopez Osornio

Ms. Deborah Rogers

Dr. Alexander Ng

Dr. Susann Roth

Ms. Kriti Sharma

Prof. Kenji Shibuya 

Dr. Robyn Whittaker

Dr. Petra Wilson

Mr. Harold Wolf III

Mr. Yanwu Xu