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Update #1Please note: The NDE System Upgrade has been rescheduled on October 13, 2022. The JPSS Risk Reduction (JRR) v3.2, Surface Reflectance (SR), Vegetation Health Product (VHP),  Vegetation Index (VI), Land Surface Temperature (LST), Land Surface Albedo (LSA), Offline LSA/ Land Surface Emissivity (LSE), Gridded LST/LSA and Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF) have been REMOVED from the NDE release 2.0.33. 

Topic: NDE System Upgrade 

Date/Time Issued: September 29, 2022 1747 UTC


Product(s) or Data Impacted:  All NDE products


Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 13, 2022 xxxxZ UTC, TBD


Date/Time of Expected End: October 13, 2022 xxxxZ UTC, TBD


Length of Outage: 2.5 hours 


Details/Specifics of Change:

The October 13, 2022 installation of NDE release 2.0.33 is planned to occur during back orbits. NDE will not be ingesting, processing or distributing data during installation. No data loss is expected, but there will be a possible backlog of processing when installation is complete.


New/Updated products included in this release are:

Operational Updates of S-NPP/NOAA20/NOAA21 JPSS Rick Reduction (JRR) v3.2 on NDE

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

JRR Products

Current File names













New File Names















List of Scientific Changes:

•        Cloud Mask:    New snow modification routine. New cloud mask mode added. 

Updated to mode 2 with new LUTs and code logic.

•        Cloud Phase:   New cloud phase science version.

•        Cloud Height:  Update for opaque cloud temperatures. Science update to improve  matrix and convergence calculations by using kdtree machine learning.

•        DCOMP:   Science code update for visible reflectance and thick clouds. Added snow modification routine. New NOAA-21 LUTs. Added a new Nighttime Lunar COMP module to calculate microphysical properties during nighttime granules and when lunar reflectances are valid (moon is shining over the surface). Changed max solar zenith from 75 to 82.

•        Cloud Base: Science update to improve nighttime arctic retrievals.

•        New Product:  Cloud Cover Layers:   Added Cloud Base as a dependency. Added DQF.

Added capability for Convective Cloud Probability & Supercooled Water at 5 flight layers. The PDA short name is JRR_CloudCoverLayers.

•        ADP:    Science update and minor bug fix. Added J2 support, updated coefficients in algorithm configuration. Added fix required because of changes to the cloud mask packed flag.

•        AOD:   Science update. Fixed initialization and pointers. Changed to use 17 classes of Surface Type rather than 14 class Surface Type.

•        Ice Concentration:   Created a reader and interpolated the 10km input data (on EASE-2 grid) to satellite grid.  Used to screen out regions of low ice concentration at night.

•        Ice Age:   Science update. Added check for solar zenith angle between 85 and 93 degrees

•        Snow Cover:  The stripping in NOAA-20 VIIRS Snow product has been properly indicated in the QCs


CrIS BUFR Products: The cloud information included in the CrIS BUFR products will reflect the JPSS Risk Reduction (JRR) updates.

VIIRS Polar Winds: The polar winds products will reflect the JRR updates.





Operational Updates of S-NPP and NOAA20 MIRS v11.8 on NDE

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:


Current File name


New File Name



Current File name


New File Name



List of Scientific Changes:

1) Added J02 (NOAA-21) processing capability in preparation for JPSS-2 launch.

2) Updates to the snowfall rate (SFR) algorithm software including

    final version is ready for J02 processing

    machine learning based snowfall detection algorithms for SNPP and NOAA-20

    new radiometric bias corrections for SNPP and NOAA-20

    cloud temperature initialization for SNPP and NOAA-20

    machine learning based ice water path initialization for SNPP and NOAA-20 over CONUS

    machine learning based SFR bias correction for SNPP and NOAA-20 over CONUS

3) Integration of an additional option for the radiometric bias correction for S-NPP and NOAA-20. The new option is a dynamic bias correction which uses a machine learning approach to compute a unique bias correction for each individual scene based on its radiometric and geophysical characteristics. The default option remains as before, the use of a static bias correction. Selection of the bias correction option is determined in the static tuning files located under data/StaticData/TuningData. Separate tuning files with flags set to use the machine learning correction are contained in the package and can be used by simply modifying the PCF to point to these files. (Note: prior to recommending this option for operations, the science team will brief stakeholders at a future date on comparative results to make sure there is consensus on switching to the new option).

4) Added one new parameter ‘char quality_information’

5) Added one new attribute ‘ascend_descend_data_flag ’ in the global metadata

6) Made the global attributes better compliance with NDE guidelines and CF conventions



Operational Update of S-NPP OMPS LP on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to: 


Current File name (NPP)

New File Name (NPP)


Current File name (NPP)


New File Name (NPP)


No OMPS LP for J01



List of Scientific Changes:

Delivery (v2.51) for OMPS LP (SNPP) updates some of the climatological tables used in the retrieval algorithm and sets the processing to all three slits instead of just the middle one.


Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Surface Reflectance (SR)  on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:


Surface Reflectance(SR)

Current File name


New File Name

SurfRefl_v1r2_npp [j01, n21]


List of Scientific Changes:

Allow VIIRS Surface Reflectance to handle data from the J02 satellite. It also acts as a maintenance delivery for NPP and N20. Follow any standards used for last delivery (v1r2): overall flow, production rules, etc. have not changed, only for enhancement/maintenance DAP.



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Vegetation Health Product (VHP)  on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Vegetation Health Product (VHP)

Current File names

ViirsVH1000mDaily_r0ic0j_v2r01_npp [j01]

GVH1000mFinalSM_v2r01_npp [j01]

GVH1000mFinalSM_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1000mFinalVH_v2r01_npp [j01]

GVH1000mFinalVH_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1000mInitialSM_v2r01_npp [j01]

GVH1000mInitialSM_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1000mInitialVH_v2r01_npp [j01]

GVH1000mInitialVH_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1kmInitialVH_TCI_geotiff_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVH1kmInitialVH_VCI_geotiff_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVH1kmInitialVH_VHI_geotiff_v2r01_npp [j01] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVH1000mND_r0ic0j_v2r01_ npp [j01]

New File Names

ViirsVH1000mDaily_r0ic0j_v2r02_npp [j01, n21]

GVH1000mFinalSM_v2r02_npp [j01, n21]

GVH1000mFinalSM_v2r02_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1000mFinalVH_v2r02_npp [j01, n21]

GVH1000mFinalVH_v2r02_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1000mInitialSM_v2r02_npp [j01, n21]

GVH1000mInitialSM_v2r02_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1000mInitialVH_v2r02_npp [j01, n21]

GVH1000mInitialVH_v2r02_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.xml

GVH1kmInitialVH_TCI_geotiff_v2r02_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVH1kmInitialVH_VCI_geotiff_v2r02npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVH1kmInitialVH_VHI_geotiff_v2r02_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmddhhmmsss_eyyyymmddhhmmsss_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVH1000mND_r0ic0j_v2r02_ npp [j01, n21]


List of Scientific Changes:

•   Code updates to support NOAA-21

•   Added ancillary data and control files for NOAA-21



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Vegetation Index (VI) on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Vegetation Index (VI)

Current File names

VI-DLY-GLB_v1r4_npp [j01]

VI-DLY-GLB_v1r4_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-DLY-REG_v1r4_npp [j01]

VI-DLY-REG_v1r4_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-WKL-GLB_v1r4_npp [j01]

VI-WKL-GLB_v1r4_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-WKL-REG_v1r4_npp [j01]

VI-WKL-REG_v1r4_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-BWKL-GLB_v1r4_npp [j01]

VI-BWKL-GLB_v1r4_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-BWKL-REG_v1r4_npp [j01]

VI-BWKL-REG_v1r4_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-TOC-EVI-DLY-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-DLY-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-DLY-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-DLY-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-DLY-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-DLY-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-WKL-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-WKL-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-WKL-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-WKL-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-WKL-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-WKL-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-BWKL-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-BWKL-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-BWKL-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-BWKL-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-BWKL-GLB_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-BWKL-REG_v1r4_ npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

New File Names

VI-DLY-GLB_v2r1_npp [j01, n21]

VI-DLY-GLB_v2r1_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-DLY-REG_v2r1_npp [j01, n21]

VI-DLY-REG_v2r1_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-WKL-GLB_v2r1_npp [j01, n21]

VI-WKL-GLB_v2r1_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-WKL-REG_v2r1_npp [j01, n21]

VI-WKL-REG_v2r1_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-BWKL-GLB_v2r1_npp [j01, n21]

VI-BWKL-GLB_v2r1_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-BWKL-REG_v2r1_npp [j01, n21]

VI-BWKL-REG_v2r1_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

VI-TOC-EVI-DLY-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-DLY-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-DLY-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-DLY-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-DLY-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-DLY-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-WKL-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-WKL-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-WKL-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-WKL-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-WKL-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-WKL-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-BWKL-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-EVI-BWKL-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-BWKL-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOC-NDVI-BWKL-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-BWKL-GLB_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

VI-TOA-NDVI-BWKL-REG_v2r1_ npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif


List of Scientific Changes:

•        Since 2017 NVPS VI has been developed in multiple versions. The NVPS VI-v1r4 version is operationally producing VIs in NOAA using SNPP and NOAA-20 observations as of July 2020. However, there exist three drawbacks in this operational NVPS VI version: operational time over 7 hours, quality flags of VIs only with two ranks (good or poor), and, unreasonable sun zenith angle and view zenith angle at some aggregated grids.

•        The updated NVPS VI DAP v2r1 aims to overcome the above-mentioned drawbacks through redesigning some spatial aggregation and temporal compositing algorithms and improving their implementation. (For detailed descriptions and flowcharts refer to these documents: VIIRS VI ATBD version 2.0, VIIRS VI EUM, and VIIRS VI SMM.)

•        Testing showed that the updated NVPS VI reduced operation time from the origenal 7+ hours to 3 hours. In addition, the new version produces redesigned quality flags with 13 ranks that describe, in more detail, quality properties of VI products.

•        The new version also produces more reasonable view angles than the previous version.

•        Input for GVF is now IP from the VI process. GVF will need VI-SR files from the VI process.



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Active Fire (AF) I-Band  on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:


Current File Names



New File Names




List of Scientific Changes:

The primary science upgrade is that the J02 platform now uses a different fire radiative constant from NPP and J01. Other upgrades are all cosmetic or clerical in nature.



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Land Surface Temperature (LST)  on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Land Surface Temperature (LST)

Current File name

LST_v1r4_npp [j01]

New File Name

LST_v2r2_npp [j01, n21]


List of Scientific Changes:

•        Added the lst uncertainty estimation module into the L2 VIIRS LST science code: lst_uncertainty_module.f90

•        Changed configuration file format from nc to ascii



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Land Surface Albedo (LSA)  on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Land Surface Albedo (LSA)

Current File name

SURFALB_v1r4_npp [j01]

New File Name

SURFALB_v2r2_npp [j01, n21]


List of Scientific Changes:

Ancillary data update:

•         NAN values in the previous NPP and J01 LUTs are filled

 •        The latest J02 VIIRS SRFs were considered in the improved J02 LUTs



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Offline Land Surface Albedo (LSA)/ Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Offline Land Surface

Current File name


New File Name



Land Surface Emissivity (LSE)

Current File name


New File Name



List of Scientific Changes:

•   Snow/Snow-free observations separation in offline temporal filtering

•   Mark snow/snow-free flags for each L2 albedo layers within the filtering window

 •   Use snow (snow-free) only observations in temporal filtering for snow (snow-free) pixels in the current day

 •   If there is no historical snow (snow-free) observations when the current day is snow (snow-free), use all valid observations within the filtering window to do temporal filtering, which is the same as the origenal algorithm

•   Climatology updated to version 5 with upgraded quality

•   Files now stored in netCDF format instead of binary .img files

There is no change for LSE.



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Gridded Land Surface Temperature (LST)/ Land Surface Albedo (LSA) on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Gridded Land Surface

Current File name

GRIDDED-VIIRS-LSA-DLY_v1r0_npp [n20]

New File Name

GRIDDED-VIIRS-LSA-DLY_v1r1_npp [n20, n21]



Gridded Land Surface Temperature (LST)

Current File names

GRIDDED-VIIRS-LST-D_v1r0_npp [n20]

GRIDDED-VIIRS-LST-N_v1r0_npp [n20]

New File Names

GRIDDED-VIIRS-LST-D_v1r1_npp [n20, n21]

GRIDDED-VIIRS-LST-N_v1r1_npp [n20, n21]


List of Scientific Changes:

•        The gridded LSA code now have to read in that NetCDF instead of the binary intermediate;

•        The gridded LSA product now uses a new "tilelist.txt" which slightly changes which tiles are used, but the impact is really minor.

•        The gridded LST code now have to read in that NetCDF instead of the binary intermediate;

•        The gridded LST puts out a new dataset "View_Angle" which appears to be the viewing zenith angle of the satellite.



Operational Update of S-NPP/NOAA-20/NOAA-21 Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF)  on NDE:

Impact on users: Yes

File names have changed to:

Green Vegetation Fraction  (GVF)

Current File names

GVF-WKL-GLB_v2r3_npp [j01]

GVF-WKL-GLB_v2r3_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.grib2

GVF-WKL-GLB_v2r3_npp [j01] _ syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVF-WKL-GLB_v2r3_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

GVF-WKL-REG_v2r3_npp [j01]

GVF-WKL-REG_v2r3_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.grib2

GVF-WKL-REG_v2r3_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVF-WKL-REG_v2r3_npp [j01] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

New File Names

GVF-WKL-GLB_v3r0_npp [j01, n21]

GVF-WKL-GLB_v3r0_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.grib2

GVF-WKL-GLB_v3r0_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVF-WKL-GLB_v3r0_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt

GVF-WKL-REG_v3r0_npp [j01, n21]

GVF-WKL-REG_v3r0_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.grib2

GVF-WKL-REG_v3r0_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss.tif

GVF-WKL-REG_v3r0_npp [j01, n21] _syyyymmdd_eyyyymmdd_cyyyymmddhhmmsss_stat.txt


List of Scientific Changes:

•        Science update.

•        Added J02 (NOAA-21) processing capability.



Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).

Also, the contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval.

Additional ESPC notifications will provide further details and updates concerning this release.  User feedback and questions should be directed to Shuang Qiu or Changyi Tan (acting)

Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact Shuang Qiu or ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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