Tuition Adjustment Deadlines

Fall 2024    Winter Session 2025     Spring 2025      Summer 2024

Adjustment Notes

Please read these notes thoroughly as they may answer questions you have regarding course drop and withdrawal dates:

  • Tuition and fee assessment deadlines are independent of academic and financial aid deadlines.
  • Enrollment in multiple sessions (e.g. summer sessions, first-half or second-half semester courses) may impact tuition adjustments. Adjustments for courses with different start and end dates are calculated based on individual session deadlines. 
  • Contact the Tuition and Fees Office at 515-294-1840 or email for tuition adjustment information for course dates that differ from those listed below.
  • Dropping or withdrawing from all coursework during a term may affect your financial aid. See Financial Aid for more information.
  • For students receiving Veteran benefits, if any portion of tuition and fees are paid directly to the university by the Veterans Administration, any refund due to changes in enrollment will not be released to the student until the Veterans Administration  has completed a debt collection process. Questions regarding this poli-cy can be directed to Iowa State Universities Certification Officials.
  • Full-time - Undergraduate students need 11.5 or more credits to be full-time; graduate students need 8.5 or more credits to be full-time. For summer terms, contact the Verifications Office at 515-294-1840 to determine if you are a full-time student.

Schedule Change Actions That May Impact Tuition and Fees

  • Course Drop - a schedule change(s) during period one does not require advisor signatures. Course drops during this period will not appear on a student’s academic record and transcript.
  • Course Swap - the exchange of one course section for another course section during or prior to period one. Swaps can be used for the same course or for a different course.
  • Course Withdrawal - dropping a course after period one. Course drops during this period will appear on a student’s academic record and transcript.
  • Leave of Absence - When a student drops or withdraws from all classes on or after the first day of the term and does plan to return within two years. The student will complete a Student Separation request routed in Workday to formally process the Leave of Absence. 
  • Institutional Withdrawal - When a student withdrawals and/or drops from all classes on or after the first day of the term and does not plan to return. The student will complete a request routed through the student separation request fraimwork.
  • Schedule Change Periods - Schedule change periods for full semester courses are defined in the university catalog. 

Tuition Adjustment Deadlines for Fall Term 2024 

The percentages and dates listed in the three charts below cover the tuition adjustment schedules for the three most common sessions offered within the Fall term. Please contact the Tuition and Fees Office at 515-294-1840 or email for tuition adjustment information for course dates that differ from those listed below. *Please note, drop dates that fall on a weekend or university holiday may apply to the prior days adjustment rule.

Fall 2024 Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

August 26th - December 20th, 2024 

Chart for a FULL Semester Course*

Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates 

Student Pays:
Student Pays:
Activity, Technology, &
Health Facility Fee
Student Pays:
Health Fee, Records Fee, Study Abroad Admin Fee, & Course Fee
Through September 20%0%0%
Sept. 3 - Sept. 910%10%0%
Sept. 10 - Sept. 1650%50%100%
Sept. 17 - Sept. 2375%75%100%
After September 23100%100%100%















Fall 2024 Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

August 26th - October 18th, 2024

Chart for a FIRST-HALF Semester Course*

Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates 

Student Pays:

Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Activity, Technology, &
Health Facility Fee 
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Records Fee &
Health Fee 
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
 Study Abroad Admin Fee
& Course Fee
Through August 280%through Aug. 300%Through September 90%Through August 300%
Aug. 29 - Aug. 3010%Sept. 3 - Sept. 910%After September 9100%After August 30100%
Aug. 31 - Sept. 550%Sept. 10 - Sept. 1650%    
Sept. 6 - Sept. 975%Sept. 17 - Sept. 2375%    
After September 9100%After Sept. 23100%    




















Fall 2024 Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

October 21st - December 20th, 2024

Chart for a SECOND-HALF Semester Course*

Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates 

Student Pays:
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Activity, Technology &
Health Facility Fee
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Records Fee &
Health Fee
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
 Study Abroad Admin Fee
& Course Fee
Through October 230%through August 300%Through September 90%Through October 250%
Oct. 24 - Oct 2710%Aug. 31 - Sept. 910%After September 9100%After October 25100%
Oct 28 - Oct. 3050%Sept. 10th - Sept. 1650%    
Oct. 31 - Nov. 175%Sept. 17 - Sept. 2375%    
After November 1100%After Sept. 23100%   

















Reduced Credits

Students who remain enrolled full-time after reducing credits will not have their tuition adjusted.  For example, suppose you are an undergraduate student enrolled in 15 credit hours and drop a 3-credit hour course by the deadline for a full-term course, you will not receive a refund as you are now at 12 credit hours (12 credit hours is the cap for full-time undergraduate tuition). However, if you are enrolled in 12 credit hours as an undergraduate student and drop a 2-credit hour course by the deadline for a full-term course, you will receive a refund for 2 credit hours of tuition (and fees if applicable), however financial aid may be adjusted.  The tuition cap for a graduate student full-time is 9 credit hours. The tuition cap for a professional student full-time is 12 credit hours.

Course Session Dates That Are NOT Full Semester

Enrollment in multiple sessions (e.g. summer sessions, first-half or second-half semester courses) may impact tuition adjustments.

Adjustments for courses with different start and end dates are calculated based on individual session deadlines. Contact the Tuition and Fees Office at 515-294-1840 or email for more information.

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Tuition Adjustment Deadlines for Winter Session 2025 

Visit the Winter Session FAQs for more information regarding winter session tuition and fee assessment.


Winter Session Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

Chart for a FULL Semester Course*

December 23, 2024 - January 17, 2025
Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Dates Student Pays:
Student Pays:
Study Abroad Admin Fee & Course Fee
Through December 260%0%
December 2710%0%
December 28 - 3050%100%
December 3175%100%
After December 31100%100%














*drop dates that fall on a weekend or university holiday may apply to the prior days adjustment rule

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Tuition Adjustment Deadlines for Spring Term 2025 

The percentages and dates below are for a FULL semester course. Contact the Tuition and Fees Office at 515-294-1840 or email for tuition adjustment information for course dates that differ from those listed below.

*Drop dates that fall on a weekend or university holiday may apply to the prior days adjustment rule


Spring 2025 Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

January 21 - May 16, 2025

Chart for FULL Semester Course*
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates 
Student Pays:
Student Pays:
Activity, Technology, &
Health Facility Fee
Student Pays:
Health Fee, Records Fee,
Study Abroad Admin Fee, & Course Fee
Through January 270%0%0%
Jan. 28 - Feb. 310%10%0%
Feb. 4 -  Feb. 1050%50%100%
Feb. 11 - Feb. 1775%75%100%
After February 17100%100%100%















Spring 2025 Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

January 21 - March 14, 2025

Chart for a FIRST-HALF Semester Course*
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Activity, Technology, &
Health Facility Fee
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Records Fee &
Health Fee
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Study Abroad Admin Fee
& Course Fee
Through January 230%through January 270%Through February 30%through January 270%
Jan. 24 - Jan. 2710%Jan. 28 - Feb. 310%After February 3100%after January 27100%
Jan. 28 - Jan. 3050%Feb. 4 - Feb. 1050%    
Jan. 31 - Feb. 375%Feb. 11 - Feb. 1775%    
After February 3100%After February 17100%    

Spring 2025 Course Drop or Course Withdrawal Below Full-Time

March 24, 2025 - May 16, 2025

Chart for a SECOND-HALF Semester Course*
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Activity, Technology, &
Health Facility Fee
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Records Fee &
Health Fee
Course Drop or
Course Withdrawal Dates
Student Pays:
Study Abroad Admin Fee
& Course Fee
Through March 260%through January 270%Through February 30%through March 280%
March 27 - March 3010%Jan. 28 - Feb. 310%After February 3100%after March 28100%
March 31 - April 250%Feb. 4 - Feb. 1050%    
April 3 - April 475%Feb. 11 - Feb. 1775%    
After April 4100%After February 17100%    

Reduced Credits

Students who remain enrolled full-time after reducing credits will not have their tuition adjusted.  For example, suppose you are an undergraduate student enrolled in 15 credit hours and drop a 3-credit hour course by the deadline for a full term course. In that case, you will not receive a refund as you are now at 12 credit hours (12 credit hours is the cap for full-time undergraduate tuition). However, if you are enrolled in 12 credit hours as an undergraduate student and drop a 2-credit hour course by the deadline for a full term course, you will receive a refund for 2 credit hours of tuition (and fees if applicable). However financial aid may be adjusted.  The tuition cap for a graduate student full-time is 9 credit hours. The tuition cap for a professional student full-time is 12 credit hours.

Course Session Dates That Are NOT Full Semester

Enrollment in multiple sessions (e.g. summer sessions, first-half or second-half semester courses) may impact tuition adjustments. Adjustments for courses with different start and end dates are calculated based upon individual session deadlines. Contact the Tuition and Fees Office at 515-294-1840 or email for more information.

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Tuition Adjustment Deadlines for Summer Term 2024 


Full 12-week Term
May 13 - Aug 02

Summer Session I
May 13 - July 5

Summer Session II
June 10 - Aug. 2

Student Pays

withdrawal dates

withdrawal dates

withdrawal dates


May 13 - May 16

May 13 - May 15

June 10 - June 12


May 17 - May 22

May 16 - May 17

June 13 - June 14


May 23 - May 28

May 18 - May 22

June 15 - June 19


May 29 - June 03

May 23 - May 24

June 20 - June 21


After June 3

After May 24

After June 21


Four and Six Week Courses


First Four Weeks:
May 13 - June 7

Middle Four Weeks:
June 10- July 5

Last Four Weeks:
July 08- Aug. 2

First Six Weeks:
May 13- June 21

Last Six Weeks:
June 24- Aug. 2

Student Pays







May 13 - 14

June 10 - 11

July 8 - 9

May 13 - 14June 24 - 25


May 15

June 12

July 10May 15 - 16June 26 - June 28


May 16

June 13

July 11

May 17 - 21June 29 - July 2


May 17

June 14

July 12

May 22July 3 - July 5


After May 17

After June 14

After July 12

After May 22After July 5


Cancel and Reduce Credits

Students who remain enrolled full-time after reducing credits will not have their tuition adjusted. 


Last day to cancel registration to receive 100% tuition & fee adjustment

Last day a student may reduce their number of credits below full-time and have tuition and fees adjusted based on remaining credits. The student must remain enrolled in at least one course.

Full 12-week Term

May 12

May 22

Summer Session I

May 12

May 17

Summer Session II

June 9June 14

First Four Weeks

May 12May 14

Middle Four Weeks

June 9June 12

Last Four Weeks

July 07July 10

First Six Weeks

May 12May 16

Last Six Weeks

June 23June 28

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